Acoustic characteristics and context of buzzes and rasps produced by northern bottlenose whales (Hyperoodon ampullatus) |
In press |
Sounds of sex and death in the sea: bottlenose dolphin whistles suppress mating choruses of silver perch |
J.J. Luczkovich, Hal J. Daniel III, Marcy Hutchinson, Todd Jenkins, Stephen E Johnson, Christopher Pullinger, Mark Sprague |
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Analysing the dynamics of dolphin biosonar behaviour during search and detection tasks [abstract] |
John E. Sigurdson |
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A narrow band bio-sonar: investigating echolocation in the harbour porpoise Phocoena phocoena [abstract] |
A. D. Goodson |
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Interactive deterrent devices for fishing nets, designed to reduce small cetacean bycatch [abstract] |
A. D. Goodson, D. Newborough and B. Woodward |
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Aversive sounds and the harbour porpoise Phocoena phocoena [abstract] |
A. D. Goodson, P. R. Connelly and P. Lepper |
1997 |
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261-262 |
Brays and bits: information theory applied to acoustic communication sequences of bottlenose dolphins |
A. R. Luís, I. S. Alves, F. V. Sobreira, M. N. Couchinho & M. E. dos Santos |
2019 |
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286-296 |
Directional Sensitivity and Sound-Receiving Windows in Dolphins |
Alexander Y. Supin and Vladimir V. Popov |
2008 |
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98-100 |
Humpback Whale Megaptera novaeangliae Social Sounds in Hawai’i |
Alison K. Stimpert and Whitlow W. L. Au |
2008 |
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48-50 |
Changes in Click Source Levels with Distance to Targets: Studies of Free-ranging White-beaked Dolphins Lagenorhynchus albirostris and Captive Harbor Porpoises Phocoena phocoena |
Ana Carolina G. Atem, Marianne H. Rasmussen, Magnus Wahlberg, Hans C. Petersen & Lee A. Miller |
2009 |
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49-65 |
Variability in the performance of the spectrogram correlation detector for Northeast Pacific blue whale calls |
Ana Sirovic |
2016 |
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145-160 |
Crowd intelligence can discern between repertoires of killer whale ecotypes |
Anastasya Yu. Danishevskaya, Olga A. Filatova, Filipa I P. Samarra, Patrick J O. Miller, John K B Ford, Harald Yurk, Craig O. Matkin & Erich Hoyt |
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Contour cross-correlation vs. principal components analysis of parameters as methods of estimating distance matrices of dolphin whistles [abstract] |
Arch McCallum and Melissa Vale |
1998 |
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Questions in cetacean bioacoustics: some suggestions for future research |
Arthur N. Popper, Harold L. Hawkins and Robert C. Gisiner |
1997 |
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Horizontal angular discrimination by an echolocating bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus |
B. K. Branstetter, S. J. Mevissena, L. M. Herman, A. A. Pack & S. P. Roberts |
2003 |
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15-34 |
Progress Through Collaboration: a Case Study Examining Effects of Industrial Sounds on Bowhead Whales |
B. Streever, R. P. Angliss, R. Suydam, M. Ahmaogak, C. Bailey, S. B. Blackwell, J. C. George, C. R. Greene, Jr., R. S. Jakubczak, J. Lefevre, T. L. McDonald, T. Napageak and W. J. Richardson |
2008 |
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345-347 |
Deep-Diving Odontocetes Behavioural-Response Study (BRS) |
Brandon Southall, Ian Boyd, Peter Tyack and Douglas Wartzok |
2008 |
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185-188 |
Sounds produced by bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops): A review of the defining characteristics and acoustic criteria of the dolphin vocal repertoire. |
Brittany Jones, Maria Zapetis, Mystera M. Samuelson & Sam Ridgway |
2020 |
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399-440 |
Technical Instrumentation Issues Related to the Design and Execution of a Controlled-Exposure Experiment for Large Cetaceans to Assess Possible Behavioural Responses and Potential Impacts |
Bruce R. Mate |
2008 |
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334-336 |
Intraspecific variation in short beaked common dolphin’s whistle repertoire |
Bruna Pagliani, Thiago O. S. Amorim, Franciele R. De Castro & Artur Andriolo |
2022 |
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A new application to record and store directional, pulsed communication sounds in the bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus [abstract] |
C. Blomqvist, M. Amundin, O. Kröling and P. Gunnarsson |
1998 |
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Mid-frequency broadband sounds of Blainville's beaked whales |
C. Dunn, L Hickmott, D Talbot, I Boyd, L Rendell |
2013 |
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Dolphin whistle classification with the 'Dolphin' software [abstract] |
C. Sturtivant and S. Datta |
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Automatic dolphin whistle detection, extraction, encoding and classification [abstract] |
C. Sturtivant and S. Datta |
1998 |
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First Description of Atlantic Humpback Dolphin Sousa teuszii Whistles, Recorded Off Angola |
C.R Weir |
2010 |
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Whistling in a noisy ocean: bottlenose dolphins adjust whistle frequencies in response to real-time ambient noise levels |
Chantal van Ginkel, Danielle M. Becker, Shannon Gowans & Peter Simard |
2018 |
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391-405 |
Synthetic communication signals influence wild harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) behaviour |
Culik, Boris; von Dorrien, Christian; Müller, Vailett; Conrad, Matthias |
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Micro-controller based deterrents: acoustic devices to reduce harbour porpoise Phocoena phoeoena incidental catch in gillnets [abstract] |
D. Newborough, A. D. Goodson and B. Woodward |
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Humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) social call production reflects both motivational state and arousal |
Dana A. Cusano, Katherine L. Indeck, Michael J. Noad & Rebecca A. Dunlop |
2022 |
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Pathological Assessment of Acoustic Noise Effects in Stranded Dolphins |
Daniel F. Cowan |
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Structure and function in whale ears |
Darlene R. Ketten |
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David A. Helweg |
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A computational model of humpback whale hearing [abstract] |
David A. Helweg |
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Humpback whale population structure revealed through geographic variation in Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean song structure [abstract] |
David A. Helweg |
2002 |
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Predicting Cetacean Audiograms |
David C. Mountain, Aleks Zosuls, Seth Newburg and Darlene R. Ketten |
2008 |
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Monitoring, Mitigating, and Managing Acoustic Effects on At-Risk Whales on the Scotian Shelf, Canada |
David Millar |
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Sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) coda patterns in the Gulf of Catania, South-Western Lonian Sea, Italy |
Davide M. Lelong, Luigi Cosentino, Claudio Fossati, Giorgio Riccobene, Fabrizio Speziale & Gianni Pavan |
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Call types of Bigg’s killer whales (Orcinus orca) in western Alaska: using vocal dialects to assess population structure |
Deborah L. Sharpe, Manuel Castellote, Paul R. Wade & Leslie A. Cornick |
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Ultrasound Inspection for Intravascular Bubbles in a Repetitively Diving Dolphin |
Dorian S. Houser, Lois A. Dankiewicz, Torre K. Stockard and Paul J. Ponganis |
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Singing in South Africa: monitoring the occurrence of humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) song near the Western Cape |
E. C. Ross-Marsh, S. H. Elwen, A. S. Prinsloo, B. S. James & T. Gridley |
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Singing in a noisy ocean: vocal plasticity in male humpback whales |
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Characteristics of finback Balaenoptera physalus vocalizations in the St. Lawrence estuary |
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Stereotypical patterns in humpback whale Megaptera novaeangliae songs: usage and utility [abstract] |
Eduardo Mercado III, Louis M. Herman and Adam A. Pack |
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First description of whistles of Black Sea short-beaked common dolphins, Delphinus delphis ponticus |
Elena Panova, Alexandr Agafonov & Irina Logominova |
2021 |
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Biphonic calls as signature whistles in a free-ranging bottlenose dolphin |
Elena Papale, Gaspare Buffa, Francesco Filiciotto, Vincenzo Maccarrone, Salvatore Mazzola, Maria Ceraulo, Cristina Giacoma & Giuseppa Buscaino |
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Repeated call sequences and behavioural context in long-finned pilot whales off Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada |
Elizabeth M. J. Zwamborn & Hal Whitehead |
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Use of recurrence plots for identification and extraction of patterns in humpback whale song recordings |
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Evaluation of Fisheries Sonar for Whale Detection in Relation to Seismic Survey Operations |
Frank R. Knudsen, Ole B. Gammelsæter, Petter H. Kvadsheim and Leif Nøttestad |
2008 |
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