Volume 5 - index of articles

Displaying 1 - 29 of 29. Click a column heading to sort.
Title Authorssort descending Year Issue Pages
A simple technique for interactive playback experiments using a Macintosh Powerbook computer K Otter, K., Njegovan, M., Naugler, C., Fotherington, J. & Ratcliffe, L. 1994 4 303-308
Book review: Animal Talk: Science and the Voices of Nature Seller, T.J. 1994 4 311-312
Book review: Acoustical Signals of Shorebirds Boswall, J. 1993 1-2 163
Singit! a program for interactive playback on the Macintosh Bradbury, J. & Vehrencamp, S. 1994 4 308-310
Variations in the song of the pied flycatcher within and between breeding seasons Espmark, Y.O. & Lampe, H.M. 1993 1-2 33-65
A computer-based technique for the quantitative analysis of animal sounds Evans, M.R. & Evans, J.A. 1994 4 281-290
Cassette review: Voces de Anfibios Argentinos I. Gerhardt, H.C. 1994 4 313
Recent bioacoustical publications, 1992 Hansen, P. 1993 1-2 131-158
Recent bioacoustic publications, 1993. Part I Invertebrates-Non-passerine birds Hansen, P. 1994 4 291-302
A quantitative analysis of individuality in barnacle goose loud calls Hausberger, M., Richard, J.P., Black, J.M. & Quris, R. 1994 4 247-260
Book review: The Sonar of Dolphins Hawkins, A.D. 1994 3 243-244
The ultrasonic song of the moth Amyna natalis (Lepidoptera:Noctudidae: Acontiinae) Heller, K.-G. & Achmann, R. 1993 1-2 89-97
The use of song repertoire changes with pairing status in male European starling Henry, L., Hausberger, M. & Jenkins, P.F. 1994 4 261-266
Side-bands artefact and digital sound processing J. Vielliard 1993 1-2 159-162
Behavioural response to song playback by male and female white-crowned sparrows of two subspecies Lampe, H.M. & Baker, M.C. 1994 3 171-185
On the extraction of some time dependent parameters of an acoustic signal by means of the analytic signal concept. Its application to animal sound study Mbu Nyamsi, R.G., Aubin, T. & Brémond, J.C. 1994 3 187-203
Field recordings of echolocation and social signals from the gleaning bat Myotis septentrionalis Miller, L.A. & Treat, A.E. 1993 1-2 67-87
Structure and function of red fox Vulpes vulpes vocalisations Newton-Fisher, N., Harris, S., Green, P. & Jones, G. 1993 1-2 1-31
A software bird call detector and its application to automated playback experiments Okanoya, K. & Kimura, T. 1993 1-2 117-122
CD review: Tettigoniidae of Australia. Disc 1 Reynolds, W.J. 1994 3 245-246
Physical characteristics of the vocalizations of domestic goat does Capra hircus in response to their offspring's cries Ruiz-Miranda, C.R., Szymanski, M.D. & Ingals, J.W. 1993 1-2 99-116
Book review: Acoustic Systems in Biology. Sales, G. 1993 1-2 163-164
CD review: Sounds of Taiwan babblers Scharringa, J. 1993 1-2 165
Weddell seals lengthen many underwater calls in response to conspecific vocalizations Terhune, J.H., Grandmaitre, N.C., Burton, H.R. & Green, K. 1994 3 223-226
A system for describing bird song units Thompson, N.S., LeDoux, K. & Moody, K. 1994 4 267-279
Sound production in Mutillid wasps Tschuch, G. 1993 1-2 123-129
The influence of bat detector brand on the quantitative estimation of bat activity Waters, D.A. & Walsh, A.L. 1994 3 205-221
Equipment section: Nagra D: an operational assessment Watson, C. 1994 3 239-241
Equipment section: Canary 1.1. Sound analysis software for Macintosh computers Wilkinson, G.S. 1994 3 227-241