Acoustic ecology of anuran communities across Andean biomes: unveiling the soundscape of northeastern Colombia |
In press |
Introduction: International Conference on the Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life |
Anthony Hawkins, Arthur N. Popper and Magnus Wahlberg |
2008 |
1-3 |
1-3 |
Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life: the Key Issues |
Anthony Hawkins |
2008 |
1-3 |
7-10 |
Creation of Noise Standards for Man: 50 Years of Research |
Donald Henderson |
2008 |
1-3 |
10-12 |
Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life: Much Known, Much Unknown |
W. John Richardson |
2008 |
1-3 |
13-16 |
Degraded temporal sound features as a function of distance and potential as cues for ranging in birds |
N. Mathevon |
1998 |
1 |
17-33 |
PALAOA: Broadband Recordings of the Antarctic Coastal Soundscape |
Olaf Boebel, Holger Klinck, Lars Kindermann and Saad El Din El Naggar |
2008 |
1-3 |
19-21 |
The “acoustic adaptation hypothesis” - a review of the evidence from birds, anurans and mammals. |
E. Ey & J. Fischer. |
2009 |
1-2 |
21-48 |
Ambient Noise and Its Significance to Aquatic Life |
Douglas H. Cato |
2008 |
1-3 |
21-23 |
One-Year Characterization of Sea Ambient Noise in a Coastal Marine Protected Area: a Management Tool for Inshore Marine Protected Areas |
Antonio Codarin, Maurizio Spoto and Marta Picciulin |
2008 |
1-3 |
24-26 |
Ambient Noise in Shallow Temperate Waters around Northeastern New Zealand |
Craig A. Radford, Andrew G. Jeffs, Chris T. Tindle and John C. Montgomery |
2008 |
1-3 |
26-28 |
The Sounds of the Reef: Can We Learn to Listen Before It Is Too Late? |
Stephen D. Simpson |
2008 |
1-3 |
28-29 |
Contribution of Biological Sound Sources to Underwater Ambient Noise Levels |
Magnus Wahlberg |
2008 |
1-3 |
30-32 |
Sound Communication in Fishes and the Influence of Ambient and Anthropogenic Noise |
Friedrich Ladich |
2008 |
1-3 |
35-38 |
A test of the Acoustic Adaptation Hypothesis in three types of tropical forest: degradation of male and female Rufous-and-white Wren songs |
Brendan A. Graham, Luis Sandoval, Torben Dabelsteen & Daniel J. Mennill |
2017 |
1 |
37-61 |
Role of Ambient Noise as a Selective Factor for Frequencies Used in Fish Acoustic Communication |
Marco Lugli |
2008 |
1-3 |
40-42 |
Higher-pitched song towards the coast supports a role for selection in ocean noise avoidance |
Matteo Sebastianelli, Daniel T. Blumstein & Alexander N. G. Kirschel |
2022 |
1 |
41-58 |
Effects of ecological factors on the acoustic parameters of passerine species in a tropical lowland forest in southern Vietnam |
Svetlana S. Gogoleva |
2020 |
1 |
45-60 |
Comparison of Auditory Sensitivity of Pelagic Fish with the Sound Generated by a Fish Aggregation Device |
Ricardo Babaran, Kazuhiko Anraku, Munechika Ishizaki, Kenji Watanabe and Tatsuro Matsuoka |
2008 |
1-3 |
55-57 |
Acoustic ranging in meadow katydids: female preference for attenuated calls |
Nathan C. E. Harness & Tamara Campbell |
2022 |
1 |
59-68 |
Fluctuating Noise Conditions May Limit Acoustic Communication Distance in the Rock-Pool Blenny |
Aukje Coers, Niels Bouton, Dennis Vincourt and Hans Slabbekoorn |
2008 |
1-3 |
63-65 |
Acoustic Competition? [abstract] |
J.-C. Brémond |
1992 |
1 |
63-64 |
Anthropogenic Sound Sources and the Lateral Line System |
Sheryl Coombs |
2008 |
1-3 |
65-68 |
The Song of Six Marsh Nesting Bird Species (Genus Acrocephalus) in Relation to Habitat Acoustics [abstract] |
H. Heuwinkel |
1992 |
1 |
70-71 |
Masking |
Robert J. Dooling |
2008 |
1-3 |
70-72 |
The effect of noise on acoustic communication in Cyprinella venusta [abstract] |
Holt, D. E. & Johnston, C. E. |
2012 |
1 |
70-71 |
Effects of Vibrations on the Behaviour of Cockles (Bivalve Molluscs) |
Ronald A. Kastelein |
2008 |
1-3 |
74-75 |
Acoustics of fish shelters [abstract] |
Lugli, M. |
2012 |
1 |
74-75 |
Cricket calling site selection and sound transmission in a tropical evergreen forest [abstract] |
Manjari, J & Balakrishnan, R |
2012 |
1 |
76 |
Low-cost acoustic design of a bat test room |
R. Correia, C. Faneca, D. Albuquerque, J. Vieira, C. Bastos, C. Fonseca & M.J. Ramos Pereira |
2015 |
1 |
81-87 |
Ecoacoustical constraints shape sound communication in lake Malawi Cichlids [abstract] |
Van Staaden, M, Wysocki, L E & Ladich, F |
2012 |
1 |
84 |
Orientated Swimming Behaviour of Crab Postlarvae in Response to Reef Sound |
Craig A. Radford, Andrew G. Jeffs and John C. Montgomery |
2008 |
1-3 |
87-89 |
Diurnal variation in transmission caused degradation of blackcap Sylvia atricapilla song: implications for communication network activities [abstract] |
T. Dabelsteen and N. Mathevon |
2002 |
1 |
87 |
Acoustic and temporal features of long distance wolf vocalisations and their possible consequences for signal transmission [abstract] |
K.-H. Frommolt |
2002 |
1 |
88 |
Effects of anthropogenic noise on anuran amphibians |
Valentina Zaffaroni-Caorsi, Camila Both, Rafael Márquez, Diego Llusia, Peter Narins, Marina Debon & Márcio Borges-Martins |
2023 |
1 |
90-120 |
Use of simple graded signals in the long-distance vocal communication of a forest thrush (Catharus fuscescens) |
Christopher M. Heckscher |
2022 |
1 |
91-123 |
How Do Aquaria and Pond Noise Affect Hearing in Different Fish Species? |
Monika Stummer and Friedrich Ladich |
2008 |
1-3 |
95-97 |
Assessment of man-made underwater noise impact on a population of gobids in a marine protected area [abstract] |
M. Costantini and M. Spoto |
2002 |
1 |
95 |
The effect of anthropogenic noise and weather conditions on male calls in the bladder grasshopper Bullacris unicolor |
Rekha Sathyan & Vanessa Couldridge |
2021 |
1 |
110-123 |
Metrics |
Charles R. Greene, Jr |
2008 |
1-3 |
116-118 |
Effects of aquarium and pond noise on hearing sensitivity in an otophysine fish |
Monika Gutscher, Lidia Eva Wysocki & Friedrich Ladich |
2011 |
2 |
117-136 |
Sound-Exposure Metrics for Aquatic Animals |
Mardi Hastings |
2008 |
1-3 |
118-120 |
Criteria for Assessing Ship Noise and Other Broadband Pseudorandom Noise |
Richard A. Hazelwood |
2008 |
1-3 |
120-123 |
The Marine Seismic Air Gun |
Robert M. Laws and David Hedgeland |
2008 |
1-3 |
124-127 |
Air Gun Arrays as Noise Sources: Output, Impact Zones, and Frequency Content |
Peter T. Madsen |
2008 |
1-3 |
127-130 |
Transmission of Marine Seismic Signals in Australian Waters |
R. D. McCauley, S. R. Rennie, J. R. Hughes and A. J. Duncan |
2008 |
1-3 |
130-132 |
Ocean Noise Budgets |
James H. Miller, Jeffrey A. Nystuen and David L. Bradley |
2008 |
1-3 |
133-136 |
Understanding Sonar as a Precursor to Understanding Its Environmental Risks |
John F. Polglaze |
2008 |
1-3 |
136-138 |
Degradation characteristics of golden lion tamarin (Leontopithecus rosalia) two-phrase long calls: implications for call detection and ranging in the evergreen forest. |
Vera Sabatini, Carlos R. Ruiz-Miranda and Torben Dabelsteen |
2011 |
2 |
137-158 |
Underwater Sound from Marine Pile Driving |
Richard B. Rodkin and James A. Reyff |
2008 |
1-3 |
138-140 |