Volume 8 - index of articles

Displaying 1 - 50 of 56. Click a column heading to sort.
Title Authors Year Issuesort ascending Pages
Repeatability and effects of temperature and individual size on components of the breeding sounds emitted by male Padogobius martensii (Pisces, Gobiidae) [abstract] Marco Lugli 1997 3-4 267-268
Sonographic characterization of ultrasonic vocalisations emitted by infant laboratory mice Mus musculus [abstract] Igor Branchi, Daniela Santucci, Augusto Vitale and Enrico Alleva 1997 3-4 259-260
Acoustic localizations of blue whales Balaenoptera musculus by fixed arrays and moored autonomous hydrophone arrays [abstract] Kathleen M. Stafford and Christopher G. Fox 1997 3-4 260-261
Aversive sounds and the harbour porpoise Phocoena phocoena [abstract] A. D. Goodson, P. R. Connelly and P. Lepper 1997 3-4 261-262
A bionic sonarhead [abstract] Herbert Peremans, Ashley Walker and John Hallam 1997 3-4 262
Real-time spectrographic analysis with Sound Blaster sound boards [abstract] Gianni Pavan and Ethan Brodsky 1997 3-4 278-279
Ultrasound acquisition and analysis. Comparison of current methods [abstract] G. Pavan and M. Manghi 1997 3-4 277-278
Sound production with an abdominal "tymbal'' organ in a noctuid moth Pseudoips fagana [abstract] Niels Skals, Annemarie Surlykke and Hanne Serensen 1997 3-4 263
Acoustic emission in Megatrupes cavicollis (Bates 1887) (Coleoptera, Geotrupinae) [abstract] C. Palestrini, M. Luzzatto, A. Roggero and M. Zunino 1997 3-4 263-264
New data on the acoustic communication in two mediterranean grasshoppers Sphingonotus coerulans and Truxalis nasuta (Orthoptera, Acrididae) [abstract] M. E. Clemente, M. D. Garcia and J. J. Presa 1997 3-4 264-265
Stridulation in four ant species of the genus Messor: ultrasonic emission and description of their stridulatory apparata (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) [abstract] M. Priano, G. Pavan, A. Mori, D. Grasso, F. Le Moli, M. Giovannotti, A. Fanfani 1997 3-4 265
Sound production and reproductive behaviour in the armoured catfish Corydoras paleatus (Callichthyidae) [abstract] Inge Pruzskinszky and Friedrich Ladich 1997 3-4 266
Ontogeny of agonistic behaviour and vocalization in the croaking gourami Trichopsis vittata (Teleostei) [abstract] Silvia M. Henglmueller and Friedrich Ladich 1997 3-4 266-267
Startle response level of the Japanese anchovy Engraulis japonicus to underwater pure tone signals [abstract] T. Alramatsu, Y. Matsusita, Y. Hatakeyama and Y. Inoue 1997 3-4 267
Ultrasonic vocalisations during heterosexual encounters in mice Mus musculus [abstract] E. Mazzacane and F.R. D'Amato 1997 3-4 259
Vocalization structure and its possible function in the brown- headed parrot Poicephalus cryptoxanthus [abstract] Vincenzo Venuto and Renato Massa 1997 3-4 268
Song repertoire variability in the reed bunting Emberiza schoeniclus [abstract] Giuliano Matessi, Alessandro Grapputo, Andrea Pilastro and Guglielmo Marin 1997 3-4 269
The measurement of hierarchy of the canary Serinus canaria in the laboratory [abstract] L. Luisanti Fitri, I. Béme and M. Kreutzer 1997 3-4 269-270
Acoustic communication and related behaviour of captive European otters Lutra lutra [abstract] Claudio Gnoli, Claudio Prigioni and Paola Polotti 1997 3-4 270-271
Physical and functional features of vocalisation in the young of Macaca nemestrina: A preliminary study [abstract] M. M. Rigamonti, E. Prato Previde and M. D. Poli 1997 3-4 271
Preliminary analysis of wolf Canis lupus vocalisations recorded in the wild in Italy [abstract] Lorenza Mauri, Marco Apollonio and Ettore Centofanti 1997 3-4 271
Ultrasound and mating behaviour in the field vole Microtus agrestis [abstract] Marie-juliette Mandelli and Gillian Sales 1997 3-4 272
Interactive deterrent devices for fishing nets, designed to reduce small cetacean bycatch [abstract] A. D. Goodson, D. Newborough and B. Woodward 1997 3-4 272-273
Underwater acoustic recording of cetaceans made by the Italian Navy [abstract] Gianni Pavan, Marco Priano, Michele Manghi, Pamela Nascetti and Andrea Perazzi 1997 3-4 273-274
Acoustic behaviour of a bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus mother-calf pair in captivity: technical aspects in data collection and analysis [abstract] Guido Gnone, Gianni Pavan, Stefania Manca, Carla Benold, Barbara Bonsignori and Michele Manghi 1997 3-4 274
Analysis of long clicking sequences of sperm whales Physeter macrocephalus [abstract] Gianni Pavan, Marco Priano, Michele Manghi and Claudio Fossati 1997 3-4 275
Methodological considerations on the acoustic signal analysis for two species of bats (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) [abstract] C. Zmarich, E. Vernier and F. Ferrero 1997 3-4 275-276
Analysis of ultrasound using Avisoft -sonagraph software [abstract] Raimund Specht 1997 3-4 276-277
Vocalisations of captive black and white ruffed lemurs Varecia variegata stability and mother-offspring comparison [abstract] Clotilde Trinchero, Cristina Giacoma, Marco Gamba and Maura Ampollini 1997 3-4 258
Comparative analysis of swimbladder (drumming) and pectoral (stridulation) sounds in three families of catfish F. Ladich 1997 3-4 185-208
Stridulatory organ and ultrasonic emission in certain species of Ponerine ants (Genus Ectotomma and Pachychondyla, Hymenoptera, Formicidae) G. Pavan, M. Priano, P. De Carli, A Fanfani & M. Giovannotti 1997 3-4 209-221
Do the Siberian tits Parus cinctus in Scandinavia and Siberia speak the same language? S. Haftorn & J.P. Hailman 1997 3-4 223-247
Recent bioacoustic publications, 1996 and earlier. Part I Invertebrates-Passerine birds Hansen, P. 1997 3-4 287-318
Research Group News: Borror Laboratory of Bioacoustics (BLB) and the Bioacoustics Research Group at the Ohio State University D.A. Nelson & S.L.L. Gaunt 1997 3-4 281-286
Equipment Review: The Vifa 1" Neodymium Tweeter: a versatile speaker for playback experiments O.N. Larsen & T. Dabelsteen 1997 3-4 323-326
Cassette Review: Birdsongs of Nepal; Birdsongs of Himalayas by S. Connop N. Redman 1997 3-4 321
Book Review: Towards an ornithology of the Himalayas: systematics, ecology and vocalizations of Nepal birds by J. Martens & S. Eck N. Redman 1997 3-4 319-320
Sound libraries have biodiversity taped [abstract] Richard Ranft 1997 3-4 249-250
Acoustic biodiversity in tropical cicadas: examples from S.E. Asia [abstract] Matija Gogala 1997 3-4 250-251
The role of female choice in the evolution of the European green toad Bufo viridis advertisement call [abstract] Sergio Castellano and Cristina Giacoma 1997 3-4 252
Spectrographic analysis of cat Felis catus vocalisations during the early months of life [abstract] Clotilde Trinchero, Cristina Giacoma and Roberto Ostellino 1997 3-4 257-258
Subharmonics, biphonations and frequency jumps in the vocalisation of Japanese macaques Macaca fuscata [abstract] Tobias Riede and Gunther Tembrock 1997 3-4 256-257
Communication in ravens Corvus corax: again new aspects of an old problem [abstract] Ueli Pfister 1997 3-4 256
Dialects in ravens Corvus corax; new aspects of an old problem [abstract] Peter Enggist 1997 3-4 255
Discrimination of the parental call be the king penguin chick Aptenodytes patagonicus: the "cocktail-party'' effect [abstract] Thierry Aubin and Pierre Jouventin 1997 3-4 254-255
Eavesdropping in a territorial songbird communication network: preliminary results [abstract] Peter K. McGregor, Torben Dabelsteen and Jo Holland 1997 3-4 253-254
First recording of the mating call of a burrowing frog from western Madagascar, Scaphiophryne brevis (Boulenger, 1896) (Anura: Mierohylidae) [abstract] Riccardo Jesu and Giovanni Schimmenti 1997 3-4 252-253
Use of auditory brainstem response (ARR) for fish auditory sensitivity study [abstract] Hong Y. Yan, Todd N. Kenyon and Friedrich Ladich 1997 3-4 251
Who are the whales? Sam Ridgway 1997 1-2 3-20
Questions in cetacean bioacoustics: some suggestions for future research Arthur N. Popper, Harold L. Hawkins and Robert C. Gisiner 1997 1-2 163-182
