underwater - index of articles

Displaying 251 - 300 of 301. Click a column heading to sort.
Title Authors Year Issue Pagessort descending
Hydroacoustic Fish Assessment in Shallow Water Environments Frank Reier Knudsen 2002 2-3 280-283
Marine Mammal Observers: Real-Time Mitigation of Anthropogenic Noise Sebastian von Lüders and Alison Gill 2008 1-3 284-285
Elaboration of the NRC Population Consequences of Acoustic Disturbance (PCAD) Model Douglas Wartzok and Peter Tyack 2008 1-3 286-288
Diversity of Fish Spawning Sounds and the Application of Passive Acoustic Monitoring Phillip S. Lobel 2002 2-3 286-289
Brays and bits: information theory applied to acoustic communication sequences of bottlenose dolphins A. R. Luís, I. S. Alves, F. V. Sobreira, M. N. Couchinho & M. E. dos Santos 2019 3 286-296
A Proposed Method to Assess Physical Injury to Fishes from Underwater Sound Produced During Pile Driving David P. Woodbury and John H. Stadler 2008 1-3 289-291
Using Passive Acoustics to Monitor Estuarine Fish Populations Joseph J. Luczkovich and Mark W. Sprague 2002 2-3 289-291
Passive Hydrophone Census of Sciaena umbra (Sciaenidae) in the Gulf of Trieste (Northern Adriatic Sea, Italy) Clizia Bonacito, Marco Costantini, Marta Picciulin, Enrico A. Ferrero and Anthony D. Hawkins 2002 2-3 292-294
Use of Sound for Localisation of Spawning Weakfish in Delaware Bay (USA) and Effects of Fish Size, Temperature and Season on Sound Parameters M.A. Connaughton, M.L. Fine and M.H. Taylor 2002 2-3 294-296
Soundscape diversity in the Great Barrier Reef: Lizard Island, a case study Jamie N. McWilliam, Rob D. McCauley, Christine Erbe & Miles J. G. Parsons 2018 3 295-311
Species-specific sounds in water bugs of the genus Micronecta. Part I, Sound Analysis I.M. King 1999 4 297-323
Experiments for Possible Hydroacoustic Discrimination of Free-Swimming Juvenile Gadoid Fish by Analysis of Broadband Pulse Spectra as well as 3D Fish Position from Video Images and Split Beam Acoustics Bo Lundgren and J. Rasmus Nielsen 2002 2-3 297-299
Acoustic communication in shallow water: a field study on the clawed frog Xenopus l. laevis [abstract] A. Elepfandt 1996 4 298-299
Effects of Underwater Sound Fields on Tissues Containing Gas Diane Dalecki 2008 1-3 299-301
Auditory Effects of Intense Sounds on Odontocetes: Continuous, Intermittent, and Impulsive Exposures James J. Finneran 2008 1-3 301-304
Singing in a noisy ocean: vocal plasticity in male humpback whales E. Girola, R. A. Dunlop & M. J. Noad 2023 3 301-324
An Overview of the Applied Use of Sound in Fisheries and Fish Biology Arthur N. Popper 2002 2-3 303-305
Effects of Exposure to Pile-Driving Sounds on Fish Michele B. Halvorsen, Thomas Carlson and Arthur N. Popper 2008 1-3 305-307
Preliminary Evidence for the Use of Sound to Decrease Losses of Aquatic Organisms at a Power Plant Cooling Water Intake Arthur N. Popper, John Balletto, Kenneth Strait, Fred Winchell, Alan W. Wells and Maureen Vaskis 2002 2-3 306-307
Barotrauma in Aquatic Animals Mardi Hastings and Thomas Carlson 2008 1-3 307-310
A New Method to Investigate the Downstream Migration of Fishes Within a Hydropower Plant Area in a Middle European River - A Possibility to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Behaviour Barriers Wolfgang Schmalz, Maria Siegesmund, Konrad Thuermer, Joerg Kranawettreiser and Hans-Peter Hack 2002 2-3 308-310
Sound production by the Lusitanian Toadfish Halobatrachus didactylus M.E dos Santos, Teresa Modesto, Ricardo J. Matos, Matthew S. Grober, Rui F. Oliveira, Adelino Canário 2000 4 309-321
Whistles as close range emotive signals in wild killer whales Orcinus orca of Vancouver Island, British. Columbia, Canada [abstract] F. Thomsen, J. K. B. Ford & D. Franck 1996 4 309-310
Marine Invertebrates, Intense Anthropogenic Noise, and Squid Response to Seismic Survey Pulses R. D. McCauley and J. Fewtrell 2008 1-3 315-318
Mitigating Seismic Impact on Marine Life: Current Practice and Future Technology Max Deffenbaugh 2002 2-3 316-318
Hydroacoustical investigations on the frog Pipa carvalhoi [abstract] H. Heuwinkel & G. Bunten 1996 4 317
Behavioural, Physiological and Pathological Response of Fishes to Air Gun Noise Robert D. McCauley, Jane Fewtrell, Alec J. Duncan and Anita Adhitya 2002 2-3 318-321
Cooperative bioacoustic research in the Mediterranean Sea with the Italian Navy [abstract] G. Pavan, D. Nascetti, M. Manghim, M. Priano, C. Fossati & J. F. Borsani 1996 4 318-319
Effects of Intense Ultrasound on Atlantic Cod Gadus morhua Henriette B. Schack, Hans Malte and Peter T. Madsen 2008 1-3 319-321
Big Bang? Intense Ultrasound Does Not Have Any Detectable Effects on the Squid Loligo pealeii Maria Wilson, Roger T. Hanlon, Peter L. Tyack and Peter T. Madsen 2008 1-3 321-323
Sounds of sex and death in the sea: bottlenose dolphin whistles suppress mating choruses of silver perch J.J. Luczkovich, Hal J. Daniel III, Marcy Hutchinson, Todd Jenkins, Stephen E Johnson, Christopher Pullinger, Mark Sprague 2000 4 323-334
Evaluation of Fisheries Sonar for Whale Detection in Relation to Seismic Survey Operations Frank R. Knudsen, Ole B. Gammelsæter, Petter H. Kvadsheim and Leif Nøttestad 2008 1-3 327-328
Testing the Acoustic Tolerance of Harbour Porpoise Hearing for Impulsive Sounds Klaus Lucke, Paul A. Lepper, Marie-Anne Blanchet and Ursula Siebert 2008 1-3 329-331
Analyses of Small Tank Acoustics: Empirical and Theoretical Approaches Tsuyoshi Okumura, Tomonari Akamatsu and Hong Y. Yan 2002 2-3 330-332
Sound Exposure Chamber for Assessing the Effects of High-Intensity Sound on Fish James S. Martin and Peter H. Rogers 2008 1-3 331-333
Acoustical Neural Telemetry from Free-Swimming Fish Allen F. Mensinger and Max Deffenbaugh 2002 2-3 333-334
Technical Instrumentation Issues Related to the Design and Execution of a Controlled-Exposure Experiment for Large Cetaceans to Assess Possible Behavioural Responses and Potential Impacts Bruce R. Mate 2008 1-3 334-336
Discriminating Between Fish Sounds - a Wavelet Approach Mark Wood, Licia Casaretto, Graham Horgan and Anthony D Hawkin 2002 2-3 337-339
Assessing Effects of Anthropogenic Noise on the Behaviour of Marine Mammals Douglas P. Nowacek and Peter L. Tyack 2008 1-3 338-341
Establishing the Boundary Conditions for Experiments on the Effects of Anthropogenic Sound on Fish and Invertebrate Animals Carl R. Schilt 2008 1-3 341-343
Adult female-calf acoustic communication signals in migrating east Australian humpback whales Katherine L. Indeck, Elisa Girola, Maëlle Torterotot, Michael J. Noad & Rebecca A. Dunlop 2021 3 341-365
Progress Through Collaboration: a Case Study Examining Effects of Industrial Sounds on Bowhead Whales B. Streever, R. P. Angliss, R. Suydam, M. Ahmaogak, C. Bailey, S. B. Blackwell, J. C. George, C. R. Greene, Jr., R. S. Jakubczak, J. Lefevre, T. L. McDonald, T. Napageak and W. J. Richardson 2008 1-3 345-347
The Discovery of Sound in the Sea Web Site: An Educational Resource Kathleen J. Vigness Raposa, Gail Scowcroft, Christopher Knowlton and Peter F. Worcester 2008 1-3 348-350
Acoustic signalling in female fish: factors influencing sound characteristics in croaking gouramis Friedrich Ladich & Isabelle Pia Maiditsch 2018 4 377-390
Characterisation of the ringed seal (Pusa hispida) acoustic repertoire during spring in the Western Canadian Arctic Mariana Barbosa, William D. Halliday, Stephen J. Insley & Stan E. Dosso 2024 5 433-447
Courtship and underwater communication in the Sunda gharial (Tomistoma schlegelii) A. Staniewicz, S. Foggett, G. McCabe & M. Holderied 2022 4 435-449
Noise affects porpoise click detections – the magnitude of the effect depends on logger type and detection filter settings Karin Tubbert Clausen, Jakob Tougaard, Jacob Carstensen, Matthieu Delefosse & Jonas Teilmann 2019 5 443-458
Evidence of signature whistles produced by Indian Ocean bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) in Mozambique. Rachel Probert, Angie Gullan, Diana Rocha, Sasha Dines & Tess Gridley 2023 5 580-600
First description of whistles of Black Sea short-beaked common dolphins, Delphinus delphis ponticus Elena Panova, Alexandr Agafonov & Irina Logominova 2021 6 662-679
Observations on mechanisms and phenomena underlying underwater and surface vocalizations of grey seals Lukasz J. Nowak 2021 6 696-715
