Observed Reactions of Fish in Captivity to Replayed Vessel-Noise Sounds from the Fisheries Research Vessel Dana |
Bjarne Stage, Karl-Johan Stæhr, J. Rasmus Nielsen and Bo Lundgren |
2008 |
1-3 |
217-219 |
Effects of Anthropogenic Sounds on Fish |
Arthur N. Popper and Svien Løkkeborg |
2008 |
1-3 |
214-217 |
Determination of the Effects of Seismic Exploration on Fish (Project SEIFISH) |
Arthur N. Popper, Luc A. Comeau and Steven Campana |
2008 |
1-3 |
212-214 |
Characterization of Small-Boat Noises Compared with the Chorus of Sciaena umbra (Sciaenidae) |
Marta Picciulin, Antonio Codarin and Maurizio Spoto |
2008 |
1-3 |
210-212 |
Reactions of Cod Gadus morhua to Low-Frequency Sound Resembling Offshore Wind Turbine Noise Emissions |
Christina Mueller-Blenkle, Emma Jones, Dave Reid, Karin Lüdemann, Rudolf Kafemann and Andreas Elepfandt |
2008 |
1-3 |
207-209 |
Experiments and Observations of Fish Exposed to Seismic Survey Pulses |
R. D. McCauley and J. Fewtrell |
2008 |
1-3 |
205-207 |
Does Boat Noise Affect Spawning Sound Production of Soniferous Fish in Shallow Estuarine Systems? |
Joseph J. Luczkovich and Mark W. Sprague |
2008 |
1-3 |
203-205 |
Acoustic Dose-Response Effects in Marine Fish |
Ronald A. Kastelein, Sander van der Heul, Willem Verboom, Dick de Haan and Peter Reijnders |
2008 |
1-3 |
201-202 |
Observations of the Behaviour of Herring Exposed to Low- (1-2 kHz) and Mid- (6-7 kHz) Frequency Sonar Signals |
Lise Doksæter, Petter H. Kvadsheim, Olav R. Godø, Frank P. A. Benders, Patrick J. O. Miller, Frans P. O. Lam, Nils O. Handegard and Vidar Hjellvik |
2008 |
1-3 |
199-201 |
Hearing Under Ambient and Ship Noise Conditions: a Case Study on Fishes from a Protected Area in the Adriatic Sea |
Antonio Codarin, Lidia E. Wysocki, Friedrich Ladich and Marta Picciulin |
2008 |
1-3 |
197-199 |
Seismic Survey Activity and the Proximity of Satellite-Tagged Sperm Whales Physeter macrocephalus in the Gulf of Mexico |
Martha H. Winsor and Bruce R. Mate |
2008 |
1-3 |
191-193 |
Assessing Effects of an Acoustic Marine Geophysical Survey on the Behaviour of Bottlenose Dolphins Tursiops truncatus |
Sylvia van der Woude |
2008 |
1-3 |
188-190 |
Deep-Diving Odontocetes Behavioural-Response Study (BRS) |
Brandon Southall, Ian Boyd, Peter Tyack and Douglas Wartzok |
2008 |
1-3 |
185-188 |
Masking of Blue and Fin Whales Low-Frequency Vocalizations by Shipping Noise in the Saguenay- St. Lawrence Marine Park |
Yvan Simard, Nathalie Roy and Cédric Gervaise |
2008 |
1-3 |
183-185 |
Evaluating the Effects of Anthropogenic Noise on Estuarine Dolphins Sotalia guianensis from Cananeia, Southeastern Brazil |
Mario M. Rollo, Jr., Fabiane Sayuri Iwai and Julia Mazinini Rosa |
2008 |
1-3 |
181-182 |
Long- and Short-Term Changes in Right Whale Acoustic Behaviour in Increased Low-Frequency Noise |
Susan E. Parks, Christopher W. Clark and Peter L. Tyack |
2008 |
1-3 |
179-180 |
Effect of Environmental Noise on the Florida Manatee Trichechus manatus latirostris |
Jennifer L. Miksis-Olds |
2008 |
1-3 |
176-178 |
Indirect Evidence of Boat Avoidance Behaviour of Yangtze Finless Porpoises |
Songhai Li, Tomonari Akamatsu, Ding Wang, Kexiong Wang, Shouyue Dong, Xiujiang Zhao, Zhuo Wei, Xianfeng Zhang, Barbara Taylor, Leigh A. Barrett, Samuel T. Turvey, Randall R. Reeves, Brent S. Stewart, Michael Richlen and John R. Brandon |
2008 |
1-3 |
174-176 |
Short-Term Behavioural Response of Bottlenose Dolphins Tursiops aduncus to Recreational Powerboats |
Michelle Lemon, Douglas Cato, Tim Lynch, and Robert Harcourt |
2008 |
1-3 |
171-173 |
Effects of Noise on Seals and Sea Lions: Laboratory Approaches |
David Kastak |
2008 |
1-3 |
169-171 |
Noise Levels and Masking Potential of Small Whale-Watching and Research Vessels around Two Delphinid Species |
Frants H. Jensen, Magnus Wahlberg, Lars Bejder and Peter T. Madsen |
2008 |
1-3 |
166-168 |
Noise Effects on the Call Amplitude of Southern Resident Killer Whales Orcinus orca |
Marla M. Holt, Val Veirs and Scott Veirs |
2008 |
1-3 |
164-166 |
Fin Whales Avoid Loud Rhythmic Low-Frequency Sounds in the Ligurian Sea |
Junio F. Borsani, Christopher W. Clark, Barbara Nani, and Michele Scarpiniti |
2008 |
1-3 |
161-163 |
Valuable Lessons from Studies Evaluating Impacts of Cetacean-Watch Tourism |
Lars Bejder and David Lusseau |
2008 |
1-3 |
158-161 |
The Effects of Noise on Echolocating Odontocetes |
Whitlow W. L. Au |
2008 |
1-3 |
155-158 |
Dynamite Blasts in a Humpback Whale Megaptera novaeangliae Breeding Ground, Babuyan Islands, Philippines |
Jo Marie V. Acebes, Jim Darling and Elson Q. Aca |
2008 |
1-3 |
153-155 |
Particle Acceleration Noise Generated by Boats |
Magnus Wahlberg, Henriette B. Schack, Maria Wilson, Lars Bejder and Peter T. Madsen |
2008 |
1-3 |
148-150 |
Marine Seismic Operations |
Sarah L. Tsoflias and John V. Young |
2008 |
1-3 |
146-148 |
Underwater Noise from Construction and Operation of Offshore Wind Farms |
Jakob Tougaard, Peter T. Madsen and Magnus Wahlberg |
2008 |
1-3 |
143-146 |
Vessel-Noise Measurements of the Fisheries Research Vessel Dana: a Simplified Cost-Effective Method |
Karl-Johan Stæhr, Bjarne Stage and Bo Lundgren |
2008 |
1-3 |
141-142 |
Underwater Sound from Marine Pile Driving |
Richard B. Rodkin and James A. Reyff |
2008 |
1-3 |
138-140 |
Understanding Sonar as a Precursor to Understanding Its Environmental Risks |
John F. Polglaze |
2008 |
1-3 |
136-138 |
Ocean Noise Budgets |
James H. Miller, Jeffrey A. Nystuen and David L. Bradley |
2008 |
1-3 |
133-136 |
Transmission of Marine Seismic Signals in Australian Waters |
R. D. McCauley, S. R. Rennie, J. R. Hughes and A. J. Duncan |
2008 |
1-3 |
130-132 |
Air Gun Arrays as Noise Sources: Output, Impact Zones, and Frequency Content |
Peter T. Madsen |
2008 |
1-3 |
127-130 |
The Marine Seismic Air Gun |
Robert M. Laws and David Hedgeland |
2008 |
1-3 |
124-127 |
Criteria for Assessing Ship Noise and Other Broadband Pseudorandom Noise |
Richard A. Hazelwood |
2008 |
1-3 |
120-123 |
Sound-Exposure Metrics for Aquatic Animals |
Mardi Hastings |
2008 |
1-3 |
118-120 |
Metrics |
Charles R. Greene, Jr |
2008 |
1-3 |
116-118 |
Active Sonar Acoustics |
David M. Fromm |
2008 |
1-3 |
113-116 |
Auditory Scene Analysis |
Richard R. Fay |
2008 |
1-3 |
106-109 |
Lateral Line Scene Analysis |
Andreas Elepfandt |
2008 |
1-3 |
105-106 |
Biomechanical and Structural Modelling of Hearing in Baleen Whales |
Maya Yamato, Darlene R. Ketten, Julie Arruda and Scott Cramer |
2008 |
1-3 |
100-102 |
Directional Sensitivity and Sound-Receiving Windows in Dolphins |
Alexander Y. Supin and Vladimir V. Popov |
2008 |
1-3 |
98-100 |
How Do Aquaria and Pond Noise Affect Hearing in Different Fish Species? |
Monika Stummer and Friedrich Ladich |
2008 |
1-3 |
95-97 |
Detection of Sound by Fish: a Minireview |
Olav Sand |
2008 |
1-3 |
92-95 |
Hearing in Marine Carnivores |
Colleen Reichmuth |
2008 |
1-3 |
89-92 |
Orientated Swimming Behaviour of Crab Postlarvae in Response to Reef Sound |
Craig A. Radford, Andrew G. Jeffs and John C. Montgomery |
2008 |
1-3 |
87-89 |
Examinations of Ears in Harbour Porpoises Phocoena phocoena from the North and Baltic Seas |
Susanne Prahl, Darlene R. Ketten and Ursula Siebert |
2008 |
1-3 |
85-87 |
Recent Directions in Odontocete Cetacean Hearing |
Paul E. Nachtigall |
2008 |
1-3 |
82-85 |