fish - index of articles

Displaying 51 - 100 of 187. Click a column heading to sort.
Title Authorssort descending Year Issue Pages
Swimbladder Sound Production: the Forced Response Versus the Resonant Bubble Fine, M 2012 1 5-7
Hydroacoustic Fish Assessment in Shallow Water Environments Frank Reier Knudsen 2002 2-3 280-283
Potential Effects of Offshore Wind Farm Noise on Fish Frank Thomsen, Karin Luedemann, Werner Piper, Adrian Judd and Rudolf Kafemann 2008 1-3 221-223
Sound Communication in Fishes and the Influence of Ambient and Anthropogenic Noise Friedrich Ladich 2008 1-3 35-38
Did Auditory Sensitivity and Sound Production Evolve Independently in Fishes? Friedrich Ladich 2002 2-3 176-180
Sound production in female Trichopsis schalleri (Labyrinth fishes): Comparison to males and evolutionary considerations Friedrich Ladich & Günter Schleinzer 2020 2 123-139
Acoustic signalling in female fish: factors influencing sound characteristics in croaking gouramis Friedrich Ladich & Isabelle Pia Maiditsch 2018 4 377-390
Correlation between vocalization and auditory sensitivity in labyrinth fishes [abstract] Friedrich Ladich and Hong Y. Yan 1998 2 151
Anatomically Detailed Acoustic Scattering Models of Fish Gavin J. Macaulay 2002 2-3 275-277
Characterisation of grunt sound pressure level from spawning Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) Guosong Zhang, Tonje Nesse Forland, Karen de Jong & Lise Doksæter Sivle 2024 5 460-477
Variability in the role of the gasbladder in fish audition [abstract] H. Y. Yan, M. L. Fine, N. S. Horn and W. E. Colón 2002 1 84
Recent bioacoustic publications, 1995 and earlier. Part I Invertebrates-Passerine birds Hansen, P. 1996 1 53-72
Recent bioacoustic publications (2008 and earlier). Part 1: Invertebrates to Reptiles Hansen, P. 2009 3 291-318
Effects of Intense Ultrasound on Atlantic Cod Gadus morhua Henriette B. Schack, Hans Malte and Peter T. Madsen 2008 1-3 319-321
The effect of noise on acoustic communication in Cyprinella venusta [abstract] Holt, D. E. & Johnston, C. E. 2012 1 70-71
Stories from receivers' end - How do suqrabranchial chambers modulate hearing abilities of sound producing anabantoid fishes? [abstract] Hong Y. Yan 1998 2 159
Effects of noise exposure on hearing and modulation of agonistic behaviour in the skunk loach Botia morleti [abstract] Hong Y. Yan, Timothy Sparkes and Callie Prater 2002 2 188
Use of auditory brainstem response (ARR) for fish auditory sensitivity study [abstract] Hong Y. Yan, Todd N. Kenyon and Friedrich Ladich 1997 3-4 251
The Use of Acoustically Evoked Potentials for the Study of Hearing in Fishes Hong Young Yan 2002 2-3 325-328
Sound production and reproductive behaviour in the armoured catfish Corydoras paleatus (Callichthyidae) [abstract] Inge Pruzskinszky and Friedrich Ladich 1997 3-4 266
Multiple Sound-Producing Mechanisms in Teleost Fishes and Hypotheses Regarding Their Behavioural Significance Ingrid M. Kaatz 2002 2-3 230-233
A Remote-Controlled Instrument Platform for Fish Behaviour Studies and Sound Monitoring Ingvald Svellingen, Bjørn Totland and Jan Tore Øvredal 2002 2-3 335-336
Effects of noise on acoustic and visual signalling in the Croaking Gourami: differences in adaptation strategies in fish Isabelle Pia Maiditsch & Friedrich Ladich 2023 2 181-198
Calcium Influences the Mechanical Properties of Hair Cell Bundles J. Esther C. Wiersinga-Post and Sietse M. van Netten 2002 2-3 156-158
Innovative Uses of Fisheries Acoustics in the Northwest Atlantic J. Michael Jech 2002 2-3 277-280
Spawning sounds in Whitemouth Croaker (Sciaenidae), seasonal and daily cycles J. S. Tellechea, D. Bouvier & W. Norbis 2011 2 159-168
Delimiting spawning areas of weakfish, Cynoscion regalis (family Sciaenidae), in Pamlico Sound, North Carolina using passive hydroacoustic surveys J.J. Luczkovich, M.W. Sprague, S.E. Johnson & R.C. Pullinger 1999 2-3 143-160
Responses of Primary and Secondary Lateral Line Units to Dipole Stimuli Applied Under Still and Running Water Conditions Jacob Engelmann, Sophia Krother, Joachim Mogdans and Horst Bleckmann 2002 2-3 158-160
Functional Evolution of the Lateral Line System: Implications for Fish Bioacoustics Jacqueline F. Webb. 2002 2-3 145-147
Sound Exposure Chamber for Assessing the Effects of High-Intensity Sound on Fish James S. Martin and Peter H. Rogers 2008 1-3 331-333
Soundscape diversity in the Great Barrier Reef: Lizard Island, a case study Jamie N. McWilliam, Rob D. McCauley, Christine Erbe & Miles J. G. Parsons 2018 3 295-311
Modelling Studies and Physiology of Discriminatory Coincidence Detection in the Mauthner Neuron Janet L. Casagrand, Graham I. Cummins and Robert C. Eaton 2002 2-3 212-214
Correlation of Sound Production with Hearing Sensitivity in the Lake Malawi Cichlid Tramitichromis intermedius Jennifer L. Ripley, Phillip S. Lobel and Hong Y. Yan 2002 2-3 238-240
Are Seismic Surveys an Important Risk Factor for Fish and Shellfish? Jerry F. Payne, Catherine D. Andrews, Linda L. Fancey, Jacqueline Guiney, Andrew Cook and John R. Christian 2008 1-3 262-265
Acoustic Communication and Auditory Neural Computation in Sound-Producing Fish John D. Crawford 2002 2-3 170-172
Unique Ear Structure of Silver Perch Bairdiella chrysoura. John Ramcharitar 2002 2-3 122-124
Sonic muscle activity during territorial defense and distress calls in the Lusitanian toadfish (Halobatrachus didactylus) [abstract] Jordão, J, Amorim, M C P & Fonseca, P J. 2012 1 71
Vocal interactions between Lusitanian toadfish males [abstract] Jordão, J, Simões, J M, Almada, V C, Fonseca, P J. & Amorim, M C P 2012 1 71-72
Otolithic Endorgan Projections of the Inner Ear in a Vocal Fish Joseph A. Sisneros, Margaret A. Marchaterre and Andrew H. Bass 2002 2-3 137-139
Can Longspine Squirrelfish Hear Bottlenose Dolphin? Joseph J. Luczkovich & Mark A. Keusenkothen 2008 1-3 75-77
Does Boat Noise Affect Spawning Sound Production of Soniferous Fish in Shallow Estuarine Systems? Joseph J. Luczkovich and Mark W. Sprague 2008 1-3 203-205
Using Passive Acoustics to Monitor Estuarine Fish Populations Joseph J. Luczkovich and Mark W. Sprague 2002 2-3 289-291
Adaptive Auditory Plasticity for Social Communication in the Plainfin Midshipman Fish (Porichthys notatus) Joseph Sisneros 2012 1 21-23
Sound production in male and female Corkwing Wrasses and its relation to visual behaviour Karen Bussmann, Anne Christine Utne-Palm & Karen de Jong 2021 6 629-651
Acoustic Scattering by Swimbladdered Fish: A Review Kenneth G. Foote and David T. I. Francis 2002 2-3 263-265
Calls of the Atlantic Cod: Does Captivity Restrict Their Vocal Repertoire? Kjell Midling, Aud Vold Soldal, Jan Erik Fosseidengen and Jan Tore Øvredal 2002 2-3 233-235
Acoustic activity of Russian sturgeon [abstract] L. K. Tolstoganova 2002 1 79-80
Correlation between acoustic activity and the environment and the fish disordered state in beluga Huso huso Juveniles [abstract] L. K. Tolstoganova 2002 1 98
Hearing in otophysine fishes: function, diversity and evolution [abstract] Ladich, F 2012 1 41-42
Intra- and interspecific differences in agonisitic vocalizations in croaking gouramis (Genus: Trichopsis, Anabantoidei, Teleostei) Ladich, F., Bischof, C., Schleinzer, G. & Fuchs, A. 1992 2 131-141
