The vocalizations emitted by adult female domestic goats in response to their offspring's bleats were recorded, and sonograms were made and analyzed. The calls were segmented, atonal, and broad banded between 200 and 4,840 Hz. The energy was concentrated, on the average, around 1,258 Hz, a frequency close to the optimal hearing capabilities of the species. There were statistically significant individual differences for duration, number of segments, number of harmonics, peak frequency and fundamental frequency. Furthermore, using a discriminant function analysis we were able to correctly assign 76% of the calls to the individuals that emitted them. We concluded that the does have individually distinctive vocalizations, and that the physical characteristics of the bleats allow for locatability and ease of detection of the signal. Therefore, it is possible for the kids to be able to recognize and locate their mothers on the basis of auditory cues.
Physical characteristics of the vocalizations of domestic goat does Capra hircus in response to their offspring's cries
Physical characteristics of the vocalizations of domestic goat does Capra hircus in response to their offspring's cries. Bioacoustics,
Volume 5