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techniques - index of articles

Displaying 201 - 250 of 274. Click a column heading to sort.
Title Authors Yearsort ascending Issue Pages
Development of a simplified ray path model for estimating the range and depth of vocalising marine mammals [abstract] P.A. Lepper, K. Kaschner, P.R. Connelly and A.D. Goodson 1998 3 231-232
A simple hard- and software solution for generation and emission of high frequency signals [abstract] F. Gilbert, H. Schutze, M. Glahe and U. Conrad 1998 2 161
Micro-controller based deterrents: acoustic devices to reduce harbour porpoise Phocoena phoeoena incidental catch in gillnets [abstract] D. Newborough, A. D. Goodson and B. Woodward 1998 3 232-233
Anti-aliasing filters of DAT recorders and PC sound boards [abstract] G. Pavan and M. Manghi 1998 2 161
Automatic dolphin whistle detection, extraction, encoding and classification [abstract] C. Sturtivant and S. Datta 1998 3 234
Off-line acoustic analysis of dolphin echolocation behaviour [abstract] K. Lucke and A.D. Goodson 1998 3 226-227
Principles of tracking bio-sonar sources underwater [abstract] B. Woodward 1998 3 234
Real-time click interval acquisition system for dolphin echolocation signals [abstract] Tomonari Akamatsu, Yoshimasa Narita and Takao Matsu-Ura 1998 3 225
Acoustic species-characteristic features of communication signals of marine mammals: the potential of source level estimates for some free-ranging north Atlantic odontocetes [abstract] K. Kaschner, A.D. Goodson, P.R. Connelly and P.A. Lepper 1998 3 230-231
An electronic technique for monitoring the temporal aspects of acoustic signals of captive organisms S. Bertram & L. Johnson 1998 2 107-118
Analysis of long clicking sequences of sperm whales Physeter macrocephalus [abstract] Gianni Pavan, Marco Priano, Michele Manghi and Claudio Fossati 1997 3-4 275
Methodological considerations on the acoustic signal analysis for two species of bats (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) [abstract] C. Zmarich, E. Vernier and F. Ferrero 1997 3-4 275-276
Analysis of ultrasound using Avisoft -sonagraph software [abstract] Raimund Specht 1997 3-4 276-277
Use of auditory brainstem response (ARR) for fish auditory sensitivity study [abstract] Hong Y. Yan, Todd N. Kenyon and Friedrich Ladich 1997 3-4 251
Acoustic localizations of blue whales Balaenoptera musculus by fixed arrays and moored autonomous hydrophone arrays [abstract] Kathleen M. Stafford and Christopher G. Fox 1997 3-4 260-261
Aversive sounds and the harbour porpoise Phocoena phocoena [abstract] A. D. Goodson, P. R. Connelly and P. Lepper 1997 3-4 261-262
Identification of British bat species by multivariate analysis of echolocation call parameters N. Vaughan, G. Jones & S. Harris 1997 3 189-207
A bionic sonarhead [abstract] Herbert Peremans, Ashley Walker and John Hallam 1997 3-4 262
Digital spectrographic cross-correlation: tests of sensitivity H. Khanna, S.L.L. Gaunt & D.A. McCallum 1997 3 209-234
Real-time spectrographic analysis with Sound Blaster sound boards [abstract] Gianni Pavan and Ethan Brodsky 1997 3-4 278-279
Computer-aided analysis of acoustic parameters in animal vocalizations L. Schrader & K. Hamerschmidt 1997 4 247-265
Ultrasound acquisition and analysis. Comparison of current methods [abstract] G. Pavan and M. Manghi 1997 3-4 277-278
Sound localisation in a habitat: An analytical approach to quantifying the degradation of directional cues A. Michelson & K. Rohrseitz 1997 4 291-313
Interactive deterrent devices for fishing nets, designed to reduce small cetacean bycatch [abstract] A. D. Goodson, D. Newborough and B. Woodward 1997 3-4 272-273
Acoustic behaviour of a bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus mother-calf pair in captivity: technical aspects in data collection and analysis [abstract] Guido Gnone, Gianni Pavan, Stefania Manca, Carla Benold, Barbara Bonsignori and Michele Manghi 1997 3-4 274
Avisoft-Sonagraph Pro - sonagraphic analysis under Windows [abstract] R. Specht 1996 4 308
Computer-aided acoustic analysis of complex bird calls [abstract] J. Böhner & K. Hammerschmidt 1996 4 313-314
Comment: Sidebands - artefacts or facts? L. Jackson 1996 2 163-164
New methods for recording low-amplitude signals. Application to the analysis of the courtship song of Drosophila genus [abstract] T. Aubin 1996 4 297-298
A comparison of the performance of broad-band and narrow-band bat detectors in two different habitat types S. Parsons 1996 1 33-43
Bioacoustic survey of cicadas [abstract] M. Gogala & A. V. Popov 1996 4 300-301
Recent bioacoustic publications, 1995 and earlier. Part II Non-primate Mammals to General Hansen, P. 1996 2 151-161
Monitoring biodiversity through natural sound diversity [abstract] Teruyo Oba 1996 4 303
Dual channel real-time analysis on a PC [abstract] G. Pavan & M. Manghi 1996 4 304
A pilot study for recognition of individual nightjars [abstract] M. Rebbeck 1996 4 306
Computer-aided analysis of acoustic parameters: new possibilities of signal analysis [abstract] L. Schrader & K. Hammerschmidt 1996 4 307
Passive acoustic detection of sounds produced by the damselfish, Dascyllus albisella (Pomacentridae) D.A. Mann and P.S. Lobel 1995 3 199-213
On the extraction of some time dependent parameters of an acoustic signal by means of the analytic signal concept. Its application to animal sound study Mbu Nyamsi, R.G., Aubin, T. & Brémond, J.C. 1994 3 187-203
The influence of bat detector brand on the quantitative estimation of bat activity Waters, D.A. & Walsh, A.L. 1994 3 205-221
A quantitative analysis of individuality in barnacle goose loud calls Hausberger, M., Richard, J.P., Black, J.M. & Quris, R. 1994 4 247-260
Stridulatory organs of Mutillid wasps (Hymenoptera) [abstract] Gunther Tschuch 1994 1 71
A system for describing bird song units Thompson, N.S., LeDoux, K. & Moody, K. 1994 4 267-279
SYNTANA: a software for the SYNThesis and ANAlysis of animal sounds [abstract] Thierry Aubin 1994 1 80-81
A computer-based technique for the quantitative analysis of animal sounds Evans, M.R. & Evans, J.A. 1994 4 281-290
Low-cost real-time spectrographic analysis of sounds [abstract] Gianni Pavan 1994 1 81
Classification of diverse call types using cluster analysis techniques Terhune, J.M., Burton, H. & Green, K. 1993 4 245-258
Is fidelity futile? The "true" signal is illusory, especially with ultrasound Pye, J.D. 1993 4 271-286
Side-bands artefact and digital sound processing J. Vielliard 1993 1-2 159-162
A software bird call detector and its application to automated playback experiments Okanoya, K. & Kimura, T. 1993 1-2 117-122
Recording wildlife in tropical rainforest J. Vieilliard 1993 4 305-311


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