A New Method to Investigate the Downstream Migration of Fishes Within a Hydropower Plant Area in a Middle European River - A Possibility to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Behaviour Barriers |
Wolfgang Schmalz, Maria Siegesmund, Konrad Thuermer, Joerg Kranawettreiser and Hans-Peter Hack |
2002 |
2-3 |
308-310 |
A Recollection of Early Electrophysiological Studies of Goldfish Hearing |
Taro Furukawa |
2002 |
2-3 |
109-111 |
A Remote-Controlled Instrument Platform for Fish Behaviour Studies and Sound Monitoring |
Ingvald Svellingen, Bjørn Totland and Jan Tore Øvredal |
2002 |
2-3 |
335-336 |
Acoustic calling in four species of ghost crabs (Ocypode jousseaumei, O. platytarsus, O. rotundata and O. saratan) (Brachyura: Ocypodidae) |
Clayton, D. |
2001 |
1 |
37-55 |
Acoustic Communication and Auditory Neural Computation in Sound-Producing Fish |
John D. Crawford |
2002 |
2-3 |
170-172 |
Acoustic Excitation of the Fish Swimbladder |
David T. I. Francis and Kenneth G. Foote |
2002 |
2-3 |
265-267 |
Acoustic Scattering by Swimbladdered Fish: A Review |
Kenneth G. Foote and David T. I. Francis |
2002 |
2-3 |
263-265 |
Acoustic Scattering Models of Zooplankton |
Andone C. Lavery and Timothy K. Stanton |
2002 |
2-3 |
268-271 |
Acoustic Signals and Aggressive Conflicts in the Skunk Loach Botia morleti: Integrating Sensory and Behavioural Approaches |
Timothy C. Sparkes, Callie Prater, Tomonari Akamatsu and Hong Y. Yan |
2002 |
2-3 |
257-259 |
Acoustical Neural Telemetry from Free-Swimming Fish |
Allen F. Mensinger and Max Deffenbaugh |
2002 |
2-3 |
333-334 |
Ambient Sound as a Navigational Cue for Larval Reef Fish |
Nicholas Tolimieri, Olivia Raine, John C. Montgomery and Andrew Jeffs |
2002 |
2-3 |
214-217 |
An Overview of the Applied Use of Sound in Fisheries and Fish Biology |
Arthur N. Popper |
2002 |
2-3 |
303-305 |
Analyses of Small Tank Acoustics: Empirical and Theoretical Approaches |
Tsuyoshi Okumura, Tomonari Akamatsu and Hong Y. Yan |
2002 |
2-3 |
330-332 |
Anatomically Detailed Acoustic Scattering Models of Fish |
Gavin J. Macaulay |
2002 |
2-3 |
275-277 |
Behavioural, Physiological and Pathological Response of Fishes to Air Gun Noise |
Robert D. McCauley, Jane Fewtrell, Alec J. Duncan and Anita Adhitya |
2002 |
2-3 |
318-321 |
Bioacoustic Absorption Spectroscopy: Estimation of the Biomass of Fish with Swimbladders |
Orest Diachok |
2002 |
2-3 |
271-274 |
Bioenergetics of Calling in Oyster Toadfish Opsanus tau |
M. Clara P. Amorim, Marti L. McCracken and Michael L. Fine |
2002 |
2-3 |
223-225 |
Biomechanics of hearing in fish: from the Sonic to the Ultrasonic |
Mardi C. Hastings |
2002 |
2-3 |
128-131 |
Book review: The Bats of Britain and Ireland - Echolocation Calls, Sound Analysis and Species Identification by John Russ |
N. Vaughan |
2001 |
1 |
79-81 |
Calcium Influences the Mechanical Properties of Hair Cell Bundles |
J. Esther C. Wiersinga-Post and Sietse M. van Netten |
2002 |
2-3 |
156-158 |
Calls of the Atlantic Cod: Does Captivity Restrict Their Vocal Repertoire? |
Kjell Midling, Aud Vold Soldal, Jan Erik Fosseidengen and Jan Tore Øvredal |
2002 |
2-3 |
233-235 |
Correlation of Sound Production with Hearing Sensitivity in the Lake Malawi Cichlid Tramitichromis intermedius |
Jennifer L. Ripley, Phillip S. Lobel and Hong Y. Yan |
2002 |
2-3 |
238-240 |
Development of the Fish Auditory System: How Do Changes in Auditory Structure Affect Function? |
Dennis M. Higgs |
2002 |
2-3 |
180-183 |
Did Auditory Sensitivity and Sound Production Evolve Independently in Fishes? |
Friedrich Ladich |
2002 |
2-3 |
176-180 |
Directional Auditory Processing in the Oyster Toadfish Opsanus tau |
Peggy L. Edds- Walton and Richard R. Fay |
2002 |
2-3 |
202-204 |
Discriminating Between Fish Sounds - a Wavelet Approach |
Mark Wood, Licia Casaretto, Graham Horgan and Anthony D Hawkin |
2002 |
2-3 |
337-339 |
Distribution of Unconventional Myosins in the Zebrafish Ear |
Allison B. Coffin, Dennis M. Higgs, Joelle C. Presson, and Arthur N. Popper |
2002 |
2-3 |
140-142 |
Diversity of Fish Spawning Sounds and the Application of Passive Acoustic Monitoring |
Phillip S. Lobel |
2002 |
2-3 |
286-289 |
Effects of Noise on Auditory Sensitivity of Fishes |
Amy R. Scholik and Hong Y. Yan |
2002 |
2-3 |
186-188 |
Effects of Seismic Shooting and Vessel-Generated Noise, on Fish Behaviour and Catch Rates |
Arill Engas and Svein Løkkeborg |
2002 |
2-3 |
313-316 |
Environmental Constraints on the Acoustic Communication System of Stream Gobies |
M. Lugli |
2002 |
2-3 |
252-255 |
Evolution of the Octavolateralis System: A Phylogenetic Assessment |
Christopher B. Braun and Terry Grande |
2002 |
2-3 |
118-120 |
Evolution of the Weberian Apparatus |
Terry Grande and Christopher B. Braun |
2002 |
2-3 |
120-122 |
Examination of Underwater Hearing and Frequency Discrimination in the Clawed Frog Xenopus laevis laevis |
Andreas Elepfandt |
2002 |
2-3 |
174-176 |
Experiments for Possible Hydroacoustic Discrimination of Free-Swimming Juvenile Gadoid Fish by Analysis of Broadband Pulse Spectra as well as 3D Fish Position from Video Images and Split Beam Acoustics |
Bo Lundgren and J. Rasmus Nielsen |
2002 |
2-3 |
297-299 |
Fish Bioacoustics and Behaviour |
Arthur A. Myrberg, Jr. |
2002 |
2-3 |
107-109 |
Fish Bioacoustics: A Personal History |
William N. Tavolga |
2002 |
2-3 |
101-104 |
Fish Bioacoustics: Introduction |
Arthur N. Popper, Jacqueline F. Webb and Richard R. Fay |
2002 |
2-3 |
99-101 |
Functional Evolution of the Lateral Line System: Implications for Fish Bioacoustics |
Jacqueline F. Webb. |
2002 |
2-3 |
145-147 |
Hydroacoustic Fish Assessment in Shallow Water Environments |
Frank Reier Knudsen |
2002 |
2-3 |
280-283 |
Imaging of the Hydrodynamic Environment by the Peripheral Lateral Line System |
Sheryl Coombs |
2002 |
2-3 |
148-150 |
In Vitro Whole Brain Preparation of Fish for the Electrophysiological Analysis of Sensory Pathways |
Michaela Meyer, Dennis T. T. Plachta, Arthur N. Power and Horst Bleckmann |
2002 |
2-3 |
328-330 |
Innovative Uses of Fisheries Acoustics in the Northwest Atlantic |
J. Michael Jech |
2002 |
2-3 |
277-280 |
Intra- and Inter-Day Variability in Sound Production by Red Drum (Sciaenidae) at a Spawning Site |
Scott A. Holt |
2002 |
2-3 |
227-229 |
Is the Fish Ear an Auditory Retina? Steady Streaming in the Otolith-Macula Gap |
Minami Yoda, Peter H. Rogers and Kathryn E. Baxter |
2002 |
2-3 |
131-134 |
Lateral Line Reading of Hydromechanical Frequency Dispersal of Water Surface Waves: Homology to Cochlear Mechanisms? |
Andreas Elepfandt and Klaus Oed |
2002 |
2-3 |
151-152 |
Locating Spawning Haddock by Means of Sound |
Anthony D. Hawkins, Licia Casaretto, Marta Picciulin and Kjell Olsen |
2002 |
2-3 |
274-286 |
Matched Peripheral Filtering in the Lateral Line Organ and Relation to Temperature |
Sietse M. van Netten and J. Esther C. Wiersinga-Post |
2002 |
2-3 |
153-156 |
Mitigating Seismic Impact on Marine Life: Current Practice and Future Technology |
Max Deffenbaugh |
2002 |
2-3 |
316-318 |
Modelling Studies and Physiology of Discriminatory Coincidence Detection in the Mauthner Neuron |
Janet L. Casagrand, Graham I. Cummins and Robert C. Eaton |
2002 |
2-3 |
212-214 |