carnivores - index of articles

Displaying 51 - 63 of 63. Click a column heading to sort.
Title Authors Year Issue Pagessort descending
Acoustic monitoring of golden jackals in Europe: setting the frame for future analyses Carlo Comazzi, Silvana Mattiello, Olivier Friard, Stefano Filacorda & Marco Gamba 2016 3 267-278
Acoustic communication and related behaviour of captive European otters Lutra lutra [abstract] Claudio Gnoli, Claudio Prigioni and Paola Polotti 1997 3-4 270-271
Preliminary analysis of wolf Canis lupus vocalisations recorded in the wild in Italy [abstract] Lorenza Mauri, Marco Apollonio and Ettore Centofanti 1997 3-4 271
Spectral analysis of neonatal wolf Canis lupus vocalizations Coscia, E.M., Phillips, D.P. & Fentress, J.C. 1991 4 275-293
Giant otter alarm calls as potential mechanisms for individual discrimination and sexual selection Caroline Leuchtenberger, Renata Sousa-Lima, Carolina Ribas, William E. Magnusson & Guilherme Mourão 2016 3 279-291
Bioacoustics of southern elephant seals. II. Individual and geographical variation in male aggressive vocalisations S. Sanvito & F. Galimberti 2000 4 287-307
Information Content of Coyote Barks and Howls B. R. Mitchell, M. M. Makagon, M. M. Jaeger & R. H. Barrett 2006 3 289-314
Acoustic communication of Pinnipedia in agonistic behaviour [abstract] T. Yu. Lisicina 1996 4 312-313
The communicative life of a social carnivore: acoustic repertoire of the ring-tailed coati (Nasua nasua) Aline Gasco, Humberto F. Ferro & Patricia F. Monticelli 2019 5 459-487
Short moan call reveals seasonal occurrence and diel-calling pattern of crabeater seals in the Weddell Sea, Antarctica Fannie W. Shabangu & Russell A. Charif 2021 5 543-563
Assessing spontaneous howling rates in captive wolves using automatic passive recorders Vicente Palacios, Shannon M. Barber-Meyer, Bárbara Martí-Domken & Lori J. Schmidt 2022 5 562-574
Vocal discrimination of African lions and its potential for collar-free tracking Matthew Wijers, Paul Trethowan, Byron Du Preez, Simon Chamaillé-Jammes, Andrew J. Loveridge, David W. Macdonald & Andrew Markham 2021 5 575-593
Observations on mechanisms and phenomena underlying underwater and surface vocalizations of grey seals Lukasz J. Nowak 2021 6 696-715
