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Acoustic signalling of the great black-headed gull Larus ichthyaetus Pallas |
Mierauskas, P. & Buzun, V. |
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Unsupervised discrimination of male Tawny owls (Strix aluco) individual calls using robust measurements of the acoustic signal |
Daniele Roccazzello, Orlando Tomassini, Elena Bernardini, Alessandro Massolo, Marco Dragonetti & Dimitri Giunchi |
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Parameters used for recognition of distress calls in two species: Larus argentatus and Sturnus vulgaris |
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Bioacoustic monitoring of a woodpecker community [abstract] |
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Vocal dialects in the flight call of the orange-winged-parrot (Amazona amazonica) [abstract] |
Moura, L N , Vielliard, J & Silva, M L |
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Characteristics of territorial and mating calls in willow ptarmigan Lagopus l. lagopus |
Johnsen, R., Espmark, Y., Pedersen, H.C. & Steen, J.B. |
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Mate call recognition in the blue-footed booby [abstract] |
Mathevon, N , Aubin, T , Dentressangle, F & Torres, R |
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Communicating individuality and caller quality with trumpetings in the highly social seabird crested auklet Aethia cristatella [abstract] |
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Roles of pitch and duration in the discrimination of the mate's call in the King penguin Apenodytes patagonicus |
Robisson, P. |
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Vocal stability in two separated populations of a non-oscine bird: the Eurasian woodcock Scolopax rusticola [abstract] |
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Vocal repertoire and flock size in the yellow-faced parrot (Alipiopsitta xanthops) [abstract] |
Araújo, C; Marcondes-Machado, L O & Vielliard, J |
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A telemetry study to discriminate between home range and territory size in Tawny Owls |
Gorka Burgos & Iñigo Zuberogoitia |
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Vocalizations of the Ryukyu Scops Owl: individually recognisable and stable |
Masaoki Takagi |
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Individually distinctive corncrake Crex crex calls: a pilot study |
L. May |
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Monitoring of booming bitterns (Botarus stellaris) by acoustic triangulation [abstract] |
Tauchert, K-H & Frommolt, K-H |
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Acoustic differentiation in the coo-vocalisations of the Collared Dove |
M. Ballintijn & C. ten Cate |
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Low frequency sounds in birds: males booming in two species of Houbara bustard [abstract] |
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Call responses of nestling tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) to competing calls from nest mates [abstract] |
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Vocal individuality in hornbills [abstract] |
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Who is Calling? Individual Features in Shelduck Tadorna tadorna Calls [abstract] |
A. Timcke and H.-H. Bergmann |
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Vocal individuality, but not stability, in wild palm cockatoos (Probosciger aterrimus) |
C. N. Zdenek, R. Heinsohn & N. E. Langmore |
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Vocal Development Pathways in Male and Female Shelducks Tadorna tadorna [abstract] |
W. Engländer and H.-H. Bergmann |
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Vocal Signals of the Antarctic Tern Sterna vittata - phylogenesis, Intraspecific Communication and Interspecific Differences [abstract] |
A. Gebauer |
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Geographic variation in the vocalizations of Australian palm cockatoos (Probosciger aterrimus) |
M. V. Keighley, N. E. Langmore, C. N. Zdenek & R. Heinsohn |
2017 |
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Recent bioacoustic publications, 1995 and earlier. Part I Invertebrates-Passerine birds |
Hansen, P. |
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Intraspecific Variation in the Long Call of Herring Gull Larus argentatus in Eastern Baltic and Comparison with Larus cachinnans [abstract] |
Pranas Mierauskas and Edmundas Greimas |
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Analysis of the Individual Specificity of Calls in the Emperor Penguin Aptenodytes forsteri [abstract] |
P. Robisson, T. Aubin and J-C. Brémond |
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Cassette review: Voices of the New World Quails by J.W.Hardy & R.J. Raitt |
J. Vielliard |
1996 |
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Development of Vocal Repertoires in Anatidae [abstract] |
Karl-Heinz Frommolt |
1992 |
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CD Review: Southern African Bird Sounds by G. Gibbon |
P.G. Ryan |
1996 |
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A weak individual signature might not allow chick call recognition by parent Stone Curlews Burhinus oedicnemus |
M. Dragonetti, C. Caccamo, E. Pollonara, N. E. Baldaccini & D. Giunchi |
2013 |
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Sexing of four monomorphic Dendrocygna whistling duck species by their loud whistles [abstract] |
Volodin, I ; Matrosova, V, Kaiser, M, Volodina, E & Klenova, A |
2012 |
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Noise-dependent vocal plasticity in domestic fowl [abstract] |
Brumm, H. & Schrader, L . |
2012 |
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Coding and decoding systems of the rally call of two species of partridges and their hybrids [abstract] |
Miyuki Ceugniet , Thierry Aubin , Ariane Bernard-Laurent and Dominique Soyez |
2002 |
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97-98 |
Acoustic repertoire of Spheniseus humboldti, preliminary report on a small captive colony [abstract] |
B. Biasotti, G. Gnone, E. Boccardo and G. Pavan |
2002 |
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94 |
Syllable recognition in the king penguin [abstract] |
Thierry Lengagne and Jacques Lauga |
2002 |
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Calls of white-naped crane reflect body mass of a bird [abstract] |
Bragina, E. V. & Beme, I. R. |
2012 |
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Vocal labelling of juveniles by group members in spectacled parrotlets [abstract] |
Wanker, R; Stüven, J & Grindel, B |
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High frequency utterance and perception in the brown-headed parrot Poicephalus crypoxanthus [abstract] |
V. Venuto and S. Taylor |
2002 |
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Vocal development via voice breaking in the red-crowned crane Grus japonensis [abstract] |
Klenova, A, Volodin, I ; Volodina, E & Postelnykh, K |
2012 |
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72 |
Recognition compared between nesting and non-nesting penguins [abstract] |
P. Jouventin and T. Aubin |
2002 |
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82 |
Identification of individual Eastern Screech-Owls Megascops asio via vocalization analysis |
Christopher M. Nagy and Robert F. Rockwell |
2012 |
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127-140 |
Interspecific aggression in the dark - the case of Tawny OwI Strix aluco L. and Long-eared Owl Asio otus (L.) [abstract] |
Maciej Fuszara & Elkbieta Fuszara |
2002 |
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192 |
Food-begging calls in African parrots [abstract] |
V. Venuto, R. Massa and L. Bottoni |
2002 |
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179 |
Behavioural modulation by social context in the gregarious parakeet, Melopsittacus undulatus, vocal and postural responses to an alarm call [abstract] |
Gérard Nicolas |
2002 |
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177-178 |
Analysis of the ecstatic display in male Humboldt penguins [abstract] |
B. Biasotti, G. Gnone and G. Pavan |
2002 |
2 |
177 |
Vocal individuality of Large-tailed Nightjar (Caprimulgus macrurus) in Peninsular Malaysia |
Phooi Kuan Chang, Chong Leong Puan, Siew Ann Yee & Jalila Abu |
2018 |
2 |
131-144 |
Individually distinctive corncrake Crex crex calls: a further study |
L. May |
1998 |
2 |
135-148 |
Siberian crane chick calls reflect their thermal state |
M. V. Goncharova & A. V. Klenova |
2019 |
2 |
115-128 |