Calls produced by hybrids resulting from laboratory crosses of tetraploid Hyla versicolor females and either diploid Hyla chrysoscelis (type 1) or Hyla arborea (type II) males were induced through manipulation of environmental conditions. Type I hybrids produced trilled calls similar in note repetition to H. versicolor, but more similar in dominant frequency to H. chrysoscelis. Mean duration was shorter than in both parent calls. Type II hybrids produced calls which were longer in duration and lower in note repetition rate than H. versicolor, but shorter in duration and higher in note repetition rate than H. arborea. Dominant frequency of type II hybrids was lower than in H. arborea but not significantly different than in H. versicolor. Hybrid calls were not strictly intermediate, and may provide information regarding parental relationships.
Call analysis of triploid hybrids resulting from diploid-tetraploid species crosses of Hylid tree frogs
Call analysis of triploid hybrids resulting from diploid-tetraploid species crosses of Hylid tree frogs. Bioacoustics,
Volume 3