cetaceans - index of articles

Displaying 1 - 50 of 169. Click a column heading to sort.
Title Authors Yearsort ascending Issue Pages
Extracting dolphin whistles in complex acoustic scenarios: a case study in the Bay of Biscay Ramón Miralles, Carles Gallardo, Guillermo Lara & Manuel Bou Cabo 2024 3 260-277
Evidence of signature whistles produced by Indian Ocean bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) in Mozambique. Rachel Probert, Angie Gullan, Diana Rocha, Sasha Dines & Tess Gridley 2023 5 580-600
Seasonal song ontogeny in western north Atlantic humpback whales: drawing parallels with songbirds Katie Kowarski, Salvatore Cerchio, Hal Whitehead, Danielle Cholewiak & Hilary Moors-Murphy 2023 3 325-347
Singing in a noisy ocean: vocal plasticity in male humpback whales E. Girola, R. A. Dunlop & M. J. Noad 2023 3 301-324
Non-linear phenomena: a common acoustic feature of bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) signature whistles Jessica J. Sportelli, Brittany L. Jones & Sam H. Ridgway 2023 3 241-260
Adaptation of dolphins’ (Tursiops truncatus) location signals when searching for and identifying objects hidden by sea sediments K. A. Zaitseva, V. I. Korolev, A. V. Akhi & A. A. Akhi 2022 5 535-544
I beg your pardon? Acoustic behaviour of a wild solitary common dolphin who interacts with harbour porpoises Mel Cosentino, David Nairn, Mariano Coscarella, Joseph C. Jackson & James F. C. Windmill 2022 5 517-534
Characterization and classification method of burst pulses produced by Guiana dolphins (Sotalia guianensis) Mariana Barbosa, Lis Bittencourt, Tatiana Lemos Bisi, José Lailson-Brito & Alexandre F. Azevedo 2022 1 69-80
Propagation of the Guiana dolphin sounds in their habitat: measured transmission loss and influence of environmental factors Lucimary S. Deconto, Thiago C. Freitas, André C. Guaraldo, Dalila T. Leão, Flávio J. L. Silva & Emygdio L. A. Monteiro-Filho 2022 3 313-331
Intraspecific variation in short beaked common dolphin’s whistle repertoire Bruna Pagliani, Thiago O. S. Amorim, Franciele R. De Castro & Artur Andriolo 2022 1 1-16
Humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) social call production reflects both motivational state and arousal Dana A. Cusano, Katherine L. Indeck, Michael J. Noad & Rebecca A. Dunlop 2022 1 17-40
Are dolphins modulating whistles in interspecific group contexts? Yasmin Viana, Thiago Orion Simões Amorim, Franciele Rezende de Castro, Leonardo Wedekin, Alexandre Douglas Paro, Michel Helcias Montoril, Marcos Rossi-Santos & Artur Andriolo 2022 6 668-679
Hidden Markov model for detection of mysticetes' vocalisations based on principal component analysis Olayinka O. Ogundile, Oluwaseyi P. Babalola, Seun G. Odeyemi & Kazeem I. Rufai 2022 6 710-738
Where, when, and why do western North Atlantic humpback whales begin to sing? Katie Kowarski, Salvatore Cerchio, Hal Whitehead & Hilary Moors-Murphy 2022 4 450-469
Acoustic identification of the sympatric species Indo-Pacific finless porpoise and Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin: An example from Langkawi, Malaysia Satoko S. Kimura, Tomoka Sagara, Ken Yoda & Louisa S. Ponnampalam 2022 5 545-561
Use of recurrence plots for identification and extraction of patterns in humpback whale song recordings F. Malige, D. Djokic, J. Patris, R. Sousa-Lima & H. Glotin 2021 6 680-695
First description of whistles of Black Sea short-beaked common dolphins, Delphinus delphis ponticus Elena Panova, Alexandr Agafonov & Irina Logominova 2021 6 662-679
Singing in South Africa: monitoring the occurrence of humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) song near the Western Cape E. C. Ross-Marsh, S. H. Elwen, A. S. Prinsloo, B. S. James & T. Gridley 2021 2 163-179
Auditory adaptation time course in the Yangtze finless porpoises, Neophocaena asiaeorientalis asiaeorientalis Vladimir V. Popov, Zhi-Tao Wang, Dmitry I. Nechaev, Ding Wang, Alexander Ya Supin & Ke-Xiong Wang 2021 1 30-40
Adult female-calf acoustic communication signals in migrating east Australian humpback whales Katherine L. Indeck, Elisa Girola, Maëlle Torterotot, Michael J. Noad & Rebecca A. Dunlop 2021 3 341-365
Sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) coda patterns in the Gulf of Catania, South-Western Lonian Sea, Italy Davide M. Lelong, Luigi Cosentino, Claudio Fossati, Giorgio Riccobene, Fabrizio Speziale & Gianni Pavan In press
Crowd intelligence can discern between repertoires of killer whale ecotypes Anastasya Yu. Danishevskaya, Olga A. Filatova, Filipa I P. Samarra, Patrick J O. Miller, John K B Ford, Harald Yurk, Craig O. Matkin & Erich Hoyt 2020 1 15-27
An unsupervised Hidden Markov Model-based system for the detection and classification of blue whale vocalizations off Chile Susannah J. Buchan, Rodrigo Mahú, Jorge Wuth, Naysa Balcazar-Cabrera, Laura Gutierrez, Sergio Neira & Néstor Becerra Yoma 2020 2 140-167
Vocalizations of common minke whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) in an eastern North Pacific feeding ground Katrina Nikolich & Jared R. Towers 2020 1 97-108
Sounds produced by bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops): A review of the defining characteristics and acoustic criteria of the dolphin vocal repertoire. Brittany Jones, Maria Zapetis, Mystera M. Samuelson & Sam Ridgway 2020 4 399-440
Noise affects porpoise click detections – the magnitude of the effect depends on logger type and detection filter settings Karin Tubbert Clausen, Jakob Tougaard, Jacob Carstensen, Matthieu Delefosse & Jonas Teilmann 2019 5 443-458
Humpback whale singing activity off Goan coast in the Eastern Arabian Sea Shyam Kumar Madhusudhana, Bishwajit Chakraborty & G. Latha 2019 4 329-344
Brays and bits: information theory applied to acoustic communication sequences of bottlenose dolphins A. R. Luís, I. S. Alves, F. V. Sobreira, M. N. Couchinho & M. E. dos Santos 2019 3 286-296
Characterizing the rhythm and tempo of sound production by singing whales Jennifer N. Schneider & Eduardo Mercado III 2019 3 239-256
Differences in the sounds of Guiana dolphin, Sotalia guianensis (Cetacea: Delphinidae) between two areas of southeastern and southern Brazil Lucimary S. Deconto & Emygdio L. A. Monteiro-Filho 2019 1 26-41
Call types of Bigg’s killer whales (Orcinus orca) in western Alaska: using vocal dialects to assess population structure Deborah L. Sharpe, Manuel Castellote, Paul R. Wade & Leslie A. Cornick 2019 1 74-99
Biphonal calls in Atlantic spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis): Bitonal and burst-pulse whistles J. Daisy Kaplan, Kelly Melillo-Sweeting & Diana Reiss 2018 2 145-164
Whistling in a noisy ocean: bottlenose dolphins adjust whistle frequencies in response to real-time ambient noise levels Chantal van Ginkel, Danielle M. Becker, Shannon Gowans & Peter Simard 2018 4 391-405
What’s Occurring? Ultrasonic signature whistle use in Welsh bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) Helen M. Hiley, Sarah Perry, Steve Hartley & Stephanie L. King 2017 1 25-35
Description of whistles of Irrawaddy dolphins (Orcaella brevirostris) from the waters of Matang, Peninsular Malaysia Jordan M. Hoffman, Louisa S. Ponnampalam, Claryana Araújo-Wang, Sui Hyang Kuit, Samuel K. Hung & John Y. Wang 2017 1 15-24
Repeated call sequences and behavioural context in long-finned pilot whales off Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada Elizabeth M. J. Zwamborn & Hal Whitehead 2017 2 169-183
Handling dolphin detections from C-PODs, with the development of acoustic parameters for verification and the exploration of species identification possibilities. James R. Robbins, Anja Brandecker, Michelle Cronin, Mark Jessopp, Rob McAllen & Ross Culloch 2016 2 99-110
Variability in the performance of the spectrogram correlation detector for Northeast Pacific blue whale calls Ana Sirovic 2016 2 145-160
Biphonic calls as signature whistles in a free-ranging bottlenose dolphin Elena Papale, Gaspare Buffa, Francesco Filiciotto, Vincenzo Maccarrone, Salvatore Mazzola, Maria Ceraulo, Cristina Giacoma & Giuseppa Buscaino 2015 3 223-231
Synthetic communication signals influence wild harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) behaviour Culik, Boris; von Dorrien, Christian; Müller, Vailett; Conrad, Matthias 2015 3 201-221
Detection rates of wild harbour porpoises and bottlenose dolphins using static acoustic click loggers vary with depth Marta Sostres Alonso & Hanna K. Nuuttila 2015 2 101-110
The acoustic repertoire of wild common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in Walvis Bay, Namibia Gridley, T, Nastasi, A, Kriesell, H. J. and Elwen, S. H. 2015 2 153-174
Validation of a vibroacoustic finite element model using bottlenose dolphin simulations: The dolphin biosonar beam is focused in stages Ted W. Cranford, Vanessa Trijoulet, Cynthia R. Smith, Petr Krys 2014 2 161-194
Mid-frequency broadband sounds of Blainville's beaked whales C. Dunn, L Hickmott, D Talbot, I Boyd, L Rendell 2013 2 153-163
A combined neural network-statistics method for automated sperm whale clicks detection [abstract] Sanchéz-García, A, Bueno-Crespo, A & Sancho-Gomez, J L 2012 1 79-80
Temporal patterns of North Atlantic right whale vocalizations during the winter and spring in the Northwest Atlantic, USA [abstract] Guerreiro da Silva, A, Vu, E, Risch, D & Van Parijs, S M 2012 1 70
Sperm whale codas in the Northern Ionian sea (Italy), new elements to understand the Mediterranean population [abstract] Zardin, F, Pavan, G, Ficetola, G F, La Manna, G, Internullo, E & Riccobene, G 2012 1 61
Boing! Acoustic localization, characterisation and comparison of minke whale songs from the Hawaiian islands and other areas in the North Pacific Ocean [abstract] Norris, T, Yack, T, Oswald, J, Martin, S, Thomas, L & Janik, V 2012 1 77
Framework for develop prototype bioacoustic devices in aid of open sea Killer Whale Protection J.P. Luke, J. Almunia and F. Rosa 2011 3 287-296
Reaction of Fin Whales, Balaenoptera physalus, to an Earthquake Juan-Pablo Gallo-Reynoso, Janitzio Égido-Villarreal and Guadalupe Martínez-Villalba 2011 3 317-330
