non-passerine birds - index of articles

Displaying 1 - 50 of 107. Click a column heading to sort.
Titlesort descending Authors Year Issue Pages
Calls of the Storm Petrel Hydrobates pelagicus [abstract] Bretagnolle, V. 1989 2 166-167
A big bird producing a high-pitched call a vocal analysis of the hazel grouse [abstract] Sèbe, F., Leonard, P., Aubin, T., Isoard, R.& Montadert, M 2012 1 80
A comparison of three methods for planning a census of Tawny Owl (Strix aluco) populations living at high territorial density Achille Peri 2018 3 245-260
A pilot study for recognition of individual nightjars [abstract] M. Rebbeck 1996 4 306
A quantitative analysis of individuality in barnacle goose loud calls Hausberger, M., Richard, J.P., Black, J.M. & Quris, R. 1994 4 247-260
A telemetry study to discriminate between home range and territory size in Tawny Owls Gorka Burgos & Iñigo Zuberogoitia 2020 1 109-121
A weak individual signature might not allow chick call recognition by parent Stone Curlews Burhinus oedicnemus M. Dragonetti, C. Caccamo, E. Pollonara, N. E. Baldaccini & D. Giunchi 2013 1 17-32
Acoustic differentiation in the coo-vocalisations of the Collared Dove M. Ballintijn & C. ten Cate 1999 1 1-17
Acoustic repertoire of Spheniseus humboldti, preliminary report on a small captive colony [abstract] B. Biasotti, G. Gnone, E. Boccardo and G. Pavan 2002 1 94
Acoustic signalling of the great black-headed gull Larus ichthyaetus Pallas Mierauskas, P. & Buzun, V. 1988 1 49-56
Adaptation to severe conditions of propagation: long-distance distress calls and courtship calls of a colonial seabird T. Aubin & N. Mathevon 1995 2 153-161
An inadequate sampling of the soundscape leads to overoptimistic estimates of recogniser performance: a case study of two sympatric macaw species Thomas C. Lewis, Ignacio Gutierrez Vargas, Andrew P. Beckerman & Dylan Z. Childs 2024 4 311-331
Analysis of the ecstatic display in male Humboldt penguins [abstract] B. Biasotti, G. Gnone and G. Pavan 2002 2 177
Analysis of the Individual Specificity of Calls in the Emperor Penguin Aptenodytes forsteri [abstract] P. Robisson, T. Aubin and J-C. Brémond 1992 1 67
Analysis of the warble song of the budgerigar Melopsittacus undulatus Farabaugh, S.M., Brown, E.D. & Dooling, R.J. 1992 2 111-130
Audio cassette review: Voices of the Tinamous B. Whitney 1995 3 249-251
Audio review: Voices of New World Pigeons and Doves; Nightjars & their allies; Owls Vielliard, J. 1990 4 352-353
Behavioural modulation by social context in the gregarious parakeet, Melopsittacus undulatus, vocal and postural responses to an alarm call [abstract] Gérard Nicolas 2002 2 177-178
Bioacoustic monitoring of a woodpecker community [abstract] Koch, M, Tauchert, K-H & Frommolt, K-H 2012 1 73
Book review: Acoustical Signals of Shorebirds Boswall, J. 1993 1-2 163
Call responses of nestling tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) to competing calls from nest mates [abstract] Leonard, M L, Horn, A G, Marques, P A M & Contasti, A 2012 1 44-45
Calls of white-naped crane reflect body mass of a bird [abstract] Bragina, E. V. & Beme, I. R. 2012 1 67-68
Can testosterone induce the male whistle-shake call in female shelducks Tadorna tadorna? H.-H. Bergmann & H. Düttmann 2001 4 265-276
Cassette review: Voices of the New World Cuckoos and Trogons Vielliard, J. 1988 2-3 246
Cassette review: Voices of the New World Nightbirds (Owls, nightjars and their allies) Vielliard, J. 1989 4 320-321
Cassette review: Voices of the New World Quails by J.W.Hardy & R.J. Raitt J. Vielliard 1996 1 74-75
Cassette reviews: Les Voix des Rapaces; Rapaces Diurnes et nocturnes Bergmann, H.-H. 1988 2-3 247
CD Review: Southern African Bird Sounds by G. Gibbon P.G. Ryan 1996 1 73
Characteristics of territorial and mating calls in willow ptarmigan Lagopus l. lagopus Johnsen, R., Espmark, Y., Pedersen, H.C. & Steen, J.B. 1991 1 17-30
Classification threshold and training data affect the quality and utility of focal species data processed with automated audio recognition software Elly C. Knight & Erin M. Bayne 2019 6 539-554
Coding and decoding systems of the rally call of two species of partridges and their hybrids [abstract] Miyuki Ceugniet , Thierry Aubin , Ariane Bernard-Laurent and Dominique Soyez 2002 1 97-98
Communicating individuality and caller quality with trumpetings in the highly social seabird crested auklet Aethia cristatella [abstract] Klenova, A , Volodin, I ; Zubakin, V ; Volodina, E & Zubakina, E 2012 1 40
Comparative analysis of acoustic structure of passerine and woodpecker nestling calls Popp, J. & Ficken, M.S. 1991 4 255-274
Coo types in the collared dove Streptopelia decaocto; one theme, distinctive variations ten Cate, C. 1992 3 161-183
Detection of species-specific calls in noise by zebra finches Poephila guttata and budgerigars Melopsittacus undulatus: time or frequency domain? Okanoya, K. & Dooling, R.J. 1991 3 163-172
Development of Vocal Repertoires in Anatidae [abstract] Karl-Heinz Frommolt 1992 1 63
Discrimination of the parental call be the king penguin chick Aptenodytes patagonicus: the "cocktail-party'' effect [abstract] Thierry Aubin and Pierre Jouventin 1997 3-4 254-255
Distinguishing individual male wild turkeys by analyzing vocalizations using a personal computer Dahlquist, F.C., Schemnitz, S.D. & Flachs, B.K. 1990 4 303-316
Do courtship songs differ individually in the domestic pigeon Columba livia domestica? Abs, M. & Jeismann, R. 1988 2-3 151-157
Duration discrimination in Northern bobwhite quail Brown, L.J. & Bailey, E.D. 1990 4 317-326
Food-begging calls in African parrots [abstract] V. Venuto, R. Massa and L. Bottoni 2002 2 179
Geographic variation in the vocalizations of Australian palm cockatoos (Probosciger aterrimus) M. V. Keighley, N. E. Langmore, C. N. Zdenek & R. Heinsohn 2017 1 91-108
Geographic variation in vocalizations of the Military Macaw in western Mexico Alejandro Salinas-Melgoza & Katherine Renton 2021 2 197-214
High frequency utterance and perception in the brown-headed parrot Poicephalus crypoxanthus [abstract] V. Venuto and S. Taylor 2002 1 84-85
High level individuality in vocalizations of a well-known avian brood parasite: Asian koel (Eudynamys scolopacea L.) Abdul Aziz Khan & Irfan Zia Qureshi 2021 4 379-388
Identification of individual Eastern Screech-Owls Megascops asio via vocalization analysis Christopher M. Nagy and Robert F. Rockwell 2012 2 127-140
Individual recognition in the adelie penguin Pygoscelis adeliae and the king penguin Aptenodytes patagonicum two strategies of acoustic communication in a noisy environment [abstract] Thierry Aubin & Pierre Jouventin 1998 2 154
Individual variation in the booming calls of captive Horned Guans (Oreophasis derbianus): an endangered Neotropical mountain bird Fernando González-García, J. Roberto Sosa-López, Juan Francisco Ornelas, Pedro Jordano, Victor Rico-Gray & Vicente Urios Moliner 2017 2 185-198
Individual variation in the contact calls of the monomorphic Peach-fronted Conure, Aratinga aurea, and its potential role in communication. Heidi M. Thomsen, Thorsten J.S. Balsby and Torben Dabelsteen 2013 3 215-227
Individuality in "Yodel" calls recorded from a banded population of Common Loons, Gavia immer C. Walcott, D. Evers, M. Froehler & A. Krakauer 1999 2-3 101-114
