underwater - index of articles

Displaying 151 - 200 of 301. Click a column heading to sort.
Title Authors Year Issue Pagessort descending
Does Boat Noise Affect Spawning Sound Production of Soniferous Fish in Shallow Estuarine Systems? Joseph J. Luczkovich and Mark W. Sprague 2008 1-3 203-205
Noise-induced hearing loss in two otophysine fishes and effects on acoustic communication [abstract] S. Amoser and F. Ladich 2002 2 204
Experiments and Observations of Fish Exposed to Seismic Survey Pulses R. D. McCauley and J. Fewtrell 2008 1-3 205-207
Acoustic tracking of Homarus gammarus inside the Natural Marine Reserve of Miramare: preliminary results [abstract] Marta Picciulin, Marco Costantini, M. Spoto & Enrico A. Ferreto 2002 2 205
Roles of the Saccule in Directional Hearing Zhongmin Lu, Zemin Xu and John R. Stadler 2002 2-3 205-207
Reactions of Cod Gadus morhua to Low-Frequency Sound Resembling Offshore Wind Turbine Noise Emissions Christina Mueller-Blenkle, Emma Jones, Dave Reid, Karin Lüdemann, Rudolf Kafemann and Andreas Elepfandt 2008 1-3 207-209
Characterization of Small-Boat Noises Compared with the Chorus of Sciaena umbra (Sciaenidae) Marta Picciulin, Antonio Codarin and Maurizio Spoto 2008 1-3 210-212
First Description of Atlantic Humpback Dolphin Sousa teuszii Whistles, Recorded Off Angola C.R Weir 2010 3 211-224
Underwater sound production in a neotropical anuran Dudley, R. & Rand, A.S. 1992 3 211-216
Determination of the Effects of Seismic Exploration on Fish (Project SEIFISH) Arthur N. Popper, Luc A. Comeau and Steven Campana 2008 1-3 212-214
Sound production and hearing in marine animals [abstract] Mats Amundin 1998 3 213-214
Effects of Anthropogenic Sounds on Fish Arthur N. Popper and Svien Løkkeborg 2008 1-3 214-217
Ambient Sound as a Navigational Cue for Larval Reef Fish Nicholas Tolimieri, Olivia Raine, John C. Montgomery and Andrew Jeffs 2002 2-3 214-217
A narrow band bio-sonar: investigating echolocation in the harbour porpoise Phocoena phocoena [abstract] A. D. Goodson 1998 3 215-216
The sea animal noise database system (SANDS) [abstract] N. J. Felgate and L. J. Lloyd 1998 3 215
Visualising wave propagation in bio-acoustic lens structures using the transmission line modelling method [abstract] J. A. Flint, A. D. Goodson and S. C. Pomeroy 1998 3 216
Marine mammals and man-made noise: current issues [abstract] W. John Richardson 1998 3 216-217
Observed Reactions of Fish in Captivity to Replayed Vessel-Noise Sounds from the Fisheries Research Vessel Dana Bjarne Stage, Karl-Johan Stæhr, J. Rasmus Nielsen and Bo Lundgren 2008 1-3 217-219
Understanding the impact of sonars on the marine environment [abstract] A. D. Heathershaw, P.D. Ward, S.A.S. Jones and R. Rogers 1998 3 218
U.S. Navy Surveillance Towed Array Sensor System Low Frequency Active (SURTASS LFA) -protecting the marine environment in system deployment [abstract] Joseph S. Johnson and Clayton H. Spikes 1998 3 219
An Experiment on How Seismic Shooting Affects Caged Fish Bjarti Thomsen 2008 1-3 219-221
Cetacean disturbance by high speed ferries: a preliminary assessment [abstract] L. J. Browning, A.D. Williams and E. Harland 1998 3 220-221
Are low frequency sounds a marine hearing hazard: a case study in the Canary Islands [abstract] M. André, C. Kamminga and D. Ketten 1998 3 220
New technologies for marine mammal acoustic data capture [abstract] E. J. Harland 1998 3 221
Potential Effects of Offshore Wind Farm Noise on Fish Frank Thomsen, Karin Luedemann, Werner Piper, Adrian Judd and Rudolf Kafemann 2008 1-3 221-223
Ocean acoustic observatory for passive monitoring of the ocean [abstract] Khosrow Lashkari and S. Lowder 1998 3 221-222
Sound Generation by the Toadfish Swimbladder Michael L. Fine, Karl L. Malloy, Charles Brian King, Steve L. Mitchell and Timothy M. Cameron 2002 2-3 221-222
Analysing the dynamics of dolphin biosonar behaviour during search and detection tasks [abstract] John E. Sigurdson 1998 3 222-223
A low-cost, high-performance sound capture and archiving system for the subtidal zone [abstract] D. Mellinger 1998 3 222
Biphonic calls as signature whistles in a free-ranging bottlenose dolphin Elena Papale, Gaspare Buffa, Francesco Filiciotto, Vincenzo Maccarrone, Salvatore Mazzola, Maria Ceraulo, Cristina Giacoma & Giuseppa Buscaino 2015 3 223-231
Statistical characterisation and classification of marine mammal sounds by multiple-resolution encoding of training data distributions [abstract] Thomas J. Hayward 1998 3 223-224
Weddell seals lengthen many underwater calls in response to conspecific vocalizations Terhune, J.H., Grandmaitre, N.C., Burton, H.R. & Green, K. 1994 3 223-226
Bioenergetics of Calling in Oyster Toadfish Opsanus tau M. Clara P. Amorim, Marti L. McCracken and Michael L. Fine 2002 2-3 223-225
Software tools for real-time IPI measurements on sperm whale sounds [abstract] G. Pavan, M. Priano, M. Manghi and C. Fossati 1998 3 224-225
Dolphin whistle classification with the 'Dolphin' software [abstract] C. Sturtivant and S. Datta 1998 3 224
The Single Sonic Muscle Twitch Model for Sciaenid Sound Production Mark W. Sprague 2002 2-3 225-227
Ship Noise Affects Acoustic Communication in the Lusitanian Toadfish Raquel O. Vasconcelos, M. Clara P. Amorim and Friedrich Ladich 2008 1-3 226-228
Off-line acoustic analysis of dolphin echolocation behaviour [abstract] K. Lucke and A.D. Goodson 1998 3 226-227
Matlab modelling of shallow water sound fields to explain the aversive behaviour of a harbour porpoise [abstract] P.R. Connelly, A.D. Goodson and C.R. Coggrave 1998 3 227-228
Intra- and Inter-Day Variability in Sound Production by Red Drum (Sciaenidae) at a Spawning Site Scott A. Holt 2002 2-3 227-229
A non-intrusive tracking technique for dolphins interacting with a pelagic trawl using a sparse array of hydrophones [abstract] P. R. Connelly, B. Woodward and A. D. Goodson 1998 3 228
Intervessel Comparison of Walleye Pollock Acoustic Backscatter Recorded by a Noise-Reduced and a Conventional Research Vessel Alex De Robertis, Vidar Hjellvik, Neal J. Williamson and Christopher D. Wilson 2008 1-3 228-230
Design and development of a programmable underwater device for acoustic data recording and retrieval [abstract] J. C. Jones, A. Di Meglio, R. Browne and L. S. Wang 1998 3 229-230
Concurrent recording of dolphin behaviours, frequency-modulated tones, and pulsed vocalisations (including echolocation clicks) underwater with a swimmer-propelled system [abstract] Kathleen M. Dudzinski and D. Newborough 1998 3 229
Acoustic species-characteristic features of communication signals of marine mammals: the potential of source level estimates for some free-ranging north Atlantic odontocetes [abstract] K. Kaschner, A.D. Goodson, P.R. Connelly and P.A. Lepper 1998 3 230-231
Multiple Sound-Producing Mechanisms in Teleost Fishes and Hypotheses Regarding Their Behavioural Significance Ingrid M. Kaatz 2002 2-3 230-233
Development of a simplified ray path model for estimating the range and depth of vocalising marine mammals [abstract] P.A. Lepper, K. Kaschner, P.R. Connelly and A.D. Goodson 1998 3 231-232
Micro-controller based deterrents: acoustic devices to reduce harbour porpoise Phocoena phoeoena incidental catch in gillnets [abstract] D. Newborough, A. D. Goodson and B. Woodward 1998 3 232-233
The Cetacean Sound Library of the Interdisciplinary Center for Bioacoustics and Environmental Research [abstract] M. Priano, G. Pavan, M. Manghi and C. Fossati 1998 3 233
Calls of the Atlantic Cod: Does Captivity Restrict Their Vocal Repertoire? Kjell Midling, Aud Vold Soldal, Jan Erik Fosseidengen and Jan Tore Øvredal 2002 2-3 233-235
