Exploring animal behavior through sound: volume 1 – methods |
Christian T. K.-H. Stadtländer |
In press |
Book review: The Neural basis of echolocation in bats |
Sales, G. |
1991 |
1 |
77-78 |
Book review: The Bats of Britain and Ireland - Echolocation Calls, Sound Analysis and Species Identification by John Russ |
N. Vaughan |
2001 |
1 |
79-81 |
Book review: Directional hearing. |
Gower, D.M. |
1989 |
1 |
83 |
Book reviews: Nature’s music: the science of birdsong; The singing life of birds : the art and science of listening to birdsong; Why Birds Sing: A Journey into the Mystery of Bird Song |
Horn, A.G. |
2006 |
1 |
87-90 |
Book review: Communication in the Chiroptera |
G. D. Sales |
1988 |
1 |
99-100 |
Book review: Acoustical and Vibrational Communication in Insects |
M.F. Claridge |
1988 |
1 |
100-101 |
Book review: Comparative bioacoustics. An overview |
Sueur, Jérôme |
2018 |
1 |
103-104 |
Book review: Acoustic Systems in Biology. |
Sales, G. |
1993 |
1-2 |
163-164 |
Book review: Acoustical Signals of Shorebirds |
Boswall, J. |
1993 |
1-2 |
163 |
Book Review: Vocal communication in the timber wolf Canis lupus by R.M. Schassburger |
F.H. Harrington |
1996 |
2 |
165-168 |
Book and CD review: Warbler Songs and Calls of Britain and Europe |
L. Moores |
2004 |
2 |
179-180 |
Book review: Animal vocal communication – assessment and management roles |
Julia Fischer |
2018 |
2 |
197-199 |
Book review: Principles of Animal Communication by J.W. Bradbury & S.L. Vehrencamp |
S. Semple |
1999 |
2-3 |
227-228 |
Book review: Animal Acoustic Communication by S.L. Hopp, M.J. Owren & C.S. Evans |
O. Larsen |
1999 |
2-3 |
228-230 |
Book review: "Social influences on vocal development" ed. by C.T. Snowdon & M. Hausberger |
C. ten Cate |
1998 |
3 |
237-239 |
Book review: Music, Gestalt and Computing by M. Leaman |
A. G. Horn |
1998 |
3 |
239-241 |
Book review: Acoustic behaviour in insects, an evolutionary perspective |
Michelsen, A. |
1991 |
3 |
241-242 |
Book review: Talking Birds |
Nikolsky, I.D. |
1991 |
3 |
242-243 |
Book review: Cricket Behaviour and Neurobiology |
Lewis, Brian |
1991 |
3 |
243-244 |
Book review: The Sonar of Dolphins |
Hawkins, A.D. |
1994 |
3 |
243-244 |
Book review: Arthropod Bioacoustics: Neurobiology and Behaviour |
Lewis, Brian |
1991 |
3 |
244 |
Book review: The Unknown Music of Birds |
Auzinger, H. |
1988 |
2-3 |
245-246 |
Book review: Aims and methods in neuroethology |
Elsner, N. |
1988 |
2-3 |
249-250 |
Book review: A guide to recorded Australian wildlife sounds - birds |
Kettle, R. |
1988 |
2-3 |
250-251 |
Book review: Primate Vocal Communication |
Gouzoules, H. |
1990 |
3 |
257-258 |
Book review: Bioakustik der Europaischen Laubheuschrecken. Ökologie in Forschung und Anwendung |
Stiedl, O., Bickmeyer, U. & Kalmring, K. |
1990 |
3 |
259-260 |
Book review: Ocean Noise and Marine Mammals |
Fristrup, K. |
2004 |
3 |
267-271 |
Book review: Marine Mammal Observer and Passive Acoustic Monitoring Handbook |
S.L. King |
2015 |
3 |
307-309 |
Book review: Animal Talk: Science and the Voices of Nature |
Seller, T.J. |
1994 |
4 |
311-312 |
Book Review: Towards an ornithology of the Himalayas: systematics, ecology and vocalizations of Nepal birds by J. Martens & S. Eck |
N. Redman |
1997 |
3-4 |
319-320 |
Book Review: Ecology and evolution of acoustic communication in birds ed. by D.E. Kroodsma & E.H. Miller |
M. Naguib |
1997 |
4 |
329-331 |
Book review: Insect Sounds and Communication: Physiology, Behaviour, Ecology, and Evolution by Sakis Drosopoulos & Michael F. Claridge |
W. Bailey |
2006 |
3 |
331-332 |
Book review: Bird Song: Biological Themes and Variations by C.K. Catchpole & P.J.B. Slater |
A.G. Horn |
1996 |
4 |
333-334 |
Book review: Animal Vocal Communication by D. H. Owings & E. S. Morton |
Marc Naguib |
2000 |
4 |
335-336 |
CD and book review: The songs of the grasshoppers and crickets of Western Europe by D. Ragge & J. Reynolds |
H. Bennet-Clark |
1999 |
4 |
361-363 |
Book Review: “Chants d’Amphibiens du Cameroun” Songs of Amphibians of Cameroon |
Rafael Márquez |
2019 |
4 |
364-365 |
Book review: Sound Analysis and Synthesis with R |
Fernando Montealegre-Z |
2020 |
5 |
617-618 |
Book review: Bat Calls of Britain and Europe |
Martin K. Obrist |
2022 |
6 |
739-740 |
Book review: The Handbook of acoustic bat detection |
Krista Patriquin |
2022 |
6 |
740-742 |
Book review: Is That a Bat - a guide to non-bat sounds encountered during bat surveys |
Martin K. Obrist |
2021 |
6 |
743-744 |