fish - index of articles

Displaying 101 - 150 of 187. Click a column heading to sort.
Title Authorssort descending Year Issue Pages
Ontogenetic development of auditory sensitivity and sound production in the squeaker Synodontis schoutedeni, an African mochokid catfish [abstract] Lechner, W & Ladich, F 2012 1 43
Spawning Behaviour and the Acoustic Repertoire of Haddock Licia Casaretto and Anthony D. Hawkins 2002 2-3 250-252
Differences between male, female and juvenile haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus L.) sounds Licia Casaretto, Marta Picciulin & Anthony D. Hawkins 2016 2 111-125
Ontogeny of Hearing and Sound Production in Fishes Lidia E. Wysocki and Friedrich Ladich 2002 2-3 183-185
Observations of the Behaviour of Herring Exposed to Low- (1-2 kHz) and Mid- (6-7 kHz) Frequency Sonar Signals Lise Doksæter, Petter H. Kvadsheim, Olav R. Godø, Frank P. A. Benders, Patrick J. O. Miller, Frans P. O. Lam, Nils O. Handegard and Vidar Hjellvik 2008 1-3 199-201
Sound Production in Pre-Spawning Herring, Cod and Haddock in a Naturally Enclosed Ecosystem Lise Langård, Jan Tore Øvredal, Arne Johannessen, Leif Nøttestad, Georg Skaret, Anders Fernö and Magnus Wahlberg 2008 1-3 38-40
Acoustics of fish shelters [abstract] Lugli, M. 2012 1 74-75
Acoustic communication in triglid fish [abstract] M C. de Amorim & A. D. Hawkins 1995 3 220
The multiple lateral lines of giant rhizodont fishes; passive 3-D location of prey in muddy swamps? [abstract] M. A. Taylor 1995 3 216-217
Sound production and associated behaviour in the cichlid Oreochromis mossambicus [abstract] M. C. P. Amorim and V. Almada 2002 1 92-93
Bioenergetics of Calling in Oyster Toadfish Opsanus tau M. Clara P. Amorim, Marti L. McCracken and Michael L. Fine 2002 2-3 223-225
Assessment of man-made underwater noise impact on a population of gobids in a marine protected area [abstract] M. Costantini and M. Spoto 2002 1 95
Why are toadfish sonic muscles so fast? [abstract] M. L. Fine, K. Malloy and S. Mitchell 2002 1 83
Sound production in the reproductive behaviour of the weakly electric fish, Pollimyrus marianne Kramer et al. 2003 (Mormyridae, Teleostei) M. Lamml & B. Kramer 2005 1 51-78
Sound Production in the Territorial Behaviour of the Churchill Petrocephalus catostoma (Mormyridae, Teleostei) from the Upper Zambezi River M. Lamml and B. Kramer 2008 2 151-158
Environmental Constraints on the Acoustic Communication System of Stream Gobies M. Lugli 2002 2-3 252-255
A match between sound production, hearing and environmental transmission in two freshwater gobies [abstract] M. Lugli, H. Y. Yan and M. L. Fine 2002 1 86-87
Use of Sound for Localisation of Spawning Weakfish in Delaware Bay (USA) and Effects of Fish Size, Temperature and Season on Sound Parameters M.A. Connaughton, M.L. Fine and M.H. Taylor 2002 2-3 294-296
Sound production in the blue-green damselfish, Chromis viridis (Cuvier, 1830) (Pomacentridae) M.C. Pessoa de Amorim 1996 4 265-272
Sound production by the Lusitanian Toadfish Halobatrachus didactylus M.E dos Santos, Teresa Modesto, Ricardo J. Matos, Matthew S. Grober, Rui F. Oliveira, Adelino Canário 2000 4 309-321
Sound production, spawning behaviour and parasitic nest intrusions in the Canestrini’s goby Pomatoschistus canestrinii [abstract] Malavasi S., Valerio C., Torricelli P. 2012 1 75
Icelandic killer whales Orcinus orca use a pulsed call suitable for manipulating the schooling behaviour of herring Clupea harengus Malene Simon, Fernando Ugarte, Magnus Wahlberg & Lee A. Miller 2006 1 57-74
Role of Ambient Noise as a Selective Factor for Frequencies Used in Fish Acoustic Communication Marco Lugli 2008 1-3 40-42
Repeatability and effects of temperature and individual size on components of the breeding sounds emitted by male Padogobius martensii (Pisces, Gobiidae) [abstract] Marco Lugli 1997 3-4 267-268
Biomechanics of hearing in fish: from the Sonic to the Ultrasonic Mardi C. Hastings 2002 2-3 128-131
Sounds produced by the grey gurnard Eutrigla gurnardus L. (Pisces, Triglidae) and related fish [abstract] Maria Clara Pessoa de Amorim & Anthony Donald Hawkins 1994 1 69-70
The Single Sonic Muscle Twitch Model for Sciaenid Sound Production Mark W. Sprague 2002 2-3 225-227
Discriminating Between Fish Sounds - a Wavelet Approach Mark Wood, Licia Casaretto, Graham Horgan and Anthony D Hawkin 2002 2-3 337-339
The soundscape of Arctic charr spawning grounds in lotic and lentic environments: can Passive Acoustic Monitoring be used to detect spawning activities? Marta Bolgan, Joanne O’Brien, Emilia Chorazyczewska, Ian J. Winfield, Peter McCullough & Martin Gammell 2018 1 57-85
Characterization of Small-Boat Noises Compared with the Chorus of Sciaena umbra (Sciaenidae) Marta Picciulin, Antonio Codarin and Maurizio Spoto 2008 1-3 210-212
Diagnostic of nocturnal calls of Sciaena umbra (L., fam. Sciaenidae) in a nearshore Mediterranean Marine Reserve Marta Picciulin, Giuliana Calcagno, Linda Sebastianutto, Clizia Bonacito, Antonio Codarin, Marco Costantini, Enrico A. Ferrero 2013 2 109-120
Sound Emissions of the Mediterranean Damselfish Chromis chromis (Pomacentridae) Marta Picciulin, Marco Costantini, Anthony D. Hawkins and Enrico A. Ferrero 2002 2-3 236-238
Structural and Functional Evidence for Acoustic- Lateral Line Interactions in a Vocal Fish Matthew S. Weeg and Andrew H. Bass 2002 2-3 161-163
Testing the Equal Energy Hypothesis in Noise-Exposed Fishes Michael E. Smith and Ronald R. Gilley 2008 1-3 343-345
Sound Generation by the Toadfish Swimbladder Michael L. Fine, Karl L. Malloy, Charles Brian King, Steve L. Mitchell and Timothy M. Cameron 2002 2-3 221-222
In Vitro Whole Brain Preparation of Fish for the Electrophysiological Analysis of Sensory Pathways Michaela Meyer, Dennis T. T. Plachta, Arthur N. Power and Horst Bleckmann 2002 2-3 328-330
Effects of Exposure to Pile-Driving Sounds on Fish Michele B. Halvorsen, Thomas Carlson and Arthur N. Popper 2008 1-3 305-307
Fish choruses off Port Hedland, Western Australia Miles J. G. Parsons, Chandra P. Salgado Kent, Angela Recalde-Salas & Robert D. McCauley 2017 2 135-152
Is the Fish Ear an Auditory Retina? Steady Streaming in the Otolith-Macula Gap Minami Yoda, Peter H. Rogers and Kathryn E. Baxter 2002 2-3 131-134
Effects of aquarium and pond noise on hearing sensitivity in an otophysine fish Monika Gutscher, Lidia Eva Wysocki & Friedrich Ladich 2011 2 117-136
How Do Aquaria and Pond Noise Affect Hearing in Different Fish Species? Monika Stummer and Friedrich Ladich 2008 1-3 95-97
Ambient Sound as a Navigational Cue for Larval Reef Fish Nicholas Tolimieri, Olivia Raine, John C. Montgomery and Andrew Jeffs 2002 2-3 214-217
Effects of muting and recovery on sound production in the croaking gourami Trichopsis vittata (Pisces: Anabantoidei) [abstract] Nicola Novarini, Tomonari Akamatsu & Hong Y. Yan 2002 2 202-203
Effects of noise exposure on hearing and sound production in Trichopsis vittata (Pisces; Anabantoidei) [abstract] Nicola Novarini, Tomonari Akamatsu & Hong Y. Yan 2002 2 203-204
Detection of Sound by Fish: a Minireview Olav Sand 2008 1-3 92-95
Sound Source Localisation: An Historical Assessment Olav Sand 2002 2-3 199-201
Bioacoustic Absorption Spectroscopy: Estimation of the Biomass of Fish with Swimbladders Orest Diachok 2002 2-3 271-274
Recent Bioacoustical Publications, 1999 and earlier. Part 1: Invertebrates - birds P. Hansen 2001 3 223-262
Recent Bioacoustic Publications (2002 and earlier). Part 1: Invertebrates - Birds P. Hansen 2004 2 127-170
Recent Bioacoustic Publications (2004 and earlier) P. Hansen 2005 1 97-138
