bats (Chiroptera) - index of articles

Displaying 1 - 50 of 54. Click a column heading to sort.
Title Authors Year Issue Pagessort descending
Importance of the integrated use of bioacoustics and mist nets for bat surveys In press
Passive acoustic monitoring of cave-dwelling bats with a sonotype classifier In press
Automated bat call classification using deep convolutional neural networks E. Schwab, S. Pogrebnoj, M. Freund, F. Flossmann, S. Vogl & K.-H. Frommolt 2023 1 1-16
Spectral call features provide information about the aggression level of greater mouse-eared bats (Myotis myotis) during agonistic interactions Michael H. Walter & Hans-Ulrich Schnitzler 2019 1 1-25
Social calls in clear-winged woolly bats Kerivoula pellucida from Malaysia T. Kingston, G. Jones, Z. Akbar & T. Kunz 2000 1 1-16
Listening in the dark: acoustics indices reveal bat species diversity in a tropical savannah Claysson de Aguiar Silva, Ricardo B. Machado, Mauricio Silveira & Ludmilla M. S. Aguiar 2023 1 17-32
A comparison of the performance of broad-band and narrow-band bat detectors in two different habitat types S. Parsons 1996 1 33-43
Field recordings of echolocation and social signals from the gleaning bat Myotis septentrionalis Miller, L.A. & Treat, A.E. 1993 1-2 67-87
Recent Bioacoustical Publications (1997 and earlier). Part II: Mammals-General Hansen, P. 1999 1 73-95
Book review: The Neural basis of echolocation in bats Sales, G. 1991 1 77-78
Book review: The Bats of Britain and Ireland - Echolocation Calls, Sound Analysis and Species Identification by John Russ N. Vaughan 2001 1 79-81
Low-cost acoustic design of a bat test room R. Correia, C. Faneca, D. Albuquerque, J. Vieira, C. Bastos, C. Fonseca & M.J. Ramos Pereira 2015 1 81-87
Bats, humans and neural networks discriminate amplitude-modulated FM echoes [abstract] L. A. Miller and D. A. Helweg 2002 1 86
Book review: Communication in the Chiroptera G. D. Sales 1988 1 99-100
The shape of sound: elliptic Fourier descriptors (EFD) discriminate the echolocation calls of Myotis bats (M. daubentonii, M. nattereri & M. mystacinus) Mathieu Lundy, Emma Teeling, Emma Boston, David Scott, Daniel Buckley, Paulo Prodohl, Ferdia Marnell & Ian Montgomery 2011 2 101-116
Echolocation in dolphins with a dolphin-bat comparison Whitlow W.L. Au 1997 1-2 137-162
Echolocation calls of free-flying common vampire bats Desmodus rotundus (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) in Chile Annia Rodríguez-San Pedro & Juan Luis Allendes 2017 2 153-160
CD review: "Ballades dans l’inaudible/The Inaudible World" by M. Barataud J.D. Pye 1998 2 165-166
Acoustic identification of four species of bats (Order Chiroptera) in central Chile Annia Rodríguez-San Pedro; Javier A. Simonetti 2013 2 165-172
CD review: "Fledermäuse: Stimmen der Natur" by M. Podany, B. von Laar, G. Herzig J.D. Pye 1998 2 166-167
Foraging behaviour and echolocation in British bats [abstract] Jones, G. 1989 2 167
The echolocation behaviour of Nycticeius cubanus (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae): inter- and intra-individual plasticity in vocal signatures Emanuel C. Mora, Annia Rodríguez, Silvio Macías, Iliana Quiñonez & Marcia M. Mellado 2005 2 175-193
Unravelling the calls of discrete hunters: acoustic structure of echolocation calls of furipterid bats (Chiroptera, Furipteridae) Fábio Falcão, Joaquín A. Ugarte-Núñez, Deborah Faria, Christini B. Caselli 2015 2 175-183
Potential of bat pass duration measures for studies of bat activity Christian Kerbiriou, Yves Bas, Isabelle Le Viol, Romain Lorrilliere, Justine Mougnot & Jean François Julien 2019 2 177-192
Discriminating individual big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus) sonar vocalizations in different recording situations S.C. Burnett, K.A. Kazial & W. Mitchell Masters 2001 3 189-210
Identification of British bat species by multivariate analysis of echolocation call parameters N. Vaughan, G. Jones & S. Harris 1997 3 189-207
The influence of bat detector brand on the quantitative estimation of bat activity Waters, D.A. & Walsh, A.L. 1994 3 205-221
A method for the synchronisation and control of ultrasound recording and sterophotogrammetry in the reconstruction of animal flight A.P. Norman, L. Teagle & G. Jones 1998 3 207-212
Echolocating bats and tympanate moths: interactions and perspectives [abstract] D. A. Waters & G. Jones 1995 3 217
Echolocation call description of 15 species of Middle-Eastern desert dwelling insectivorous bats Talya D. Hackett, Marc W. Holderied & Carmi Korine 2017 3 217-235
Respiratory muscle function in relation to vocalization in flying bats [abstract] W. C. Lancaster & O. W. Henson, Jr 1995 3 218-219
Energetics of echolocation [abstract] J. R. Speakman 1995 3 219
Recent Bioacoustic Publications (2002 and earlier). Part 2: Mammals - General P. Hansen 2004 3 229-265
Distress calls of nectarivorous bats (Glossophaga soricina) encode individual and species identity David Hörmann, Marco Tschapka, Andreas Rose & Mirjam Knörnschild 2021 3 253-271
Methodological considerations on the acoustic signal analysis for two species of bats (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) [abstract] C. Zmarich, E. Vernier and F. Ferrero 1997 3-4 275-276
The Development of the Ultrasound Social Calls of Adult Rhinolophus ferrumequinum From Infant Bat Ultrasound Calls M. M. Andrews, T. P. MCowat, P. T. Andrews, R. J. Haycock 2011 3 297-316
Recent Bioacoustical Publications, 1999 and earlier. Part II: mammals-general P. Hansen 2001 4 297-334
Geographical variation in the high-duty cycle echolocation of the cryptic common mustached bat Pteronotus cf. rubiginosus (Mormoopidae) Adrià López-Baucells , Laura Torrent, Ricardo Rocha , Ana Carolina Pavan, Paulo Estefano D. Bobrowiec & Christoph F. J. Meyer 2018 4 341-357
Effect of intrinsic and extrinsic factors on the variability of echolocation pulses of Myotis nigricans (Schinz, 1821) (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) Cristian Kraker-Castañeda, Antonio Santos-Moreno, Consuelo Lorenzo & M. Cristina MacSwiney G. 2019 4 366-380
Syllable merging during ontogeny in Hipposideros larvatus Tingting Chi, Muxun Liu, Xiao Tan, Keping Sun, Longru Jin & Jiang Feng 2020 4 387-398
Tracking European bat species with passive acoustic directional monitoring David Wallis & Morten Elmeros 2021 4 418-436
Acoustic characterisation of bats from Malta: setting a baseline for monitoring and conservation of bat populations Clare Marie Mifsud & Adriana Vella 2019 5 427-442
Social signatures in echolocation calls of a leaf-roosting bat, Kerivoula furva Mei-Ting Kao, Jian-Nan Liu, Hsi-Chi Cheng & Takefumi Nakazawa 2020 4 461-480
Echolocation signals of bats – a retrospective David Pye 2021 4 487-497
First data on the acoustic characteristics of some Chiropteran species from northern Algeria Mourad Ahmim, Ridha Dalhoumi & Dragos Stefan Mantoiu 2020 5 499-517
Development and test of a bat calls detection and classification method based on convolutional neural networks Y. Paumen, M. Mälzer, S. Alipek, J. Moll, B. Lüdtke & H. Schauer-Weisshahn 2022 5 505-516
Monitoring cave-dwelling bats using remote passive acoustic detectors: a new approach for cave monitoring Natalia Revilla-Martín, Ivana Budinski, Xavier Puig-Montserrat, Carles Flaquer & Adrià López-Baucells 2021 5 527-542
Variant maps for bat echolocation call identification algorithms Olga Heim, Dennis M. Heim, Lara Marggraf, Christian C. Voigt, Xin Zhang, Yaming Luo & Jeffrey Zheng 2020 5 557-571
Tradition vs. innovation: comparing bioacoustics and mist-net results to bat sampling Matheus Camargo Silva Mancini, Frederico Hintze, Rafael de Souza Laurindo, Rodrigo de Macêdo Mello & Renato Gregorin 2022 5 575-593
Random forest is the best species predictor for a community of insectivorous bats inhabiting a mountain ecosystem of central Mexico Jorge Ayala-Berdon, Kevin I. Medina-Bello, Issachar L. López-Cuamatzi, Rommy Vázquez-Fuerte, M. Cristina MacSwiney G., Lorena Orozco-Lugo, Ignacio Iñiguez-Dávalos, Antonio Guillén-Servent & Margarita Martínez-Gómez 2021 5 608-628
