Volume 21 - index of articles

Displaying 1 - 50 of 114. Click a column heading to sort.
Title Authorssort descending Year Issue Pages
Time resolution in the auditory pathway of the cicada Tettigetta josei [abstract] Alves, D & Fonseca, P J 2012 1 65
Lusitanian toadfish song reflects male quality [abstract] Amorim, M C P, Simões, J M, Mendonça, N, Bandarra, N, Almada, V C & Fonseca, P J 2012 1 65-66
Song characterization in the spectacled warbler (Sylvia conspicillata): a circum-Mediterranean species with a complex song structure Ana María Palmero, Juan Carlos Illera & Paola Laiolo 2012 3 175-191
Effects of temperature on the song parameters of the Moroccan bushcricket Eugaster spinulosa (Orthoptera; Tettigoniidae) Antón Arias, Rafael Márquez, Diego Llusia, Juan Francisco Beltrán, Tahar Slimani, Mohamed Radi, Abderazzak Fattah and El Hassan El Mouden 2012 3 225-238
Vocal repertoire and flock size in the yellow-faced parrot (Alipiopsitta xanthops) [abstract] Araújo, C; Marcondes-Machado, L O & Vielliard, J 2012 1 26
The song of Eugaster spinulosa (Orthoptera, Tettigoniidae): description and relationship between song parameters and temperature [abstract] Arias, A, Llusia, D, Beltrán, J F, El Mouden, H, Slimani, T, Radi, M, Fattah, A & Márquez, R 2012 1 66
Vocal stability in two separated populations of a non-oscine bird: the Eurasian woodcock Scolopax rusticola [abstract] Aubin, T, Mathevon, N , Gonçalves, D & Ferrand, Y 2012 1 26-27
Directional Hearing and Strategies for Sound Communication Axel Michelsen and Ole Næsbye Larsen 2012 1 17-19
Do frogs experience auditory illusions? [abstract] Bee, M A & Seeba, F 2012 1 27-28
Stridulation organs and distress signals in various species of Trox F. (Coleoptera: Trogidae) [abstract] Benes, J 2012 1 67
Agonistic context and acoustic communication in a cichlid: fine sound analysis and first playback experiments [abstract] Bertuccci, F; Beauchaud, M; Attia, J & Mathevon, N 2012 1 67
Neighbour-stranger recognition in the oriental magpie robin, Copsychus saularis [abstract] Bhatt, D; Sethi, V K & Kumar, A 2012 1 28
Calls of white-naped crane reflect body mass of a bird [abstract] Bragina, E. V. & Beme, I. R. 2012 1 67-68
Group signature in a songbird with a complex song: importance of syntax [abstract] Briefer, E, Rybak, F & Aubin, T 2012 1 68
How do ageing and dominance changes affect the acoustic structure of fallow buck groans? [abstract] Briefer, E, Vannoni, E & McEligott, A G 2012 1 28-29
Experimental analysis of singing direction as a tool to investigate the function of bird song [abstract] Brumm, H 2012 1 29
Noise-dependent vocal plasticity in domestic fowl [abstract] Brumm, H. & Schrader, L . 2012 1 69
Antiphonal vocal bouts associated with departures in free-ranging African elephant family groups (Loxodonta africana) C. E. O'Connell-Rodwell, J. D. Wood, M. Wyman, S. Redfield, S. Puria, L. A. Hart 2012 3 215-224
Loudness of syllables is related to syntax and phonology in the songs of canaries and seedeaters [abstract] Cardoso, G & Mota, P G 2012 1 29-30
Identification of individual Eastern Screech-Owls Megascops asio via vocalization analysis Christopher M. Nagy and Robert F. Rockwell 2012 2 127-140
Multiple sexually selected traits in the Serin. Are coloration and song signalling the same features? [abstract] Costa, M. & Mota, P. G. 2012 1 69
Acoustic interactions in small groups of forest birds, the European wrens (Troglodytes troglodytes) [abstract] Courvoisier, H; Camacho Schlenker, S & Aubin, T 2012 1 30
Song stability and neighbour-stranger vocal discrimination in a migratory songbird: a long-term perspective [abstract] Draganoiu, T I & Mathevon, N 2012 1 30-31
Bird monogamy: behavioural and vocal evidences of a pressure towards social association more than reproduction [abstract] Elie, J E, Soula, H A, Mathevon, N & Vignal, C 2012 1 31
Developmental course of mouse models of autism: emergence of deficits in vocal communication [abstract] Ey, E & Bourgeron, T 2012 1 31-32
Opening the BARN, a bioacoustic resource network [abstract] Figueroa, H & Michael, D 2012 1 33
Swimbladder Sound Production: the Forced Response Versus the Resonant Bubble Fine, M 2012 1 5-7
Bio-acoustic analyses to assess emotion in animals: acoustic patters are linked to behavioural, cardiac and hormonal responses of ewes to the separation from their lambs [abstract] Frédéric Sèbe, Pascal Poindron, Stéphane Andanson, Hervé Chandeze, Eric Delval, Gérard Després, Gilles Toporenko, Sam Bickell Dominique Blache & Alain Boissy 2012 1 54
Bioacoustic monitoring of nocturnal birds in wetland areas [abstract] Frommolt, K-H & Tauchert, K-H 2012 1 34
The organization of song when considering the population’s entire repertoire [abstract] Garamszegi, L. Z., Zsebok, S., Török, J. 2012 1 34-35
Results of bioacoustic investigations of cicadas during the expedition to Iran 2007 [abstract] Gogala, M 2012 1 36
Discrete vocal traits in tame and aggressive strains of silver foxes and in crosses between them [abstract] Gogoleva, S, Volodin, I ; Volodina, E, Kharlamova, A, Trut, L 2012 1 36-37
Temporal patterns of North Atlantic right whale vocalizations during the winter and spring in the Northwest Atlantic, USA [abstract] Guerreiro da Silva, A, Vu, E, Risch, D & Van Parijs, S M 2012 1 70
Evolution of Acoustic Communication: a Multi-Level Analysis of Signal Variation H. Carl Gerhardt 2012 1 9-11
The application of auditory playback to stimulate the performance of natural vocalisations in the captive howler monkeys (Alouatta caraya) [abstract] H. Farmer, L. Leaver & A. B. Plowman 2012 1 32-33
Correlations between song complexity and potential estimates of male quality in common blackbirds [abstract] Hesler, N , Mundry, R , Sacher, T , Coppack, T , Bairlein, F & Dabelsteen, T 2012 1 37
The brilliant-thighed poison frog Allobates femoralis (Aromobatidae): a handy fellow for anuran field bioacoustics [abstract] Hödl, W, Amézquita, A, Narins, P & Lima, A 2012 1 37-38
The effect of noise on acoustic communication in Cyprinella venusta [abstract] Holt, D. E. & Johnston, C. E. 2012 1 70-71
Classification algorithms for species identification in noisy environments [abstract] I. Agranat 2012 1 25
Individual recognition and recognition errors in parent/offspring communication [abstract] Jacot, A; Reers, H. & Forstmeier, W. 2012 1 38
Vocal stereotypy in the rodent genera Peromyscus and Onychomys (Neotominae): taxonomic signature and call design. Jacqueline R. Miller and Mark D. Engstrom 2012 3 193-213
Improved measurement algorithms for primate vocal communication research, with application to Lemur catta [abstract] Janzen, R E & Bolt, L M 2012 1 38-39
A comparative study in birds: call-type-independent species and individual recognition using four machine-learning methods and two acoustic features Jinkui Chenga, Bengui Xiea, Congtian Lina & Liqiang Jia 2012 2 157-171
Sonic muscle activity during territorial defense and distress calls in the Lusitanian toadfish (Halobatrachus didactylus) [abstract] Jordão, J, Amorim, M C P & Fonseca, P J. 2012 1 71
Vocal interactions between Lusitanian toadfish males [abstract] Jordão, J, Simões, J M, Almada, V C, Fonseca, P J. & Amorim, M C P 2012 1 71-72
Adaptive Auditory Plasticity for Social Communication in the Plainfin Midshipman Fish (Porichthys notatus) Joseph Sisneros 2012 1 21-23
Obituary: Günter Tembrock (1918-2011) Karl-Heinz Frommolt 2012 2 173-174
Communicating individuality and caller quality with trumpetings in the highly social seabird crested auklet Aethia cristatella [abstract] Klenova, A , Volodin, I ; Zubakin, V ; Volodina, E & Zubakina, E 2012 1 40
Vocal development via voice breaking in the red-crowned crane Grus japonensis [abstract] Klenova, A, Volodin, I ; Volodina, E & Postelnykh, K 2012 1 72
Quiet song in common blackbirds – repertoire size and use in aggressive context [abstract] Klump, B; Hesler, N & Dabelsteen, T 2012 1 40-41
