Potential Means for Ultrasound Source Localisation in Herring |
Carl R. Schilt and Charles W. Escher |
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Potential Effects of Offshore Wind Farm Noise on Fish |
Frank Thomsen, Karin Luedemann, Werner Piper, Adrian Judd and Rudolf Kafemann |
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Porpoise clicks from a sperm whale nose - convergent evolution of 130 kHz pulses in toothed whale sonars? |
P.T. Madsen, D.A. Carder, K. Bedholm & S.H. Ridgway |
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Perceptions of Underwater Noise from Offshore Wind Farms and Effects on the Environment and Local Communities |
Jennifer A. L. Spinks, Selina M. Stead, Martin J. Downie and Matt G. Bentley |
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Passive Iocalization of acoustic sources in media with non-constant sound velocity ' [abstract] |
T. Scott Brandes |
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Passive Hydrophone Census of Sciaena umbra (Sciaenidae) in the Gulf of Trieste (Northern Adriatic Sea, Italy) |
Clizia Bonacito, Marco Costantini, Marta Picciulin, Enrico A. Ferrero and Anthony D. Hawkins |
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Passive acoustic detection of sounds produced by the damselfish, Dascyllus albisella (Pomacentridae) |
D.A. Mann and P.S. Lobel |
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Passive acoustic detection of finless porpoises in the Yangtze River, China [abstract] |
Tomonari Akamatsu, Ding Wang, Kexiong Wang and Zhuo Wei |
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Particle Acceleration Noise Generated by Boats |
Magnus Wahlberg, Henriette B. Schack, Maria Wilson, Lars Bejder and Peter T. Madsen |
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PALAOA: Broadband Recordings of the Antarctic Coastal Soundscape |
Olaf Boebel, Holger Klinck, Lars Kindermann and Saad El Din El Naggar |
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Overview of Regulations for the Conservation and Protection of Organisms in European Seas |
Mark L. Tasker |
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Otoliths and Modelling Ear Function |
D.V. Lychakov and Y.T Rebane |
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Otolithic Endorgan Projections of the Inner Ear in a Vocal Fish |
Joseph A. Sisneros, Margaret A. Marchaterre and Andrew H. Bass |
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Orientated Swimming Behaviour of Crab Postlarvae in Response to Reef Sound |
Craig A. Radford, Andrew G. Jeffs and John C. Montgomery |
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Optimizing models of dolphin auditory sensitivity using evolutionary computation |
Houser, D.S., Helweg, D.A., Moore, P.W.B. & Chellapilla, K. |
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Ontogeny of Hearing and Sound Production in Fishes |
Lidia E. Wysocki and Friedrich Ladich |
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Ontogenetic development of auditory sensitivity and sound production in the squeaker Synodontis schoutedeni, an African mochokid catfish [abstract] |
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One-Year Characterization of Sea Ambient Noise in a Coastal Marine Protected Area: a Management Tool for Inshore Marine Protected Areas |
Antonio Codarin, Maurizio Spoto and Marta Picciulin |
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Oil and Gas Activities and Sound and Marine Life: an International Joint Industry Research and Development Programme |
Maarten Smies and Roger L. Gentry |
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Off-line acoustic analysis of dolphin echolocation behaviour [abstract] |
K. Lucke and A.D. Goodson |
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Ocean Noise Budgets |
James H. Miller, Jeffrey A. Nystuen and David L. Bradley |
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Ocean acoustic observatory for passive monitoring of the ocean [abstract] |
Khosrow Lashkari and S. Lowder |
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Observed Reactions of Fish in Captivity to Replayed Vessel-Noise Sounds from the Fisheries Research Vessel Dana |
Bjarne Stage, Karl-Johan Stæhr, J. Rasmus Nielsen and Bo Lundgren |
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Observations on mechanisms and phenomena underlying underwater and surface vocalizations of grey seals |
Lukasz J. Nowak |
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Observations of the Behaviour of Herring Exposed to Low- (1-2 kHz) and Mid- (6-7 kHz) Frequency Sonar Signals |
Lise Doksæter, Petter H. Kvadsheim, Olav R. Godø, Frank P. A. Benders, Patrick J. O. Miller, Frans P. O. Lam, Nils O. Handegard and Vidar Hjellvik |
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Noise-induced hearing loss in two otophysine fishes and effects on acoustic communication [abstract] |
S. Amoser and F. Ladich |
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Noise Levels and Masking Potential of Small Whale-Watching and Research Vessels around Two Delphinid Species |
Frants H. Jensen, Magnus Wahlberg, Lars Bejder and Peter T. Madsen |
2008 |
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Noise Effects on the Call Amplitude of Southern Resident Killer Whales Orcinus orca |
Marla M. Holt, Val Veirs and Scott Veirs |
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Noise affects porpoise click detections – the magnitude of the effect depends on logger type and detection filter settings |
Karin Tubbert Clausen, Jakob Tougaard, Jacob Carstensen, Matthieu Delefosse & Jonas Teilmann |
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New technologies for marine mammal acoustic data capture [abstract] |
E. J. Harland |
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Neuronal and Behavioural Responses of American Shad Alosa sapidissima to Ultrasound Stimuli |
Dennis T. T. Plachta and Arthur N. Popper |
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Multiple Sound-Producing Mechanisms in Teleost Fishes and Hypotheses Regarding Their Behavioural Significance |
Ingrid M. Kaatz |
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Monitoring, Mitigating, and Managing Acoustic Effects on At-Risk Whales on the Scotian Shelf, Canada |
David Millar |
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255-257 |
Modelling Alternative Sonar Waveforms to Determine Risk Factors for Marine Mammals |
Martin Siderius, Michael Porter and David Mountain |
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Mitigation |
Charles R. Greene, Jr. and Susanna B. Blackwell |
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Mitigating Seismic Impact on Marine Life: Current Practice and Future Technology |
Max Deffenbaugh |
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Micro-controller based deterrents: acoustic devices to reduce harbour porpoise Phocoena phoeoena incidental catch in gillnets [abstract] |
D. Newborough, A. D. Goodson and B. Woodward |
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Matlab modelling of shallow water sound fields to explain the aversive behaviour of a harbour porpoise [abstract] |
P.R. Connelly, A.D. Goodson and C.R. Coggrave |
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Masking of Blue and Fin Whales Low-Frequency Vocalizations by Shipping Noise in the Saguenay- St. Lawrence Marine Park |
Yvan Simard, Nathalie Roy and Cédric Gervaise |
2008 |
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183-185 |
Marine Seismic Operations |
Sarah L. Tsoflias and John V. Young |
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Marine mammals and man-made noise: current issues [abstract] |
W. John Richardson |
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Marine Mammal Observers: Real-Time Mitigation of Anthropogenic Noise |
Sebastian von Lüders and Alison Gill |
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Marine Mammal Noise-Exposure Criteria: Initial Scientific Recommendations |
Brandon L. Southall, Ann E. Bowles, William T. Ellison, James J. Finneran, Roger L. Gentry, Charles R. Greene, Jr., David Kastak, Darlene R. Ketten, James H. Miller, Paul E. Nachtigall, W. John Richardson, Jeanette A. Thomas and Peter L. Tyack |
2008 |
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Marine Invertebrates, Intense Anthropogenic Noise, and Squid Response to Seismic Survey Pulses |
R. D. McCauley and J. Fewtrell |
2008 |
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Long- and Short-Term Changes in Right Whale Acoustic Behaviour in Increased Low-Frequency Noise |
Susan E. Parks, Christopher W. Clark and Peter L. Tyack |
2008 |
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179-180 |
Locating Spawning Haddock by Means of Sound |
Anthony D. Hawkins, Licia Casaretto, Marta Picciulin and Kjell Olsen |
2002 |
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274-286 |
Lateral Line Reading of Hydromechanical Frequency Dispersal of Water Surface Waves: Homology to Cochlear Mechanisms? |
Andreas Elepfandt and Klaus Oed |
2002 |
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Is the Fish Ear an Auditory Retina? Steady Streaming in the Otolith-Macula Gap |
Minami Yoda, Peter H. Rogers and Kathryn E. Baxter |
2002 |
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Is Passive Acoustic Monitoring During Seismic Surveys a Valuable Tool for Mitigation? |
Nicholas E. Robinson, F. Chaudry, N. M. Clark, G. Duguid and R. N. Walker |
2008 |
1-3 |
265-267 |
Introduction: International Conference on the Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life |
Anthony Hawkins, Arthur N. Popper and Magnus Wahlberg |
2008 |
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