underwater - index of articles

Displaying 151 - 200 of 301. Click a column heading to sort.
Title Authors Year Issuesort ascending Pages
The Calm before the Storm: the Need for Baseline Acoustic Studies off the Central and North Coasts of British Columbia, Canada Kathy Heise and Lance Barrett-Lennard 2008 1-3 248-250
Assessing the Impact of Underwater Noise on Marine Fauna: a Software Tool Scott A. Carr and Christine Erbe 2008 1-3 241-243
Effects of Underwater Sound Fields on Tissues Containing Gas Diane Dalecki 2008 1-3 299-301
Elaboration of the NRC Population Consequences of Acoustic Disturbance (PCAD) Model Douglas Wartzok and Peter Tyack 2008 1-3 286-288
Are Seismic Surveys an Important Risk Factor for Fish and Shellfish? Jerry F. Payne, Catherine D. Andrews, Linda L. Fancey, Jacqueline Guiney, Andrew Cook and John R. Christian 2008 1-3 262-265
Ocean Noise Budgets James H. Miller, Jeffrey A. Nystuen and David L. Bradley 2008 1-3 133-136
Understanding Sonar as a Precursor to Understanding Its Environmental Risks John F. Polglaze 2008 1-3 136-138
Vessel-Noise Measurements of the Fisheries Research Vessel Dana: a Simplified Cost-Effective Method Karl-Johan Stæhr, Bjarne Stage and Bo Lundgren 2008 1-3 141-142
Acoustic Dose-Response Effects in Marine Fish Ronald A. Kastelein, Sander van der Heul, Willem Verboom, Dick de Haan and Peter Reijnders 2008 1-3 201-202
Noise Levels and Masking Potential of Small Whale-Watching and Research Vessels around Two Delphinid Species Frants H. Jensen, Magnus Wahlberg, Lars Bejder and Peter T. Madsen 2008 1-3 166-168
Masking of Blue and Fin Whales Low-Frequency Vocalizations by Shipping Noise in the Saguenay- St. Lawrence Marine Park Yvan Simard, Nathalie Roy and Cédric Gervaise 2008 1-3 183-185
The German Sound Propagation Model MOCASSIN: Integration of a Marine Mammal Database for Improving Protection Measures Stefan Ludwig, Ivor Nissen and Michaela Knoll 2008 1-3 253-255
Marine Invertebrates, Intense Anthropogenic Noise, and Squid Response to Seismic Survey Pulses R. D. McCauley and J. Fewtrell 2008 1-3 315-318
Establishing the Boundary Conditions for Experiments on the Effects of Anthropogenic Sound on Fish and Invertebrate Animals Carl R. Schilt 2008 1-3 341-343
Monitoring, Mitigating, and Managing Acoustic Effects on At-Risk Whales on the Scotian Shelf, Canada David Millar 2008 1-3 255-257
Testing the Acoustic Tolerance of Harbour Porpoise Hearing for Impulsive Sounds Klaus Lucke, Paul A. Lepper, Marie-Anne Blanchet and Ursula Siebert 2008 1-3 329-331
Marine Seismic Operations Sarah L. Tsoflias and John V. Young 2008 1-3 146-148
Noise Effects on the Call Amplitude of Southern Resident Killer Whales Orcinus orca Marla M. Holt, Val Veirs and Scott Veirs 2008 1-3 164-166
Effects of Noise on Seals and Sea Lions: Laboratory Approaches David Kastak 2008 1-3 169-171
Effect of Environmental Noise on the Florida Manatee Trichechus manatus latirostris Jennifer L. Miksis-Olds 2008 1-3 176-178
Characterization of Small-Boat Noises Compared with the Chorus of Sciaena umbra (Sciaenidae) Marta Picciulin, Antonio Codarin and Maurizio Spoto 2008 1-3 210-212
An Experiment on How Seismic Shooting Affects Caged Fish Bjarti Thomsen 2008 1-3 219-221
Risk Assessment of Scientific Sonars Elke Burkhardt, Olaf Boebel, Horst Bornemann and Christoph Ruholl 2008 1-3 235-237
Use of Monte Carlo Methods to Determine the Sensitivity of Acoustic Exposure Simulations Colin Lazauski and Glenn Mitchell 2008 1-3 250-252
Is Passive Acoustic Monitoring During Seismic Surveys a Valuable Tool for Mitigation? Nicholas E. Robinson, F. Chaudry, N. M. Clark, G. Duguid and R. N. Walker 2008 1-3 265-267
Modelling Alternative Sonar Waveforms to Determine Risk Factors for Marine Mammals Martin Siderius, Michael Porter and David Mountain 2008 1-3 268-270
Marine Mammal Observers: Real-Time Mitigation of Anthropogenic Noise Sebastian von Lüders and Alison Gill 2008 1-3 284-285
Barotrauma in Aquatic Animals Mardi Hastings and Thomas Carlson 2008 1-3 307-310
Effects of Intense Ultrasound on Atlantic Cod Gadus morhua Henriette B. Schack, Hans Malte and Peter T. Madsen 2008 1-3 319-321
Sound Exposure Chamber for Assessing the Effects of High-Intensity Sound on Fish James S. Martin and Peter H. Rogers 2008 1-3 331-333
Changes in Click Source Levels with Distance to Targets: Studies of Free-ranging White-beaked Dolphins Lagenorhynchus albirostris and Captive Harbor Porpoises Phocoena phocoena Ana Carolina G. Atem, Marianne H. Rasmussen, Magnus Wahlberg, Hans C. Petersen & Lee A. Miller 2009 1-2 49-65
Structural Characteristics of Pulsed Calls of Long-Finned Pilot Whales Globicephala melas Leah Nemiroff & Hal Whitehead 2009 1-2 67-92
Development and social functions of signature whistles in bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus Peter L. Tyack 1997 1-2 21-46
Acoustic communication signals of mysticete whales Peggy L. Edds-Walton 1997 1-2 47-60
Cetacean auditory psychophysics Patrick W. B. Moore 1997 1-2 61-78
Electrophysiological measures of auditory processing in odontocetes William Ford Dolphin 1997 1-2 79-101
Structure and function in whale ears Darlene R. Ketten 1997 1-2 103-135
Analysis of sounds produced by male Padogobius martensi (Pisces, Gobiidae) and factors affecting their structural properties. Torricelli, P., Lugli, M. & Pavan, G. 1990 4 261-275
Sound propagation in shallow water: implications for acoustic communication by aquatic animals Forrest, T.G., Miller, G.L. & Zagar, J.R. 1993 4 259-270
Courtship and underwater communication in the Sunda gharial (Tomistoma schlegelii) A. Staniewicz, S. Foggett, G. McCabe & M. Holderied 2022 4 435-449
Sound production in the blue-green damselfish, Chromis viridis (Cuvier, 1830) (Pomacentridae) M.C. Pessoa de Amorim 1996 4 265-272
Atmospheric and underwater propagation of bullfrog vocalisations S.S. Boatright-Horowitz, C.A. Cheney and A.M. Simmons 1999 4 257-280
Species-specific sounds in water bugs of the genus Micronecta. Part I, Sound Analysis I.M. King 1999 4 297-323
Whistles as close range emotive signals in wild killer whales Orcinus orca of Vancouver Island, British. Columbia, Canada [abstract] F. Thomsen, J. K. B. Ford & D. Franck 1996 4 309-310
Sound production by the Lusitanian Toadfish Halobatrachus didactylus M.E dos Santos, Teresa Modesto, Ricardo J. Matos, Matthew S. Grober, Rui F. Oliveira, Adelino Canário 2000 4 309-321
Sounds of sex and death in the sea: bottlenose dolphin whistles suppress mating choruses of silver perch J.J. Luczkovich, Hal J. Daniel III, Marcy Hutchinson, Todd Jenkins, Stephen E Johnson, Christopher Pullinger, Mark Sprague 2000 4 323-334
Acoustic communication in shallow water: a field study on the clawed frog Xenopus l. laevis [abstract] A. Elepfandt 1996 4 298-299
Acoustic signalling in female fish: factors influencing sound characteristics in croaking gouramis Friedrich Ladich & Isabelle Pia Maiditsch 2018 4 377-390
Cooperative bioacoustic research in the Mediterranean Sea with the Italian Navy [abstract] G. Pavan, D. Nascetti, M. Manghim, M. Priano, C. Fossati & J. F. Borsani 1996 4 318-319
Hydroacoustical investigations on the frog Pipa carvalhoi [abstract] H. Heuwinkel & G. Bunten 1996 4 317
