rodents - index of articles

Displaying 1 - 38 of 38. Click a column heading to sort.
Title Authors Year Issuesort descending Pages
An Unusual Effect Of Maturation On The Alarm Call Fundamental Frequency In Two Species Of Ground Squirrels Elena V. Volodina, Vera A. Matrosova, Ilya A. Volodin 2010 1 87-98
Discomfort-related changes in pup ultrasonic calls of fat-tailed gerbils Pachyuromys duprasi Alexandra S. Zaytseva, Ilya A. Volodin, Olga G. Ilchenko & Elena V. Volodina 2017 1 1-13
The Rich Acoustic Repertoire of a Precocious Rodent, the Wild Cavy Cavia aperea Patrícia Ferreira Monticelli and César Ades 2013 1 49-66
Acoustic analysis of alarm calls in two species of ground squirrels, the European ground squirrel (Spermophilus citellus) and the Taurus ground squirrel (S. taurensis) [abstract] Schneiderová, I. & Policht, R. 2012 1 53-54
Is food-anticipation whistle of Domestic guinea pigs derived from isolation whistle? [abstract] Monticelli, P F; Tarallo, R C R B & Ades, C 2012 1 48
Developmental course of mouse models of autism: emergence of deficits in vocal communication [abstract] Ey, E & Bourgeron, T 2012 1 31-32
Vocal communication in two lemming species (Lagurus lagurus and Eolagurus luteus) Rutovskaya, Marina 2019 1 42-56
Ultrasonic vocalization in infant mice: a slow motion analysis [abstract] Daniela Santucci, lgor Branchi & Enrico Alleva 1994 1 79-80
Ultrasound emission in social communication about food in female mice [abstract] A. Moles and F. R. D'Amato 2002 1 93
Sleep fragmentation disrupts vocal interactions in rats Léo Perrier, Amandine Cascarino, Chloé Mounichetty, Florence Levréro, Nicolas Mathevon & Frédéric Roche 2024 1 91-101
Vocalisations of a North American subterranean rodent Geomys breviceps M.S. DeVries & R.S. Sikes 2008 1 1-15
Alarm Calls of the European Ground Squirrel Spermophilus citellus and the Taurus Ground Squirrel S. taurensis Encode Information About Caller Identity Irena Schneiderová & Richard Policht 2010 1 29-43
Sexual differentiation of ultrasonic vocalizations of Mongolian Gerbils [abstract] Seale, W. T. C., & Holman, S. D. 1989 2 168
Ultrasonic communication in Gliridae (Rodentia): the hazel dormouse (Muscardinus avellanarius) as a case-study Leonardo Ancillotto, Giulia Sozio, Alessio Mortelliti and Danilo Russo 2014 2 129-141
Does sociality imply a complex vocal communication system? A case study for Fukomys micklemi (Bathyergidae, Rodentia). Charlotte Vanden Hole, Paul A.A.G. Van Daele, Niels Desmet, Paul Devos and Dominique Adriaens 2014 2 143-160
Vocalization of the giant mole-rat (Fukomys mechowii), subterranean rodent with the richest vocal repertoire Radka Bednárová, Ema Hrouzková-Knotková, Hynek Burda, Frantisek Sedlácek and Radim Sumbera 2013 2 87-107
Ecological determinants of vocalization parameters: The case of the coruro (Spalacopus cyanus, Octodontidae), a fossorial social rodent S. Veitl, S. Begall & H. Burda 2000 2 129-148
Inter-burrow communication in subterranean rodents: what features are environmental constraints acting over? [abstract] Gabriel Francescoli 2002 2 197
Ultrasonic vocalisations as an index of social memory in male and female mice [abstract] R. Rizzi, F. Moles A Costantini and F. R. D'Amato 2002 2 196
Analysis of Mouse Vocal Communication (AMVOC): A deep, unsupervised method for rapid detection, analysis, and classification of ultrasonic vocalizations Vasiliki Stoumpou, César D. M. Vargas, Peter F. Schade, J. Lomax Boyd, Theodoros Giannakopoulos & Erich D. Jarvis 2023 2 199-229
Bioacoustics of domestication: Alarm and courtship calls of wild and domestic cavies Patrícia Ferreira Monticelli & César Ades 2011 2 169-192
Individual differences in infant guinea pig pups isolation whistles R. S. Tokumaru, C. Ades & P. F. Monticelli 2004 3 197-208
Vocalization of Two Palaearctic Species of Hamster: Eversmann Hamster Allocricetulus eversmanni and Grey Hamster Cricetulus migratorius J. Kapusta, H. Szentgyörgyi, A. Surov, & G. Ryurikov 2006 3 315-330
Vocalization of the silvery mole-rat: comparison of vocal repertoires in subterranean rodents with different social systems Ema Knotková, Silke Veitl, Radim Šumbera, František Sedlácek & Hynek Burda 2009 3 241-257
Vocal stereotypy in the rodent genera Peromyscus and Onychomys (Neotominae): taxonomic signature and call design. Jacqueline R. Miller and Mark D. Engstrom 2012 3 193-213
Ultrasonic Vocalizations and Their Associations With the Non-vocalization Behaviour of the Endangered Turkish Spiny Mouse Acomys cilicius Spitzenberger in a Captive Population Shereena Griffiths, Sue Dow & Oliver Burman 2010 3 143-157
Vocalisations of the degu Octodon degus, a social caviomorph rodent C.V. Long 2007 3 223-244
Vocal repertoire of social Mashona mole-rat (Fukomys darlingi) and how it compares with other mole-rats Veronika Dvoráková, Ema Hrouzková & Radim Sumbera 2016 3 253-266
The acoustic repertoire of Cavia intermedia as a contribution to the understanding of the Caviidae communication system Paula Verzola-Olivio & Patrícia Ferreira Monticelli 2017 3 285-304
Ultrasound from underground: cryptic communication in subterranean wild-living and captive northern mole voles (Ellobius talpinus Ilya A. Volodin, Margarita M. Dymskaya, Antonina V. Smorkatcheva & Elena V. Volodina 2022 4 414-434
Diversity and plasticity of vocalisations in an elusive and arboreal small mammal: the edible dormouse (Glis glis) Carme Bartrina, César Llanos-Guerrero, Núria Valls, Lídia Freixas & Adrià López-Baucells 2024 4 332-352
Ultrasonic vocalization by infant mice to different contexts: a sonographic analysis [abstract] D. Santucci, I. Branchi & E. Alleva 1996 4 320
A preliminary report on the acoustic communication in Uruguayan Ctenomys (Rodentia, Octodontidae): basic sound types G. Francescoli 1999 2-3 203-218
Ultrasound and mating behaviour in the field vole Microtus agrestis [abstract] Marie-juliette Mandelli and Gillian Sales 1997 3-4 272
Sonographic characterization of ultrasonic vocalisations emitted by infant laboratory mice Mus musculus [abstract] Igor Branchi, Daniela Santucci, Augusto Vitale and Enrico Alleva 1997 3-4 259-260
Ultrasonic vocalisations during heterosexual encounters in mice Mus musculus [abstract] E. Mazzacane and F.R. D'Amato 1997 3-4 259
Sound communication in social voles (subgenus Sumeriomys) Marina Rutovskaya 2019 6 503-521
Ultrasonic bouts of a blind climbing rodent (Typhlomys chapensis): acoustic analysis Ilya A. Volodin, Aleksandra A. Panyutina, Alexei V. Abramov, Olga G. Ilchenko & Elena V. Volodina 2019 6 575-591