underwater - index of articles

Displaying 1 - 50 of 301. Click a column heading to sort.
Title Authors Yearsort ascending Issue Pages
Characterisation of the ringed seal (Pusa hispida) acoustic repertoire during spring in the Western Canadian Arctic Mariana Barbosa, William D. Halliday, Stephen J. Insley & Stan E. Dosso 2024 5 433-447
Evidence of signature whistles produced by Indian Ocean bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) in Mozambique. Rachel Probert, Angie Gullan, Diana Rocha, Sasha Dines & Tess Gridley 2023 5 580-600
Singing in a noisy ocean: vocal plasticity in male humpback whales E. Girola, R. A. Dunlop & M. J. Noad 2023 3 301-324
Hidden Markov model for detection of mysticetes' vocalisations based on principal component analysis Olayinka O. Ogundile, Oluwaseyi P. Babalola, Seun G. Odeyemi & Kazeem I. Rufai 2022 6 710-738
Courtship and underwater communication in the Sunda gharial (Tomistoma schlegelii) A. Staniewicz, S. Foggett, G. McCabe & M. Holderied 2022 4 435-449
Observations on mechanisms and phenomena underlying underwater and surface vocalizations of grey seals Lukasz J. Nowak 2021 6 696-715
Singing in South Africa: monitoring the occurrence of humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) song near the Western Cape E. C. Ross-Marsh, S. H. Elwen, A. S. Prinsloo, B. S. James & T. Gridley 2021 2 163-179
First description of whistles of Black Sea short-beaked common dolphins, Delphinus delphis ponticus Elena Panova, Alexandr Agafonov & Irina Logominova 2021 6 662-679
Adult female-calf acoustic communication signals in migrating east Australian humpback whales Katherine L. Indeck, Elisa Girola, Maëlle Torterotot, Michael J. Noad & Rebecca A. Dunlop 2021 3 341-365
Vocalizations of common minke whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) in an eastern North Pacific feeding ground Katrina Nikolich & Jared R. Towers 2020 1 97-108
Noise affects porpoise click detections – the magnitude of the effect depends on logger type and detection filter settings Karin Tubbert Clausen, Jakob Tougaard, Jacob Carstensen, Matthieu Delefosse & Jonas Teilmann 2019 5 443-458
Brays and bits: information theory applied to acoustic communication sequences of bottlenose dolphins A. R. Luís, I. S. Alves, F. V. Sobreira, M. N. Couchinho & M. E. dos Santos 2019 3 286-296
Soundscape diversity in the Great Barrier Reef: Lizard Island, a case study Jamie N. McWilliam, Rob D. McCauley, Christine Erbe & Miles J. G. Parsons 2018 3 295-311
Biphonal calls in Atlantic spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis): Bitonal and burst-pulse whistles J. Daisy Kaplan, Kelly Melillo-Sweeting & Diana Reiss 2018 2 145-164
Acoustic signalling in female fish: factors influencing sound characteristics in croaking gouramis Friedrich Ladich & Isabelle Pia Maiditsch 2018 4 377-390
Fish choruses off Port Hedland, Western Australia Miles J. G. Parsons, Chandra P. Salgado Kent, Angela Recalde-Salas & Robert D. McCauley 2017 2 135-152
What’s Occurring? Ultrasonic signature whistle use in Welsh bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) Helen M. Hiley, Sarah Perry, Steve Hartley & Stephanie L. King 2017 1 25-35
Description of whistles of Irrawaddy dolphins (Orcaella brevirostris) from the waters of Matang, Peninsular Malaysia Jordan M. Hoffman, Louisa S. Ponnampalam, Claryana Araújo-Wang, Sui Hyang Kuit, Samuel K. Hung & John Y. Wang 2017 1 15-24
Handling dolphin detections from C-PODs, with the development of acoustic parameters for verification and the exploration of species identification possibilities. James R. Robbins, Anja Brandecker, Michelle Cronin, Mark Jessopp, Rob McAllen & Ross Culloch 2016 2 99-110
Variability in the performance of the spectrogram correlation detector for Northeast Pacific blue whale calls Ana Sirovic 2016 2 145-160
Differences between male, female and juvenile haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus L.) sounds Licia Casaretto, Marta Picciulin & Anthony D. Hawkins 2016 2 111-125
The acoustic repertoire of wild common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in Walvis Bay, Namibia Gridley, T, Nastasi, A, Kriesell, H. J. and Elwen, S. H. 2015 2 153-174
Biphonic calls as signature whistles in a free-ranging bottlenose dolphin Elena Papale, Gaspare Buffa, Francesco Filiciotto, Vincenzo Maccarrone, Salvatore Mazzola, Maria Ceraulo, Cristina Giacoma & Giuseppa Buscaino 2015 3 223-231
Detection rates of wild harbour porpoises and bottlenose dolphins using static acoustic click loggers vary with depth Marta Sostres Alonso & Hanna K. Nuuttila 2015 2 101-110
Synthetic communication signals influence wild harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) behaviour Culik, Boris; von Dorrien, Christian; Müller, Vailett; Conrad, Matthias 2015 3 201-221
Validation of a vibroacoustic finite element model using bottlenose dolphin simulations: The dolphin biosonar beam is focused in stages Ted W. Cranford, Vanessa Trijoulet, Cynthia R. Smith, Petr Krys 2014 2 161-194
Diagnostic of nocturnal calls of Sciaena umbra (L., fam. Sciaenidae) in a nearshore Mediterranean Marine Reserve Marta Picciulin, Giuliana Calcagno, Linda Sebastianutto, Clizia Bonacito, Antonio Codarin, Marco Costantini, Enrico A. Ferrero 2013 2 109-120
Effects of temperature on sound production and auditory sensitivity in the Raphael catfish Platydoras costatus [abstract] Papes, S & Ladich, F 2012 1 78
Adaptive Auditory Plasticity for Social Communication in the Plainfin Midshipman Fish (Porichthys notatus) Joseph Sisneros 2012 1 21-23
Ontogenetic development of auditory sensitivity and sound production in the squeaker Synodontis schoutedeni, an African mochokid catfish [abstract] Lechner, W & Ladich, F 2012 1 43
Hearing in otophysine fishes: function, diversity and evolution [abstract] Ladich, F 2012 1 41-42
Temporal patterns of North Atlantic right whale vocalizations during the winter and spring in the Northwest Atlantic, USA [abstract] Guerreiro da Silva, A, Vu, E, Risch, D & Van Parijs, S M 2012 1 70
Boing! Acoustic localization, characterisation and comparison of minke whale songs from the Hawaiian islands and other areas in the North Pacific Ocean [abstract] Norris, T, Yack, T, Oswald, J, Martin, S, Thomas, L & Janik, V 2012 1 77
Agonistic context and acoustic communication in a cichlid: fine sound analysis and first playback experiments [abstract] Bertuccci, F; Beauchaud, M; Attia, J & Mathevon, N 2012 1 67
Spawning sounds in Whitemouth Croaker (Sciaenidae), seasonal and daily cycles J. S. Tellechea, D. Bouvier & W. Norbis 2011 2 159-168
Effects of aquarium and pond noise on hearing sensitivity in an otophysine fish Monika Gutscher, Lidia Eva Wysocki & Friedrich Ladich 2011 2 117-136
Click communication in harbour porpoises Phocoena phocoena Karin Tubbert Clausen, Magnus Wahlberg, Kristian Beedholm, Stacy Deruiter & Peter T. Madsen 2010 1 1-28
First Description of Atlantic Humpback Dolphin Sousa teuszii Whistles, Recorded Off Angola C.R Weir 2010 3 211-224
Structural Characteristics of Pulsed Calls of Long-Finned Pilot Whales Globicephala melas Leah Nemiroff & Hal Whitehead 2009 1-2 67-92
Changes in Click Source Levels with Distance to Targets: Studies of Free-ranging White-beaked Dolphins Lagenorhynchus albirostris and Captive Harbor Porpoises Phocoena phocoena Ana Carolina G. Atem, Marianne H. Rasmussen, Magnus Wahlberg, Hans C. Petersen & Lee A. Miller 2009 1-2 49-65
Sound Communication in Fishes and the Influence of Ambient and Anthropogenic Noise Friedrich Ladich 2008 1-3 35-38
Sound Production in Pre-Spawning Herring, Cod and Haddock in a Naturally Enclosed Ecosystem Lise Langård, Jan Tore Øvredal, Arne Johannessen, Leif Nøttestad, Georg Skaret, Anders Fernö and Magnus Wahlberg 2008 1-3 38-40
The Effects of Noise on Echolocating Odontocetes Whitlow W. L. Au 2008 1-3 155-158
Fin Whales Avoid Loud Rhythmic Low-Frequency Sounds in the Ligurian Sea Junio F. Borsani, Christopher W. Clark, Barbara Nani, and Michele Scarpiniti 2008 1-3 161-163
Recent Directions in Odontocete Cetacean Hearing Paul E. Nachtigall 2008 1-3 82-85
Hearing and Acoustic Communication Underwater in the Clawed Frog Xenopus l. laevis Andreas Elepfandt 2008 1-3 72-74
Ship Noise Affects Acoustic Communication in the Lusitanian Toadfish Raquel O. Vasconcelos, M. Clara P. Amorim and Friedrich Ladich 2008 1-3 226-228
Hearing Under Ambient and Ship Noise Conditions: a Case Study on Fishes from a Protected Area in the Adriatic Sea Antonio Codarin, Lidia E. Wysocki, Friedrich Ladich and Marta Picciulin 2008 1-3 197-199
Comparison of Auditory Sensitivity of Pelagic Fish with the Sound Generated by a Fish Aggregation Device Ricardo Babaran, Kazuhiko Anraku, Munechika Ishizaki, Kenji Watanabe and Tatsuro Matsuoka 2008 1-3 55-57
Amphibian Underwater Hearing: Biophysics and Neurophysiology Jakob Christensen-Dalsgaard and Taffeta M. Elliott 2008 1-3 60-62
