Volume 7 - index of articles

Displaying 1 - 27 of 27. Click a column heading to sort.
Title Authors Year Issue Pagessort descending
Variation in the advertisement call in the foam-nesting treefrog Rhacophorus arboreus E. Kasuya & S. Shiobara 1996 1 1-11
Sound production in cicadas: timbal muscle activity during calling song and protest song P.J. Fonseca 1996 1 13-31
A comparison of the performance of broad-band and narrow-band bat detectors in two different habitat types S. Parsons 1996 1 33-43
Research Group Report: Biology of Hearing at University of Maryland, College Park, USA A.N. Popper & R.J. Dooling 1996 1 45-51
Recent bioacoustic publications, 1995 and earlier. Part I Invertebrates-Passerine birds Hansen, P. 1996 1 53-72
CD Review: Southern African Bird Sounds by G. Gibbon P.G. Ryan 1996 1 73
Cassette review: Voices of the New World Quails by J.W.Hardy & R.J. Raitt J. Vielliard 1996 1 74-75
The mechanism of tuning of the mole cricket singing burrow A.G. Daws, H.C. Bennet-Clark & N.H. Fletcher 1996 2 81-117
The whistled song of the European starling Sturnus vulgaris and the spotless starling Sturnus unicolor in North-east Spain A. Motis 1996 2 119-141
Personal Perspective: Fish bioacoustics - serendipity in research A.A. Myrberg 1996 2 143-150
Recent bioacoustic publications, 1995 and earlier. Part II Non-primate Mammals to General Hansen, P. 1996 2 151-161
Comment: Sidebands - artefacts or facts? L. Jackson 1996 2 163-164
Book Review: Vocal communication in the timber wolf Canis lupus by R.M. Schassburger F.H. Harrington 1996 2 165-168
Phonotaxis in the cicadas Cystosoma saundersii and Cyclochila australasiae A.G. Daws, R.M. Henning & D. Young 1997 3 173-188
Identification of British bat species by multivariate analysis of echolocation call parameters N. Vaughan, G. Jones & S. Harris 1997 3 189-207
Digital spectrographic cross-correlation: tests of sensitivity H. Khanna, S.L.L. Gaunt & D.A. McCallum 1997 3 209-234
Personal Perspective: The emergence of animal ultrasound D. Pye 1997 3 235-240
Comment: The utility of sound archives for readers of Bioacoustics F.H. Harrington 1997 3 241-242
CD Review: Guia Sonoro das Aves do Brasil, CD 1 by J. Vielliard L.P. Gonzaga & J.F. Pacheco 1997 3 243-245
Computer-aided analysis of acoustic parameters in animal vocalizations L. Schrader & K. Hamerschmidt 1997 4 247-265
A unique local call in the Willow Tit Parus montanus S. Haftorn 1997 4 267-280
Characteristics of the vocalisations of Red Deer Cervus elaphus hinds and calves D. Vanková & J. Málek 1997 4 281-289
Sound localisation in a habitat: An analytical approach to quantifying the degradation of directional cues A. Michelson & K. Rohrseitz 1997 4 291-313
The Wildlife Section of the British Library National Sound Archive (NSA) R. Ranft 1997 4 315-319
Equipment Review: Hypersignal-Macro: a signal processing environment for engineers and scientists T. Riede 1997 4 321-325
Book Review: Ecology and evolution of acoustic communication in birds ed. by D.E. Kroodsma & E.H. Miller M. Naguib 1997 4 329-331
Obituary: Victor C. Lewis 1910-1996 P. Sellar 1997 4 333