Subterranean rodents are interesting organisms for communication studies because of their fossorial way of life. Acoustic communication in the South American genus Ctenomys has not yet been studied even though this species is geographically widespread. This paper represents a preliminary survey of Ctenomys vocalizations. Three types of vocal signals were identified: S-, C- and G-signals. Using field, laboratory and literature data, we provide interpretations on the possible functions of these signals. S-signals are harsh and low-pitched putative spatial localization signals that may also encode for sexual identification. C-signals are relatively high-pitched and narrow-banded FM vocalizations that are sexual signals used by females in a copulatory context. Finally, G-signals are harsh and patternless sounds that are aggressive signals used in direct encounters with eon- or hetero-specific individuals.
Ctenomys, vocalizations, repertoire