non-passerine birds - index of articles

Displaying 51 - 100 of 107. Click a column heading to sort.
Title Authors Yearsort descending Issue Pages
Recognition compared between nesting and non-nesting penguins [abstract] P. Jouventin and T. Aubin 2002 1 82
High frequency utterance and perception in the brown-headed parrot Poicephalus crypoxanthus [abstract] V. Venuto and S. Taylor 2002 1 84-85
Syllable recognition in the king penguin [abstract] Thierry Lengagne and Jacques Lauga 2002 1 90
Acoustic repertoire of Spheniseus humboldti, preliminary report on a small captive colony [abstract] B. Biasotti, G. Gnone, E. Boccardo and G. Pavan 2002 1 94
Coding and decoding systems of the rally call of two species of partridges and their hybrids [abstract] Miyuki Ceugniet , Thierry Aubin , Ariane Bernard-Laurent and Dominique Soyez 2002 1 97-98
Analysis of the ecstatic display in male Humboldt penguins [abstract] B. Biasotti, G. Gnone and G. Pavan 2002 2 177
Behavioural modulation by social context in the gregarious parakeet, Melopsittacus undulatus, vocal and postural responses to an alarm call [abstract] Gérard Nicolas 2002 2 177-178
Food-begging calls in African parrots [abstract] V. Venuto, R. Massa and L. Bottoni 2002 2 179
Interspecific aggression in the dark - the case of Tawny OwI Strix aluco L. and Long-eared Owl Asio otus (L.) [abstract] Maciej Fuszara & Elkbieta Fuszara 2002 2 192
Localising bitterns Botaurus stellaris with an array of non-linked microphones M. Wahlberg, J. Tougaard, B. Møhl 2003 3 233-245
Individuality in Scops owl Otus scops vocalizations Marco Dragonetti 2006 2 147-172
Spectrogram Analysis of Animal Sound Production C. P. H. Elemans, K. Heeck & M. Muller 2008 2 183-212
The Technique of Noninvasive Distant Sexing for Four Monomorphic Dendrocygna Whistling Duck Species by Their Loud Whistles Ilya Volodin, Martin Kaiser, Vera Matrosova, Elena Volodina, Anna Klenova, Olga Filatova & Marina Kholodova 2009 3 277-290
Sex discrimination and mate recognition by voice in the Yelkouan shearwater Puffinus yelkouan Charlotte Curé, Thierry Aubin and Nicolas Mathevon 2011 3 235-250
Vocal repertoire of wild breeding Orange-winged Parrot Amazona amazonica in Amazonia Leiliany Negrão de Moura, Maria Luisa da Silva and Jacques Vielliard 2011 3 331-340
Vocal repertoire and flock size in the yellow-faced parrot (Alipiopsitta xanthops) [abstract] Araújo, C; Marcondes-Machado, L O & Vielliard, J 2012 1 26
Vocal stability in two separated populations of a non-oscine bird: the Eurasian woodcock Scolopax rusticola [abstract] Aubin, T, Mathevon, N , Gonçalves, D & Ferrand, Y 2012 1 26-27
Communicating individuality and caller quality with trumpetings in the highly social seabird crested auklet Aethia cristatella [abstract] Klenova, A , Volodin, I ; Zubakin, V ; Volodina, E & Zubakina, E 2012 1 40
Mate call recognition in the blue-footed booby [abstract] Mathevon, N , Aubin, T , Dentressangle, F & Torres, R 2012 1 46-47
Vocal dialects in the flight call of the orange-winged-parrot (Amazona amazonica) [abstract] Moura, L N , Vielliard, J & Silva, M L 2012 1 49-50
Bioacoustic monitoring of a woodpecker community [abstract] Koch, M, Tauchert, K-H & Frommolt, K-H 2012 1 73
A big bird producing a high-pitched call a vocal analysis of the hazel grouse [abstract] Sèbe, F., Leonard, P., Aubin, T., Isoard, R.& Montadert, M 2012 1 80
Monitoring of booming bitterns (Botarus stellaris) by acoustic triangulation [abstract] Tauchert, K-H & Frommolt, K-H 2012 1 83
Low frequency sounds in birds: males booming in two species of Houbara bustard [abstract] Rybak, F, Mascley, A & Hingrat, Y 2012 1 53
Call responses of nestling tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) to competing calls from nest mates [abstract] Leonard, M L, Horn, A G, Marques, P A M & Contasti, A 2012 1 44-45
Vocal individuality in hornbills [abstract] Policht, R 2012 1 50-51
Vocal development via voice breaking in the red-crowned crane Grus japonensis [abstract] Klenova, A, Volodin, I ; Volodina, E & Postelnykh, K 2012 1 72
Vocal labelling of juveniles by group members in spectacled parrotlets [abstract] Wanker, R; Stüven, J & Grindel, B 2012 1 60
Calls of white-naped crane reflect body mass of a bird [abstract] Bragina, E. V. & Beme, I. R. 2012 1 67-68
Noise-dependent vocal plasticity in domestic fowl [abstract] Brumm, H. & Schrader, L . 2012 1 69
Sexing of four monomorphic Dendrocygna whistling duck species by their loud whistles [abstract] Volodin, I ; Matrosova, V, Kaiser, M, Volodina, E & Klenova, A 2012 1 84-85
Identification of individual Eastern Screech-Owls Megascops asio via vocalization analysis Christopher M. Nagy and Robert F. Rockwell 2012 2 127-140
A weak individual signature might not allow chick call recognition by parent Stone Curlews Burhinus oedicnemus M. Dragonetti, C. Caccamo, E. Pollonara, N. E. Baldaccini & D. Giunchi 2013 1 17-32
Individual variation in the contact calls of the monomorphic Peach-fronted Conure, Aratinga aurea, and its potential role in communication. Heidi M. Thomsen, Thorsten J.S. Balsby and Torben Dabelsteen 2013 3 215-227
Non-linear phenomena in little spotted kiwi calls Andrew Digby, Ben D. Bell, Paul D. Teal 2014 2 113-128
Nonlinear phenomena in Petrel sounds Juha T. Tanttu, Jari Turunen & Teemu Kumpumäki 2014 3 219-230
Vocal development and voice breaking in Demoiselle Cranes (Anthropoides virgo) Anna V. Klenova, Maria V. Goncharova, Evgenia V. Bragina, Tatiana A. Kashentseva 2014 3 247-265
Vocal complexity in the palm cockatoo (Probosciger aterrimus) Zdenek, CN, Heinsohn, R, Langmore, NE 2015 3 253-267
Geographic variation in the vocalizations of Australian palm cockatoos (Probosciger aterrimus) M. V. Keighley, N. E. Langmore, C. N. Zdenek & R. Heinsohn 2017 1 91-108
Individual variation in the booming calls of captive Horned Guans (Oreophasis derbianus): an endangered Neotropical mountain bird Fernando González-García, J. Roberto Sosa-López, Juan Francisco Ornelas, Pedro Jordano, Victor Rico-Gray & Vicente Urios Moliner 2017 2 185-198
Vocal individuality, but not stability, in wild palm cockatoos (Probosciger aterrimus) C. N. Zdenek, R. Heinsohn & N. E. Langmore 2018 1 27-42
Vocal individuality of Large-tailed Nightjar (Caprimulgus macrurus) in Peninsular Malaysia Phooi Kuan Chang, Chong Leong Puan, Siew Ann Yee & Jalila Abu 2018 2 131-144
A comparison of three methods for planning a census of Tawny Owl (Strix aluco) populations living at high territorial density Achille Peri 2018 3 245-260
Siberian crane chick calls reflect their thermal state M. V. Goncharova & A. V. Klenova 2019 2 115-128
Classification threshold and training data affect the quality and utility of focal species data processed with automated audio recognition software Elly C. Knight & Erin M. Bayne 2019 6 539-554
Vocalizations of the Ryukyu Scops Owl: individually recognisable and stable Masaoki Takagi 2020 1 28-44
A telemetry study to discriminate between home range and territory size in Tawny Owls Gorka Burgos & Iñigo Zuberogoitia 2020 1 109-121
Vocal instability over time in individual male European Nightjars, Caprimulgus europaeus: recommendations for acoustic monitoring and surveys Sarah Raymond, Sarah Spotswood, Hazel Clarke, Natalia Zielonka, Andrew Lowe & Kate L. Durrant 2020 3 280-295
Vocalizations of the rare and flagship species Pharomachrus mocinno (Aves: Trogonidae): implications for its taxonomy, evolution and conservation Pablo Bolaños-Sittler, Jérôme Sueur, Jérôme Fuchs & Thierry Aubin 2020 6 654-669
Vocal development in nestling kea parrots (Nestor notabilis) Amelia Wein, Raoul Schwing, Takuya Yanagida & Ludwig Huber 2021 2 142-162
