Vocal tract flexibility and variation in the vocal output in wild indris |
Marco Gamba, Livio Favaro, Valeria Torti, Viviana Sorrentino, Cristina Giacoma |
2011 |
3 |
251-266 |
[obituary]: Jacques Vielliard (1944-2010) |
Ranft, R |
2011 |
3 |
217 |
Advances in Bioacoustics III: the XXI IBAC in Pavia, 2007 |
Vielliard, J. |
2011 |
3 |
215-216 |
Alarm calling and sentinel behaviour in Arabian babblers |
Christina Sommer |
2011 |
3 |
357-368 |
How and when do lambs recognize the bleats of their mothers? |
Frédéric Sèbe, Thierry Aubin, Raymond Nowak, Olivier Sèbe, Gaëlle Perrin, Pascal Poindron |
2011 |
3 |
341-356 |
Vocal repertoire of wild breeding Orange-winged Parrot Amazona amazonica in Amazonia |
Leiliany Negrão de Moura, Maria Luisa da Silva and Jacques Vielliard |
2011 |
3 |
331-340 |
Reaction of Fin Whales, Balaenoptera physalus, to an Earthquake |
Juan-Pablo Gallo-Reynoso, Janitzio Égido-Villarreal and Guadalupe Martínez-Villalba |
2011 |
3 |
317-330 |
The Development of the Ultrasound Social Calls of Adult Rhinolophus ferrumequinum From Infant Bat Ultrasound Calls |
M. M. Andrews, T. P. MCowat, P. T. Andrews, R. J. Haycock |
2011 |
3 |
297-316 |
Framework for develop prototype bioacoustic devices in aid of open sea Killer Whale Protection |
J.P. Luke, J. Almunia and F. Rosa |
2011 |
3 |
287-296 |
Terrestrial Sound Monitoring Systems, A Methodology For Quantitative Calibration |
Diego Llusia, Rafael Márquez & Richard Bowker |
2011 |
3 |
277-286 |
Urban noise predicts song frequency in Northern Cardinals and American Robins |
Kerri D. Seger, Amanda D. Rodewald and Jill A. Soha |
2011 |
3 |
267-276 |
Sex discrimination and mate recognition by voice in the Yelkouan shearwater Puffinus yelkouan |
Charlotte Curé, Thierry Aubin and Nicolas Mathevon |
2011 |
3 |
235-250 |
Microdialect and group signature in the song of the skylark Alauda arvensis |
Elodie Briefer, Fanny Rybak and Thierry Aubin |
2011 |
3 |
219-234 |
Bioacoustics of domestication: Alarm and courtship calls of wild and domestic cavies |
Patrícia Ferreira Monticelli & César Ades |
2011 |
2 |
169-192 |
Spawning sounds in Whitemouth Croaker (Sciaenidae), seasonal and daily cycles |
J. S. Tellechea, D. Bouvier & W. Norbis |
2011 |
2 |
159-168 |
Degradation characteristics of golden lion tamarin (Leontopithecus rosalia) two-phrase long calls: implications for call detection and ranging in the evergreen forest. |
Vera Sabatini, Carlos R. Ruiz-Miranda and Torben Dabelsteen |
2011 |
2 |
137-158 |
Effects of aquarium and pond noise on hearing sensitivity in an otophysine fish |
Monika Gutscher, Lidia Eva Wysocki & Friedrich Ladich |
2011 |
2 |
117-136 |
The shape of sound: elliptic Fourier descriptors (EFD) discriminate the echolocation calls of Myotis bats (M. daubentonii, M. nattereri & M. mystacinus) |
Mathieu Lundy, Emma Teeling, Emma Boston, David Scott, Daniel Buckley, Paulo Prodohl, Ferdia Marnell & Ian Montgomery |
2011 |
2 |
101-116 |
Bioacoustics of some Mexican Orthoptera (Insecta: Orthoptera: Ensifera, Caelifera) |
Filippo M. Buzzetti & Ludivina Barrientos-Lozano |
2011 |
2 |
193-213 |
Click communication in harbour porpoises Phocoena phocoena |
Karin Tubbert Clausen, Magnus Wahlberg, Kristian Beedholm, Stacy Deruiter & Peter T. Madsen |
2010 |
1 |
1-28 |
An Unusual Effect Of Maturation On The Alarm Call Fundamental Frequency In Two Species Of Ground Squirrels |
Elena V. Volodina, Vera A. Matrosova, Ilya A. Volodin |
2010 |
1 |
87-98 |
Tests for Call Restoration in the Gray Treefrog Hyla versicolor |
Joshua J. Schwartz, Kenneth Huth, Sherryll H. Jones, Robert Brown, Jacqueline Marks & Xiaoliang Yang |
2010 |
1 |
59-86 |
Nestling Call Modification During Early Development in a Colonial Passerine |
Paulo A. M. Marques, Carlos B. DE Araújo and Luís Vicente |
2010 |
1 |
45-58 |
Alarm Calls of the European Ground Squirrel Spermophilus citellus and the Taurus Ground Squirrel S. taurensis Encode Information About Caller Identity |
Irena Schneiderová & Richard Policht |
2010 |
1 |
29-43 |