carnivores - index of articles

Displaying 1 - 50 of 63. Click a column heading to sort.
Titlesort ascending Authors Year Issue Pages
Wolf counting and individual acoustic discrimination by spectrographic analysis [abstract] Passilongo D., Dessi-Fulgheri F., Gazzola A., Zaccaroni M. & Apollonio M. 2012 1 78-79
Weddell seals lengthen many underwater calls in response to conspecific vocalizations Terhune, J.H., Grandmaitre, N.C., Burton, H.R. & Green, K. 1994 3 223-226
Weddell seals do not lengthen calls in response to conspecific masking John M. Terhune 2016 1 75-88
Vocal repertoire of Asiatic Black Bear (Ursus thibetanus) cubs Liya Pokrovskaya 2013 3 229-245
Vocal discrimination of African lions and its potential for collar-free tracking Matthew Wijers, Paul Trethowan, Byron Du Preez, Simon Chamaillé-Jammes, Andrew J. Loveridge, David W. Macdonald & Andrew Markham 2021 5 575-593
Variation in Harp Seal Underwater Acoustic Communication Range Estimations John M. Terhune 2008 1-3 50-52
Using playbacks to monitor and investigate the behaviour of wild maned wolves Luane Stamatto Ferreira, Júlia Simões Damo, Victor Sábato, Júlio Ernesto Baumgarten, Flávio Henrique Guimarães Rodrigues & Renata Sousa-Lima 2021 1 74-92
Underwater vocalizations and vocal activity in captive harp seals Phoea groenlandica [abstract] Arturo Serrano and E.H. Miller 1998 2 153
To Bark or Not To Bark? Vocalization in Red Foxes Selected for Tameness or Aggressiveness Toward Humans S. S. Gogoleva, I. A. Volodin, E. V. Volodina, L. N. Trut 2008 2 99-132
The vocal repertoire of infant giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) Anton Baotica, Angela S. Stoeger, Desheng Li, Chunxiang Tang & Benjamin D. Charlton 2014 1 15-28
The vocal change of a kitten with craniocerebellar trauma - a case study T. Riede & A. Stolle-Malorn 1999 2-3 131-141
The harmonics to noise ratio applied to dog barks [abstract] Tobias Riede, Guenter Tembrock, Hanspeter Herzel and Leo Brunnberg 2002 1 79
The communicative life of a social carnivore: acoustic repertoire of the ring-tailed coati (Nasua nasua) Aline Gasco, Humberto F. Ferro & Patricia F. Monticelli 2019 5 459-487
The Acoustic Structure Of Wolf Howls In Some Eastern Tuscany (Central Italy) Free Ranging Packs Passilongo D., A. Buccianti, F. Dessi-Fulgheri, A. Gazzola, M. Zaccaroni & M. Apollonio 2010 3 159-175
Terrestrial Carnivore Sounds with Repeated Rapid Alternation of Two Structurally Different Components: an Indication of Complex Sound Production Mechanisms in Mammals? G. Peters 2006 1 1-25
Subharmonics, biphonation and deterministic chaos in mammal vocalizations I. Wilden, H. Herzel, G. Peters & G. Tembrock 1998 3 171-196
Structure and function of red fox Vulpes vulpes vocalisations Newton-Fisher, N., Harris, S., Green, P. & Jones, G. 1993 1-2 1-31
Spotted hyaena whoops: frequent incidence of vocal instabilities in a mammalian loud call G. Peters, M. L. East, H. Herzel, J. R. Henschel, G. L. Mills, K. Wilhelm & H. Hofer 2004 2 99-109
Spectrographic analysis of cat Felis catus vocalisations during the early months of life [abstract] Clotilde Trinchero, Cristina Giacoma and Roberto Ostellino 1997 3-4 257-258
Spectral analysis of neonatal wolf Canis lupus vocalizations Coscia, E.M., Phillips, D.P. & Fentress, J.C. 1991 4 275-293
Species-specific characteristics and individual variation of the bark call produced by male Australian fur seals (Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus) J. S. Tripovich, T. L. Rogers & J. P. Y. Arnould 2005 1 79-96
Source level of male vocalisations in the genus Mirounga: repeatability and correlates S. Sanvito & F. Galimberti 2003 1 47-59
Sound production and hearing in marine animals [abstract] Mats Amundin 1998 3 213-214
Short moan call reveals seasonal occurrence and diel-calling pattern of crabeater seals in the Weddell Sea, Antarctica Fannie W. Shabangu & Russell A. Charif 2021 5 543-563
Quantitative Analysis of Vocalisations of Captive Sumatran Tigers (Panthera tigris sumatrae) Shanna J. Rose, Drew Allen, Dan Noble & Jennifer A. Clarke 2018 1 13-26
Preliminary analysis of wolf Canis lupus vocalisations recorded in the wild in Italy [abstract] Lorenza Mauri, Marco Apollonio and Ettore Centofanti 1997 3-4 271
Ontogeny of mother's voice recognition by fur seal pups [abstract] Nicolas Mathevon, Isabelle Charrier Thierry Aubin & Pierre Jouventin 2002 2 185
Observations on mechanisms and phenomena underlying underwater and surface vocalizations of grey seals Lukasz J. Nowak 2021 6 696-715
Non-invasive acoustic detection of wolves Stefan M. Suter, Marta Giordano, Silvia Nietlispach, Marco Apollonio & Daniela Passilongo 2017 3 237-248
Methods of frequency analysis of a complex mammalian vocalisation S. K. Darden, S. B. Pedersen & T.Dabelsteen 2003 3 247-263
Measuring acoustic complexity in continuously varying signals: how complex is a wolf howl? Arik Kershenbaum, Éloïse C. Déaux, Bilal Habib, Brian Mitchell, Vicente Palacios, Holly Root-Gutteridge & Sara Waller 2018 3 215-229
Information Content of Coyote Barks and Howls B. R. Mitchell, M. M. Makagon, M. M. Jaeger & R. H. Barrett 2006 3 289-314
Individuality in the whistle call of the Asiatic Wild Dog Cuon alpinus L.S. Durbin 1998 3 197-206
Individual vocal traits of mother and pup fur seals Page, B., Goldsworthy, S.D. & Hindell, M.A. 2002 2 121-143
Individual variation of the Female Attraction Call produced by Australian fur seal pups throughout the maternal dependence period J.S. Tripovich, R. Canfield, T. L. Rogers & J.P.Y. Arnould 2009 3 259-276
Individual acoustic identification as a non-invasive conservation tool: an approach to the conservation of the African wild dog Lycaon pictus (Temminck, 1820) S. Hartwig 2005 1 35-50
In-air acoustic repertoire and associated behaviour of wild juvenile crabeater seals during rehabilitation Fannie W. Shabangu, G. J. Greg Hofmeyr, Rachel Probert, Maëlle Connan, Corrine A. Buhrmann & Tess Gridley 2023 3 261-283
Improving individual identification in captive Eastern Grey Wolves (Canis lupus lycaon) using the time course of howl amplitudes Holly Root-Gutteridge, Martin Bencsik, Manfred Chebli, Louise K. Gentle, Christopher Terrell-Nield, Alexandra Bourit and Richard W. Yarnell 2014 1 39-53
Identifying individual wild Eastern grey wolves (Canis lupus lycaon) using fundamental frequency and amplitude of howls Holly Root-Gutteridge, Martin Bencsik, Manfred Chebli, Louise K. Gentle, Christopher Terrell-Nield, Alexandra Bourit and Richard W. Yarnell 2014 1 55-66
How a pup identifies its mother in a colony of Antarctic fur seals [abstract] T. Aubin, I. Charrier, N. Mathevon & P. Jouventin 2002 2 186
Hearing in Marine Carnivores Colleen Reichmuth 2008 1-3 89-92
Giant otter alarm calls as potential mechanisms for individual discrimination and sexual selection Caroline Leuchtenberger, Renata Sousa-Lima, Carolina Ribas, William E. Magnusson & Guilherme Mourão 2016 3 279-291
Effects of Noise on Seals and Sea Lions: Laboratory Approaches David Kastak 2008 1-3 169-171
Easily measured call attributes can detect vocal differences between Weddell seals from two areas J.M. Terhune, S.R. Healey & H.R. Burton 2001 3 211-222
Discriminating individual sea lions by voice: a neural network signal processing solution to signature call identification [abstract] Robert C. Gisiner, Gregory Campbell & David Helweg 2002 2 185
Discrete vocal traits in tame and aggressive strains of silver foxes and in crosses between them [abstract] Gogoleva, S, Volodin, I ; Volodina, E, Kharlamova, A, Trut, L 2012 1 36-37
Classification of diverse call types using cluster analysis techniques Terhune, J.M., Burton, H. & Green, K. 1993 4 245-258
Chorus howling by wolves: acoustic structure, pack size and the Beau Geste effect Harrington, F.H. 1989 2 117-136
Characterisation of the ringed seal (Pusa hispida) acoustic repertoire during spring in the Western Canadian Arctic Mariana Barbosa, William D. Halliday, Stephen J. Insley & Stan E. Dosso 2024 5 433-447
Book Review: Vocal communication in the timber wolf Canis lupus by R.M. Schassburger F.H. Harrington 1996 2 165-168
