Volume 21 - index of articles

Displaying 1 - 50 of 114. Click a column heading to sort.
Titlesort descending Authors Year Issue Pages
'Sense and Census ability'- Reliability of psychoacoustic sampling as a method to monitor cricket species diversity [abstract] Swati, D; Manjari, J; Balakrishnan, R. 2012 1 57
A big bird producing a high-pitched call a vocal analysis of the hazel grouse [abstract] Sèbe, F., Leonard, P., Aubin, T., Isoard, R.& Montadert, M 2012 1 80
A combined neural network-statistics method for automated sperm whale clicks detection [abstract] Sanchéz-García, A, Bueno-Crespo, A & Sancho-Gomez, J L 2012 1 79-80
A comparative study between the call characteristics of the Indian jungle crow and the house crow at some urban habitat sites in Bangalore, India [abstract] Kumar, K. & Sukumar, R. 2012 1 41
A comparative study in birds: call-type-independent species and individual recognition using four machine-learning methods and two acoustic features Jinkui Chenga, Bengui Xiea, Congtian Lina & Liqiang Jia 2012 2 157-171
A comparative study of bird song complexity measures [abstract] Tanttu, J T, Turunen, J & Sirkiä, P 2012 1 82-83
A Toolbox for Animal Call Recognition Michael Towsey, Birgit Planitz, Alfredo Nantes, Jason Wimmer & Paul Roe 2012 2 107-125
Acoustic analysis of alarm calls in two species of ground squirrels, the European ground squirrel (Spermophilus citellus) and the Taurus ground squirrel (S. taurensis) [abstract] Schneiderová, I. & Policht, R. 2012 1 53-54
Acoustic communication in a small benthic fish, Etheostoma crossopterum [abstract] Speares, P & Johnston, C E 2012 1 81
Acoustic interactions in small groups of forest birds, the European wrens (Troglodytes troglodytes) [abstract] Courvoisier, H; Camacho Schlenker, S & Aubin, T 2012 1 30
Acoustic monitoring of populations at thermal extremes of midwife toads in Iberia: phenology, chorus recruitment, and relation with temperature [abstract] Llusia, D , Márquez, R , Arias, A , Pérez, M , Beltrán, J F , Benítez, M , Amaral, J P , Oliveira, J O & Castro, M J 2012 1 45
Acoustic signalling of hunger and identity in colonial weaver bird chicks [abstract] Reers, H & Jacot, A 2012 1 51
Acoustics of fish shelters [abstract] Lugli, M. 2012 1 74-75
Adaptive Auditory Plasticity for Social Communication in the Plainfin Midshipman Fish (Porichthys notatus) Joseph Sisneros 2012 1 21-23
Agonistic context and acoustic communication in a cichlid: fine sound analysis and first playback experiments [abstract] Bertuccci, F; Beauchaud, M; Attia, J & Mathevon, N 2012 1 67
Antiphonal vocal bouts associated with departures in free-ranging African elephant family groups (Loxodonta africana) C. E. O'Connell-Rodwell, J. D. Wood, M. Wyman, S. Redfield, S. Puria, L. A. Hart 2012 3 215-224
Applying Bioacoustics: What Can Be Learned From Pure and Applied Aspects? Peter K. McGregor 2012 1 13-15
Automatic acoustic identification of shrew species in the field – new potential monitoring techniques [abstract] Zsebok, S; Czabán, D; Farkas, J 2012 1 62-63
Bio-acoustic analyses to assess emotion in animals: acoustic patters are linked to behavioural, cardiac and hormonal responses of ewes to the separation from their lambs [abstract] Frédéric Sèbe, Pascal Poindron, Stéphane Andanson, Hervé Chandeze, Eric Delval, Gérard Després, Gilles Toporenko, Sam Bickell Dominique Blache & Alain Boissy 2012 1 54
Bioacoustic analysis for call characterization of two populations of green frog in Central Italy [abstract] Spigonardi, M P; La Porta, G & Mearelli, M. 2012 1 82
Bioacoustic monitoring of a woodpecker community [abstract] Koch, M, Tauchert, K-H & Frommolt, K-H 2012 1 73
Bioacoustic monitoring of nocturnal birds in wetland areas [abstract] Frommolt, K-H & Tauchert, K-H 2012 1 34
Bird monogamy: behavioural and vocal evidences of a pressure towards social association more than reproduction [abstract] Elie, J E, Soula, H A, Mathevon, N & Vignal, C 2012 1 31
Bloodhound, a tool based on the chirplet transform for the analysis of wolf chorus howls recordings [abstract] Palacios, V., Llaneza, L., Dugnol, B., Fernández, C., Galiano, G., Velasco, J . 2012 1 50
Boing! Acoustic localization, characterisation and comparison of minke whale songs from the Hawaiian islands and other areas in the North Pacific Ocean [abstract] Norris, T, Yack, T, Oswald, J, Martin, S, Thomas, L & Janik, V 2012 1 77
Buzz songs as a category in communication in nightingales (Luscinia megarhynchos) [abstract] Weiss, M; Kiefer, S & Kipper, S 2012 1 60-61
Call responses of nestling tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) to competing calls from nest mates [abstract] Leonard, M L, Horn, A G, Marques, P A M & Contasti, A 2012 1 44-45
Calls of white-naped crane reflect body mass of a bird [abstract] Bragina, E. V. & Beme, I. R. 2012 1 67-68
Classification algorithms for species identification in noisy environments [abstract] I. Agranat 2012 1 25
Close-range sound communication in Platypus quercivorus (Coleoptera: Platypodidae), a pest of oak trees in Japan [abstract] Ohya, E 2012 1 77-78
Communicating individuality and caller quality with trumpetings in the highly social seabird crested auklet Aethia cristatella [abstract] Klenova, A , Volodin, I ; Zubakin, V ; Volodina, E & Zubakina, E 2012 1 40
Correlations between song complexity and potential estimates of male quality in common blackbirds [abstract] Hesler, N , Mundry, R , Sacher, T , Coppack, T , Bairlein, F & Dabelsteen, T 2012 1 37
Cricket calling site selection and sound transmission in a tropical evergreen forest [abstract] Manjari, J & Balakrishnan, R 2012 1 76
Dawn song characteristics in the Pied bush chat (Saxicola caprata) in relation to different breeding stages [abstract] Sethi, V. K.; Bhatt, D. & Kumar, A. 2012 1 55
Developmental course of mouse models of autism: emergence of deficits in vocal communication [abstract] Ey, E & Bourgeron, T 2012 1 31-32
Directional Hearing and Strategies for Sound Communication Axel Michelsen and Ole Næsbye Larsen 2012 1 17-19
Discrete vocal traits in tame and aggressive strains of silver foxes and in crosses between them [abstract] Gogoleva, S, Volodin, I ; Volodina, E, Kharlamova, A, Trut, L 2012 1 36-37
Distance dependent use of vocal features in nightingales [abstract] Sprau, P ; Roth, T ; Schmidt, R, Amrhein, V & Naguib, M. 2012 1 56-57
Do flight calls influence orientation of night-migrating birds? [abstract] Larsen, O N , Andersen, B B , Reichl, T , Kropp, W & Mouritsen, H 2012 1 42-43
Do frogs experience auditory illusions? [abstract] Bee, M A & Seeba, F 2012 1 27-28
Early testosterone treatment affects production of song learning in male zebra finches [abstract] Leitão, A. & Gahr, M. 2012 1 43-44
Ecoacoustical constraints shape sound communication in lake Malawi Cichlids [abstract] Van Staaden, M, Wysocki, L E & Ladich, F 2012 1 84
Effects of cover on loud trill-call and soft seet-call use in the crested tit Lophophanes cristatus [abstract] Krama, T., Krams, I, Berzins, A. & Igaune, K. 2012 1 73-74
Effects of personality on vocal responses to alternating and overlapping playback in great tits [abstract] M. Amy, P. Sprau, P. Goede & M. Naguib 2012 1 25-26
Effects of temperature on sound production and auditory sensitivity in the Raphael catfish Platydoras costatus [abstract] Papes, S & Ladich, F 2012 1 78
Effects of temperature on the song parameters of the Moroccan bushcricket Eugaster spinulosa (Orthoptera; Tettigoniidae) Antón Arias, Rafael Márquez, Diego Llusia, Juan Francisco Beltrán, Tahar Slimani, Mohamed Radi, Abderazzak Fattah and El Hassan El Mouden 2012 3 225-238
Evolution of Acoustic Communication: a Multi-Level Analysis of Signal Variation H. Carl Gerhardt 2012 1 9-11
Experimental analysis of singing direction as a tool to investigate the function of bird song [abstract] Brumm, H 2012 1 29
Female preference and song amplitude in the zebra finch – is it sexy to sing loud? [abstract] Ritschard, M, Riebel, K & Brumm, H 2012 1 51-52
Fully and semi-automated analyses of bird song based on machine learning approaches [abstract] Zsebok, S, Török, J & Garamszegi, L Z 2012 1 62
