Discomfort-related changes in pup ultrasonic calls of fat-tailed gerbils Pachyuromys duprasi |
Alexandra S. Zaytseva, Ilya A. Volodin, Olga G. Ilchenko & Elena V. Volodina |
2017 |
1 |
1-13 |
Description of whistles of Irrawaddy dolphins (Orcaella brevirostris) from the waters of Matang, Peninsular Malaysia |
Jordan M. Hoffman, Louisa S. Ponnampalam, Claryana Araújo-Wang, Sui Hyang Kuit, Samuel K. Hung & John Y. Wang |
2017 |
1 |
15-24 |
What’s Occurring? Ultrasonic signature whistle use in Welsh bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) |
Helen M. Hiley, Sarah Perry, Steve Hartley & Stephanie L. King |
2017 |
1 |
25-35 |
A test of the Acoustic Adaptation Hypothesis in three types of tropical forest: degradation of male and female Rufous-and-white Wren songs |
Brendan A. Graham, Luis Sandoval, Torben Dabelsteen & Daniel J. Mennill |
2017 |
1 |
37-61 |
Predicting species identity of bumblebees through analysis of flight buzzing sounds |
Anton Gradisek, Gasper Slapnicar, Jure Sorn, Mitja Lustrek, Matjaz Gams & Janez Grad |
2017 |
1 |
63-76 |
The acoustic repertoire of lycaenid butterfly larvae |
Federico Riva, Francesca Barbero, Simona Bonelli, Emilio Balletto & Luca P. Casacci |
2017 |
1 |
77-90 |
Geographic variation in the vocalizations of Australian palm cockatoos (Probosciger aterrimus) |
M. V. Keighley, N. E. Langmore, C. N. Zdenek & R. Heinsohn |
2017 |
1 |
91-108 |
Who shall I say is calling? Validation of a caller recognition procedure in Bornean flanged male orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii) long calls |
Brigitte Spillmann, Carel P. van Schaik, Tatang M. Setia & Seyed Omid Sadjadi |
2017 |
2 |
109-120 |
The spectral structure of vocalization match hearing sensitivity but imprecisely in Philautus odontotarsus |
Bicheng Zhu, Jichao Wang, Steven E. Brauth, Yezhong Tang & Jianguo Cui |
2017 |
2 |
121-134 |
Fish choruses off Port Hedland, Western Australia |
Miles J. G. Parsons, Chandra P. Salgado Kent, Angela Recalde-Salas & Robert D. McCauley |
2017 |
2 |
135-152 |
Echolocation calls of free-flying common vampire bats Desmodus rotundus (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) in Chile |
Annia Rodríguez-San Pedro & Juan Luis Allendes |
2017 |
2 |
153-160 |
Songbird tap dancing produces non-vocal sounds |
Nao Ota, Manfred Gahr & Masayo Soma |
2017 |
2 |
161-168 |
Repeated call sequences and behavioural context in long-finned pilot whales off Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada |
Elizabeth M. J. Zwamborn & Hal Whitehead |
2017 |
2 |
169-183 |
Individual variation in the booming calls of captive Horned Guans (Oreophasis derbianus): an endangered Neotropical mountain bird |
Fernando González-García, J. Roberto Sosa-López, Juan Francisco Ornelas, Pedro Jordano, Victor Rico-Gray & Vicente Urios Moliner |
2017 |
2 |
185-198 |
Sequential organization in the song of thrush nightingale (Luscinia luscinia): clustering and sequential order of the song types |
V. V. Ivanitskii, I. M. Marova & V. A. Antipov |
2017 |
2 |
199-215 |
Echolocation call description of 15 species of Middle-Eastern desert dwelling insectivorous bats |
Talya D. Hackett, Marc W. Holderied & Carmi Korine |
2017 |
3 |
217-235 |
Non-invasive acoustic detection of wolves |
Stefan M. Suter, Marta Giordano, Silvia Nietlispach, Marco Apollonio & Daniela Passilongo |
2017 |
3 |
237-248 |
Near-synchronous calling in the hip-pocket frog Assa darlingtoni |
Simon Clulow, Michael Mahony, Lang Elliott, Sarah Humfeld & H. Carl Gerhardt |
2017 |
3 |
249-258 |
Sensitivity of California Thrashers (Toxostoma redivivum) to Song Syntax |
Charles E. Taylor, John T. Brumley, Richard W. Hedley & Martin L. Cody |
2017 |
3 |
259-270 |
Bull bellows and bugles: a remarkable convergence of low and high-frequency vocalizations between male domestic cattle Bos taurus and the rutting calls of Siberian and North American wapiti |
Ilya A. Volodin, Elena V. Volodina & Roland Frey |
2017 |
3 |
271-284 |
The acoustic repertoire of Cavia intermedia as a contribution to the understanding of the Caviidae communication system |
Paula Verzola-Olivio & Patrícia Ferreira Monticelli |
2017 |
3 |
285-304 |