orthoptera - index of articles

Displaying 1 - 50 of 55. Click a column heading to sort.
Title Authors Year Issuesort ascending Pages
Ultrasonic songs and stridulum anatomy of Asiophlugis crystal predatory katydids (Tettigonioidea: Meconematinae: Phlugidini) Ming Kai Tan, Fernando Montealegre-Z, Rodzay Bin Haji Abdul Wahab, Chow-Yang Lee, Daicus Belabut, Razy Japir & Arthur Chung 2020 6 619-637
Singers in the grass: call description of conehead katydids (family: Tettigoniidae) and observations on avoidance of acoustic overlap Chandranshu Tiwari & Swati Diwakar 2019 6 522-538
Acoustic repertoire of the sword-tail cricket Cranistus colliurides Stål, 1861 (Orthoptera: Grylloidea, Trigonidiidae: Phylloscyrtini) Elliott Centeno, Eduardo S. Calixto & Edison Zefa 2021 6 652-661
New data on the acoustic communication in two mediterranean grasshoppers Sphingonotus coerulans and Truxalis nasuta (Orthoptera, Acrididae) [abstract] M. E. Clemente, M. D. Garcia and J. J. Presa 1997 3-4 264-265
Sound production and sound emission in seven species of European Tettigoniids. Part II. Wing morphology and the frequency content of the song Keuper, A., Weidemann, S., Kalmring, K. & Kaminski, D. 1988 2-3 171-186
Acoustic communication distances of a gomphocerine grasshopper F. Lang 2000 4 233-258
Cassette review: A Sound Guide to Grasshoppers of Great Britain and Ireland Latimer, W. 1989 4 319
Cassette review: Danmarks græshopper by O. F. Nielsen A. Stumpner 1999 4 365-366
CD and book review: The songs of the grasshoppers and crickets of Western Europe by D. Ragge & J. Reynolds H. Bennet-Clark 1999 4 361-363
Soundscape of urban-tolerant crickets (Orthoptera: Gryllidae, Trigonidiidae) in a tropical Southeast Asia city, Singapore Ming Kai Tan 2021 4 469-486
Sound localisation in a habitat: An analytical approach to quantifying the degradation of directional cues A. Michelson & K. Rohrseitz 1997 4 291-313
Highly diversified circadian rhythms in the calling activity of eneopterine crickets (Orthoptera: Grylloidea: Gryllidae) from Southeast Asia Ming Kai Tan & Tony Robillard 2022 4 470-489
A computer-based technique for the quantitative analysis of animal sounds Evans, M.R. & Evans, J.A. 1994 4 281-290
Temporal partitioning of Bullacris unicolor (Orthoptera: Pneumoridae) calling activity to avoid predation Robyn Manuel, Tarné Johannes, Rekha Sathyan & Vanessa Cathrine Kemsley Couldridge 2023 4 373-386
Sound production and sound emission in seven species of European Tettigoniids. Part III. Determination of the mechanism of sound production using the cepstrum analysis Keuper, A. 1989 4 287-306
A study on the bioacoustics of Oriental scaly crickets (Orthoptera: Mogoplistinae), with a focus on Singaporean species Ming Kai Tan, Zhu-Qing He & Sigfrid Ingrisch 2023 4 404-421
Effects of temperature on the song parameters of the Moroccan bushcricket Eugaster spinulosa (Orthoptera; Tettigoniidae) Antón Arias, Rafael Márquez, Diego Llusia, Juan Francisco Beltrán, Tahar Slimani, Mohamed Radi, Abderazzak Fattah and El Hassan El Mouden 2012 3 225-238
Extremely divergent song types in the genus Aerotegmina Hemp (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Hexacentrinae) and the description of a new species from the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania (East Africa) Klaus-Gerhard Heller & Claudia Hemp 2019 3 269-285
Singing and hearing in Aerotegmina kilimandjarica (Tettigoniidae: Hexacentrinae), a species with unusual low carrier frequency of the calling song Klaus-Gerhard Heller, Tim Daniel Ostrowski & Claudia Hemp 2010 3 195-210
Biosphere reserve zones are equal in terms of katydid ecoacoustics Aileen C. Thompson, Michael J. Samways & Corinna S. Bazelet 2020 3 249-265
Stridulation of the Clear-wing Meadow Katydid Xiphelimum amplipennis, adaptive bandwidth Glenn K. Morris, Holger Braun & Christian S. Wirkner 2016 3 225-251
CD review: Tettigoniidae of Australia. Disc 1 Reynolds, W.J. 1994 3 245-246
Book review: Cricket Behaviour and Neurobiology Lewis, Brian 1991 3 243-244
Automatic Acoustic Identification of Insects: the case of crickets and cicadas T. Ganchev & I. Potamitis 2007 3 281-328
Variation in call types, calling activity patterns and relationships between call frequency and body size in a field cricket, Acanthogryllus asiaticus Richa Singh & Manjari Jain 2021 3 284-302
A diversity of songs among morphologically indistinguishable katydids of the genus Mecopoda (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) from Southern India V. Nityananda & R. Balakrishnan 2006 3 223-250
Sympatric bush cricket species co-exist across a complex landscape by optimising both acoustic and ecological space Aileen van der Mescht, James S Pryke, René Gaigher & Michael J Samways 2022 3 241-260
Hurry up and sing: early onset of diel calling behaviour and ecological drivers of calling behaviour of Acanthoplus discoidalis Aileen C. van der Mescht, Chanel Lewis, Runè van der Merwe & Daryl Codron 2023 3 284-300
The new sound trap, and observations on the migratory and acoustic behaviour of the field cricket Teleogryllus commodus (Walker) Campbell, D.J. 1990 3 199-207
Distribution of sound pressure around a singing cricket: radiation pattern and asymmetry in the sound field Benedict D. Chivers, Thorin Jonsson, Joseph C. Jackson, Tanja K. Kleinhappel, Nadezhda Shivarova, James F. C. Windmill & Fernando Montealegre-Z 2016 2 161-176
Bioacoustics of the Neotropical Eneopterinae (Orthoptera, Grylloidea, Gryllidae) Tony Robillard, Hannah ter Hofstede, Jérôme Orivel, Natállia M. Vicente 2015 2 123-143
A description of the song of the bush-cricket Poecilimon fussi (Orthoptera, Tettigoniidae) [abstract] Kirill Márk Orci 2002 2 198
Sexual selection and female choice in mole crickets (Scapteriscus: Gryllotalpidae): modelling the effects of intensity and male spacing Forrest, T.G. & Green, D.M. 1991 2 93-109
The mechanism of tuning of the mole cricket singing burrow A.G. Daws, H.C. Bennet-Clark & N.H. Fletcher 1996 2 81-117
Complex acoustic behaviour of Endecous crickets (Orthoptera, Phalangopsidae) [abstract] Edison Zefa & Jacques M. E. Vielliard 2002 2 197-198
Sound propagation, attenuation and animal communication [abstract] Margaret Walby 2002 2 190-191
Bioacoustics of some Mexican Orthoptera (Insecta: Orthoptera: Ensifera, Caelifera) Filippo M. Buzzetti & Ludivina Barrientos-Lozano 2011 2 193-213
Control of call carrier frequency in the bush cricket Ruspolia nitidula R.O. Stephen & J.C. Hartley 1995 2 163-170
The Assemblage of Acoustically Communicating Crickets of a Tropical Evergreen Forest in Southern India: Call Diversity and Diel Calling Patterns Swati Diwakar & Rohini Balakrishnan 2006 2 113-135
Bioacoustic and biophysical analysis of a newly described highly transparent genus of predatory katydids from the Andean cloud forest (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Meconematinae: Phlugidini) Charlie Woodrow, Christian Pulver, Daniel Veitch & Fernando Montealegre-Z 2021 1 93-109
Sound production and sound emission in seven species of European Tettigoniids. Part I. The different parameters of the song; their relation to the morphology of the bushcricket Keuper, A., Weidemann, S., Kalmring, K. & Kaminski, D. 1988 1 31-48
Tooth impact rate alteration in the song of males of Ephippiger ephippiger Fiebig (1991). (Orthoptera, Tettigoniidae) and its consequences for phonotactic behaviour of females Stiedl, O., Bickmeyer, U. & Kalmring, K. 1991 1 1-16
The katydid country: bioacoustics and ecology of tettigoniid communities from the Indian subcontinent Chandranshu Tiwari & Swati Diwakar 2023 1 48-72
Song production and song recognition in a group of sibling grasshopper species (Chorthippus dorsatus, Ch. dichrous and Ch. loratus: Orthoptera, Acrididae) A. Stumpner and O. von Helversen 1994 1 1-23
Acoustic ranging in meadow katydids: female preference for attenuated calls Nathan C. E. Harness & Tamara Campbell 2022 1 59-68
An automatic acoustic response system for behavioural studies of duetting insects T. J. Hammond, W. J. Bailey & G. R. Hammond 2003 1 3-14
Male and Female Stridulation in an Indian Weta (Orthoptera: Anostostomatidae) Swati Diwakar & Rohini Balakrishnan 2006 1 75-85
The effect of anthropogenic noise and weather conditions on male calls in the bladder grasshopper Bullacris unicolor Rekha Sathyan & Vanessa Couldridge 2021 1 110-123
Cricket calling site selection and sound transmission in a tropical evergreen forest [abstract] Manjari, J & Balakrishnan, R 2012 1 76
Distinctive male-female acoustic duetting support the specific status of Isophya fatrensis, a West-Carpathian endemic bush-cricket (Insecta: Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Phaneropterinae) Ionut Stefan Iorgu, Anton Kristin, Gergely Szovenyi, Peter Kanuch, Benjamin Jarcuska, Tiberiu Constantin Sahlean, Elena Iulia Iorgu & Kirill Márk Orci 2018 1 43-56
