Cassette review: Bird Songs of Israel and the Middle East |
Porter, R. |
1991 |
4 |
335-336 |
Equipment for recording the sounds of birds and other animals |
R. Ranft |
1991 |
4 |
331-334 |
Bioacoustic publications, 1990 part I: Invertebrates-Reptiles |
Hansen, P. |
1991 |
4 |
321-330 |
Analysis of complex variation: dichotomous sorting of predator-elicited calls of the Florida scrub jay |
Elowson, A.M. & Hailman, J.P. |
1991 |
4 |
295-320 |
Spectral analysis of neonatal wolf Canis lupus vocalizations |
Coscia, E.M., Phillips, D.P. & Fentress, J.C. |
1991 |
4 |
275-293 |
Comparative analysis of acoustic structure of passerine and woodpecker nestling calls |
Popp, J. & Ficken, M.S. |
1991 |
4 |
255-274 |
A new acoustic signal of the fruit-flies Drosophila simulans and D. melanogaster |
Pailette, M., Ikeda, H. & Jallon, J.-M. |
1991 |
4 |
247-254 |
Book review: Arthropod Bioacoustics: Neurobiology and Behaviour |
Lewis, Brian |
1991 |
3 |
244 |
Book review: Cricket Behaviour and Neurobiology |
Lewis, Brian |
1991 |
3 |
243-244 |
Book review: Talking Birds |
Nikolsky, I.D. |
1991 |
3 |
242-243 |
Book review: Acoustic behaviour in insects, an evolutionary perspective |
Michelsen, A. |
1991 |
3 |
241-242 |
Bioacoustics in New Zealand and Japan |
J. Vielliard |
1991 |
3 |
239-240 |
Documentation standards for wildlife sound recordings |
R. Kettle & J. Vielliard |
1991 |
3 |
235-238 |
Equipment review: LSI Speech workstation: a sound analysis package for IBM PCs |
P. McGregor |
1991 |
3 |
223-234 |
Bioacoustic publications, 1989 part III: Mammals, Technical, etc |
Hansen, P. |
1991 |
3 |
213-221 |
Chaffinches Fringilla coelebs do not learn song during autumn and early winter |
Thielcke, G. & Krome, M. |
1991 |
3 |
207-212 |
A portable digital sound emitter for interactive playback of animal vocalizations |
Dabelsteen, T. & Pedersen, S.B. |
1991 |
3 |
193-206 |
Characteristics of the acoustic signals in nine species of cicadas (Homoptera, Cicadidae) |
Fonseca, P.J. |
1991 |
3 |
173-192 |
Detection of species-specific calls in noise by zebra finches Poephila guttata and budgerigars Melopsittacus undulatus: time or frequency domain? |
Okanoya, K. & Dooling, R.J. |
1991 |
3 |
163-172 |
CD review: Tous les oiseux d’Europe |
Sellar, P. |
1991 |
2 |
159-160 |
Equipment section: the well-connected microphone |
Wickstrom, D. |
1991 |
2 |
141-156 |
Bioacoustic publications, 1989 part II: Birds |
Hansen, P. |
1991 |
2 |
129-139 |
Computer analysis of bird sounds: a guide to current methods |
Williams, J.M. & Slater, P.J.B. |
1991 |
2 |
121-128 |
Call analysis of triploid hybrids resulting from diploid-tetraploid species crosses of Hylid tree frogs |
Mable, B.K. & Bogart, J.P. |
1991 |
2 |
111-119 |
Sexual selection and female choice in mole crickets (Scapteriscus: Gryllotalpidae): modelling the effects of intensity and male spacing |
Forrest, T.G. & Green, D.M. |
1991 |
2 |
93-109 |
Absolute and relative pitch production in the song of the white-throated sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis) |
Hurly, T.A., Weisman, R.G., Ratcliffe, L. & Johnsrude, I.S. |
1991 |
2 |
81-91 |
Book review: The Neural basis of echolocation in bats |
Sales, G. |
1991 |
1 |
77-78 |
Selected wildlife sound records and cassettes published in the 1980s |
Kettle, R. |
1991 |
1 |
71-76 |
Equipment review: Sony Z200 high gain microphone |
Edwards, M.H. |
1991 |
1 |
69-70 |
Bioacoustic publications, 1989 part 1: Invertebrates-Reptiles |
Hansen, P. |
1991 |
1 |
61-68 |
Sound analysis and synthesis using an Amiga micro-computer |
Richard, J.-P. |
1991 |
1 |
45-60 |
Acoustic signals of the nocturnal lizard Gekko gecko; analysis of the "long complex sequence" |
Brillet, C. & Paillette, M. |
1991 |
1 |
33-44 |
Characteristics of territorial and mating calls in willow ptarmigan Lagopus l. lagopus |
Johnsen, R., Espmark, Y., Pedersen, H.C. & Steen, J.B. |
1991 |
1 |
17-30 |
Tooth impact rate alteration in the song of males of Ephippiger ephippiger Fiebig (1991). (Orthoptera, Tettigoniidae) and its consequences for phonotactic behaviour of females |
Stiedl, O., Bickmeyer, U. & Kalmring, K. |
1991 |
1 |
1-16 |